Cuban governmental leaders following the Sergeants' Revolution

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Dennis M. Ogawa Nippu Jiji Photograph Collection
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ddr-njpa-1-1873 (G630.002)

Nippu Jiji Photograph Archive, "Gaijin" Collection

Caption on front: "The government of Cuba which emerged from the 'Sergeants' Revolution: Dr. Ramon Grau San Martin and his cabinet at the palace in Havana. Seated, in the front row, are: Colonel Julio Aguado, Colonel Manuel Despaigne, the President, Dr. Carlos Finlay and Gustavo Moreno. Standing are: Dr. Manuel Costales Latutu, Dr. Rios Balmaseda, Antonio Gulteras and Ramiros Casablance. (Times Wide World Photos.)"




Hawai'i Times Photo Archives Foundation

Courtesy of the Hawai'i Times Photo Archives Foundation

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