Friends of Minidoka


Through the support of a 2018 National Park Service Japanese American Confinement Sites grant and in partnership with Densho, Friends of Minidoka and Densho worked with a researcher to digitize nearly 1,000 images held in the National Archives, most of which were unprinted film negatives from the official WRA records, in which government photographers were hired to document the Minidoka camp during the war. Most of these images did not yet exist in a digital format, and will help future generations of researchers and descendants better understand Minidoka.

1 Collection
War Relocation Authority, Minidoka Collection (ddr-fom-1)
Collection War Relocation Authority, Minidoka Collection (ddr-fom-1)
The War Relocation Authority, Minidoka Collection contains a set of previously undigitized negatives take between 1943 and 1945 at Minidoka. These negatives were held at the National Archives and were digitized by the Friends of Minidoka. Topics include: camp scenes, education, fire crews, farming, religion, sports, and vocations.