Kenji Ima Family Collection ddr-densho-483

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1402 items
Group photo of four boys and a dog (ddr-densho-483-1303)
img Group photo of four boys and a dog (ddr-densho-483-1303)
Black and white photo of four boys and a dog. Caption on photo: "July 1947" written in black ink.
Photo of two boys eating watermelon (ddr-densho-483-1306)
img Photo of two boys eating watermelon (ddr-densho-483-1306)
Black and white photo of Paul Ima and another boy eating watermelon. Caption on photo "Kenji birthday July 15, 1947" written in black ink.
Small photo of a woman and a girl on a beach (ddr-densho-483-1311)
img Small photo of a woman and a girl on a beach (ddr-densho-483-1311)
Small black and white photo of a woman and a girl on a beach. Caption on photo: "To Mary, Natako Judy, 6/45" written in black ink.
Photo of Tsumu Fukuyama with Paul and Kenji Ima by the Fukuyama family's gravestone (ddr-densho-483-1313)
img Photo of Tsumu Fukuyama with Paul and Kenji Ima by the Fukuyama family's gravestone (ddr-densho-483-1313)
Black and white photo of Tsumu Fukuyama with Paul and Kenji Ima by the Fukuyama family's gravestone

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