Valeda freshmen installation ceremony

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ddr-densho-45-4 (Legacy UID: denshopd-i45-00004)

UW Nikkei Alumni Association Collection

In fall 1947, women of Japanese ancestry started a new student group called Valeda ("wise women" in Greek). Like the Fuyokai, Valeda supported Japanese American women students and encouraged them to join other organizations on campus. Valeda participated in numerous projects on campus and in the community until it disbanded in 1965. Left to right: Setsuko Sugimoto, Grace Seto, Janet Yoshioka, Joyce Toshi, Alice Fukeda, Rae Hayashi, Margaret Senda, Marianne Urakawa, Martha Kawaguchi, Sylvia Nomura, Nobuko Ono, Fumi Uyeda, Nancy Ohashi, Nori Oba, Lilly Kitamoto, and Mickey Takayoshi.

c. 1953


Still Image


Courtesy of the UW Nikkei Alumni Association

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