Uchiyama Collection ddr-densho-406
206 items
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-176)
Will try to get her some stockings, hopes to be home soon
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-177)
Went to Florence on his day off and bought her some stockings, also has a surprise for her from Switzerland
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-178)
The war is officially over, but he is waiting to celebrate when he can come home, wants Kathy to visit his sister Kai (Kasumi Uchiyama) before she goes to San Jose after the camp closes.
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-179)
Is sending $50, and another $25 in a money order, hasn't sent the stockings yet, but soon.
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-180)
Glad to hear her brother Fred is being discharged, promises to help with Yuri (Aileen) when he gets home, tells her not to listen to rumors, he will mostly likely be home in Feburary.
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-181)
Men in the 442nd are harder to deal with than in his old unit, reminisces about times when he, Fred and Frank would talk about how he could get the nerve to talk to her.
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-182)
Glad to hear she had a visit with her sister Trudy, and news of other friends, is planning a trip to Switzerland on a pass
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-183)
The men with higher points are leaving soon, but he has only 68 points, is getting paid and will send her $80. last page missing
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-184)
Knows his family will be glad she is jointing them in Mt. View, but he doesn't want her to do any work while she is there, is sending more stockings
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-185)
Has more points than he thought, but still not expecting to leave until February, plans to go to Switzerland on a pass, but need her to send money
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-186)
Has the German prisoners he is guarding chop and stack wood for him, things both he and Archie will probably come home about the same time
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-187)
Kathleen should be leaving camp soon, he doesn't know what he'll do when he gets out, definitely won't go back to school on the G.I. Bill, too much work.
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-188)
Saw Archie and went to a movie, the men are angry about the strikes in ports in U.S. stopping ships
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-189)
The men are angry about the strikes, he is going to the rest center in Rome for a week, is sending money to her and to his mom.
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-190)
Received all the letter and packages from her and her sister Trudy, enjoyed time in Rome, could get a rating if he signs on to stay until all the troops are gone, but doesn't want to.
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-191)
Hoping they lower the points to 70 so he can go home, is broke again.
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-192)
Now thinks he will be home for Christmas, will get some new clothes with his discharge pay.
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-193)
Wishing Kathleen Happy Birthday, tells her not to send anything more because expects to be leaving in November, the shoes she sent don't fit, so gave them to Archie
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-194)
Is expecting to be home before Christmas, glad to hear Fred's wife had a baby, doesn't want to sign the waiver to get a higher rating
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-195)
Should be leaving for the depot to wait for a boat home on November 8, worried he might get seasick on the way back.
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-196)
Heard from a friend that he is not on the list to leave soon, and he turned down the waiver that would have given him a higher rating because he thought he was going home, things have not gone his way since the "incident" at Fort Sheridan
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-197)
Archie is headed home with everyone with 70 or more points.
Letter from Kathleen Koga Uchiyama to Alvin Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-198)
Written after Kathleen and Yuri (Aileen) moved to Mountain View, probably with Alvin's parents. Describes house they are sharing with others with no running water or ceiling, having family around.
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-199)
Will probably leave in another week, is going to have some german prisoners make him some boxes to get his stuff home, is sending a photo of him in Rome
Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-200)
Should be leaving for the depot in Naples in a few days, sorry he and Archie couldn't leave together, plans to stay with his family for a while to help out