Sumi Family Collection ddr-densho-399
39 items
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Tsuneichro and Yaino Sumi in San Francisco prior to WWII (ddr-densho-399-1)
Two men in early model car
Passport issued by Imperial Japanese Government (ddr-densho-399-2)
For Shijuko Sumi, with photo and stamps
Passport issued by Imperial Japanese Government (ddr-densho-399-3)
For Yuji Sumi with photo and stamps
Certificate of Identification (Alien Registration) (ddr-densho-399-4)
Issued to Yuji Sumi by U.S. Department of Justice
Certificate of Identification (Alien Registration) (ddr-densho-399-5)
Issued to Shizuko Sumi by U.S. Department of Justice
Photo of group of children (ddr-densho-399-14)
Caption on back: "Topaz nursery schl", Shizuko Sumi (3rd row/2nd from right)
Photo of young women (ddr-densho-399-15)
Caption on back: "2nd row 1st of the left Lou's mom Topaz / Mrs. Sumi", (Shizuko Sumi)
Photo of group of men and women (ddr-densho-399-16)
Caption on back: "Lou's dad 2nd row/4th 4/1/1944" (Yuji Sumi), Shizuko Sumi (1st row/4th from left) and caption In Japanese
Photo of children seated at tables (ddr-densho-399-17)
Caption on back: "Mrs. Sumi" (Shizuko Sumi)
Photo of four women (ddr-densho-399-18)
Caption on back: "Lou's mom 1st going right to left / taught nursery sch." (Shizuko Sumi) and caption in Japanese
Photo of Yuichi 'Lou' Sumi standing by Eiffel Tower (ddr-densho-399-19)
Caption on back: "Eiffel Tower 1952"
Photo of man in uniform lying on cot (ddr-densho-399-20)
Yuichi 'Lou' Sumi / Colonel (1951-1952) / 514th Ordinance Medium Automotive Maintenance Company France
Photo of soldiers inside tent (ddr-densho-399-21)
Caption on back: "Inside the tent. I guess you can see whose place is the messiest.", "Pictured again back wall" Yuichi 'Lou' Sumi
Photo of men standing with trophy (ddr-densho-399-22)
Caption on back: "Volleyball", Volleyball Champs (2nd from the left) Yuichi 'Lou' Sumi / Colonel (1951-1952) / 514th Ordinance Medium Automotive Maintenance Company France
Photo of couple dancing (ddr-densho-399-23)
"Wedding 1953 / Kuniko (Sumi) (Tanforan/Topaz Internee) and George Kazuo Tamaki (Heart Mountain Internee)"
Photo of Yuichi and Yuji Sumi (ddr-densho-399-25)
"Having worked in the wholesale business prior to WWII, Yuji Sumi opened the 'New World Gift Shop' in 1945. Located at 1131 Amsterdam Avenue in New York City, it sold giftware and collectibles primarily from Japan. It closed in 1994."
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