National Archives and Records Administration Collection ddr-densho-37
720 items
720 items

Camp new arrivals (ddr-densho-37-60)
Original WRA caption: High school teachers assist arriving evacuees from the Tule Lake relocation center.

Japanese Americans relocating to a different camp (ddr-densho-37-61)
Original WRA caption: Baggage of Tule Lake transferees sorted and piled accordingly at Hunt siding. Most of the baggage was delivered to the owners the same day.

Registration of camp new arrivals (ddr-densho-37-62)
Original WRA caption: Transferees from Tule Lake relocation center being registered for housing immediately after inspection of baggage. It was arranged so that the people arriving by truck from the rail siding unloaded their baggage for inspection and received their housing assignments at the same time and then got back on the trucks for delivery to …

Japanese Americans relocating to a different camp (ddr-densho-37-63)
Original WRA caption: A group of the 254 evacuees transferred from the Minidoka relocation center to the Tule Lake center boards the train at Hunt siding after riding the five miles from the center in trucks.

Japanese Americans transferring to a different camp (ddr-densho-37-64)
Original WRA caption: A group of 254 evacuees transferred from the Minidoka Relocation Center to the Tule Lake Center boards the train at Hunt siding after riding the five miles from the center in trucks.

Japanese Americans relocating to a different camp (ddr-densho-37-65)
Original WRA caption: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seikichi, center and right, with two friends. They are here shown packing their personal belongings preparatory to moving to another center.

Segregees' arrival at Tule Lake (ddr-densho-37-66)
Original WRA caption: Segregee's household effects arrive at apartment [at Tule Lake].

Harvest Festival Parade (ddr-densho-37-67)
Original WRA caption: Some of the evacuees who participated in the Harvest Festival Parade held at this relocation center.

Harvest Festival Parade (ddr-densho-37-68)
Original WRA caption: Two of the participants of the Harvest Festival Parade, which was witnessed by a large crowd of the residents at this relocation center.

Harvest Festival (ddr-densho-37-69)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. A scene at the Harvest Festival held at this relocation center.

Harvest Festival Parade (ddr-densho-37-70)
Original WRA caption: Two of the evacuees who participated in the Harvest Festival Parade which was held at this relocation center.

Harvest Festival Parade (ddr-densho-37-71)
Original WRA caption: Farm workers who participated in the Harvest Festival Parade held at this relocation center. Their hats were fashioned from turnips.

Harvest Festival Parade (ddr-densho-37-72)
Original WRA caption: This float in the Harvest Festival consisted of garden produce from the farm at this relocation center.

Harvest Festival Parade (ddr-densho-37-73)
Original WRA caption: Three costumes that were worn in the Harvest Festival Parade held at this relocation center.

Sixth-grade students (ddr-densho-37-74)
Original WRA caption: Sixth grade pupils in the classroom. Miss Mae Hert is the teacher.

Fifth-grade boys playing (ddr-densho-37-75)
Original WRA caption: The boys of the lower fifth grade, taught by Mrs. Rhoda McGarva, shown here are choosing sides for games.

Fifth-grade boys playing (ddr-densho-37-76)
Original WRA caption: These boys of the low fifth grade, taught by Mrs. Rhoda McGarva, are playing "Cock Fight."

Fifth-grade girls playing (ddr-densho-37-77)
Original WRA caption: The girls of the lower fifth grade, taught by Mrs. Rhoda McGarva, are here shown playing "Two Deep."

Remodeled barracks exterior (ddr-densho-37-78)
Original WRA caption: A view showing the artistic way in which the evacuees decorate the exterior of the barracks to make them more homelike.

Row of barracks (ddr-densho-37-79)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. A view down one of the streets of the relocation center, showing the artistic way in which the evacuees decorate the exterior of their barracks to make them more homelike.

Hog farm (ddr-densho-37-80)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. A view of hogs at the temporary hog farm at this relocation center.

High school (ddr-densho-37-82)
Original WRA caption: One of the barracks at this center which is used for a high school. As yet the students haven't decided on a name for the school.

Farmers loading truck (ddr-densho-37-83)
Original WRA caption: Evacuee farmers loading a truck with recently dug potatoes at the farm at this relocation center.

Farmer loading potatoes (ddr-densho-37-84)
Original WRA caption: An evacuee farmer ready to put a sack of newly dug potatoes on the truck at the farm at this relocation center.

Two Japanese American farmers (ddr-densho-37-85)
Original WRA caption: Two women of Japanese ancestry pause from their potatoe harvesting to pose for this picture.