Mary Mon Toy Theatrical Collection ddr-densho-367

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366 items
Autographed photo of Telly Savalas (ddr-densho-367-356)
img Autographed photo of Telly Savalas (ddr-densho-367-356)
Inscription on photo front: "Who loves ya, Mary?" I do! Telly Savalas
Publicity shot of Mary Mon Toy and Telly Savalas on set (ddr-densho-367-357)
img Publicity shot of Mary Mon Toy and Telly Savalas on set (ddr-densho-367-357)
Written on back: Mary Mon Toy, Telly Savalas publicity shot for Kojak, The Chinatown Murders Sept. 15, 1974
Mary Mon Toy, Telly Savalas and Johnny Kai on set of Kojak (ddr-densho-367-359)
img Mary Mon Toy, Telly Savalas and Johnny Kai on set of Kojak (ddr-densho-367-359)
Written on back: Mary Mon Toy Telly Savalas Johnny Kai in "Chinatown Murders" Kojak Special
Envelope containing seven photos taken from TV screens of Kojak episode (ddr-densho-367-365)
doc Envelope containing seven photos taken from TV screens of Kojak episode (ddr-densho-367-365)
Addressed to Mary Mon Toy. Written on envelope front: Screen shots taken by brother Frank
Columbine Vol. 5 No. 4 December 1976 (ddr-densho-367-367)
doc Columbine Vol. 5 No. 4 December 1976 (ddr-densho-367-367)
Includes story about the filming of Kojak episode in Chinatown

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