Tsuji Collection


The Tsuji collection consists of two photographs of the Japanese language school in Seattle, Washington, when it was used as a hostel for Japanese Americans immediately after World War II.



2 photographic prints, black and white


Courtesy of the Tsuji Family Collection

Copyright restricted
Copyright restricted

2 Objects

Hostel, Japanese language school (ddr-densho-31-1)
img Hostel, Japanese language school (ddr-densho-31-1)
These children are on the front steps of the Japanese language school. The school housed many Japanese Americans immediately after the incarceration. Front row (left to right): Nancy Tada and Susumu Ohashi holding Kiyomi Ohashi. Second row: Ronnie Tada, Takashi Aoki, Yoshiko Tokita, Yasuo Tokita, and Yuzo Tokita. Third row: Janet Tada, Setsuko Kojima, Peggy Ohashi, …