Milton and Molly (Kageyama) Maeda Collection ddr-densho-287

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745 items
Couple (ddr-densho-287-355)
img Couple (ddr-densho-287-355)
Black and white photograph of an unidentified couple.
Family home (ddr-densho-287-356)
img Family home (ddr-densho-287-356)
Black and white photograph of an unidentified family standing and sitting in the yard by the family home. Written on the album page below the image is "-by Mr. Sherman Juvinall 1930 ?" in white.
Wedding day (ddr-densho-287-357)
img Wedding day (ddr-densho-287-357)
Black and white photograph of Milton Maeda and Molly (Kageyama) Maeda at their wedding at the Portland Assembly Center.
Molly and Milton (ddr-densho-287-358)
img Molly and Milton (ddr-densho-287-358)
Black and white photograph of Milton Maeda and Molly (Kageyama) Maeda sitting together.
Milton Maeda (ddr-densho-287-359)
img Milton Maeda (ddr-densho-287-359)
Black and white photograph of Milton Maeda. Written on the photograph is "To: Molly Milton" in black ink. Same as ddr-densho-287-711.
Molly and Milton (ddr-densho-287-360)
img Molly and Milton (ddr-densho-287-360)
Color photograph of Milton Maeda and Molly (Kageyama) Maeda standing together.
Maeda family picture (ddr-densho-287-361)
img Maeda family picture (ddr-densho-287-361)
Black and white photograph of the Maeda family. Standing left to right: Roy Maeda, Milton Maeda, and Rikichi Maeda. Sitting from left to right: Richard Maeda, Yoshiko Maeda and Frances Maeda. Written on the album page below the image is "Richard - Roy - Milton - Dad Mom - Frances" in white pencil.
Four people (ddr-densho-287-362)
img Four people (ddr-densho-287-362)
Black and white photograph of four people outside together. From left to right: Lena "Charlee" (Kageyama) Omori, Jeannie, Mikie (Kageyama) Yasui, and Robert "Bob" Kageyama. Written on the album page below the image is "Charlee - Jeannie - Mikie - Bob" in white pencil.
Group (ddr-densho-287-363)
img Group (ddr-densho-287-363)
Black and white photograph of five people standing outside in winter. Written on the album page in white ink is "Yuka - Shu - Joannie - Pappy - Mommy" in white pencil.
Patty Lloyd (ddr-densho-287-364)
img Patty Lloyd (ddr-densho-287-364)
Black and white photograph of Patty Lloyd. Written on the top of the album page is "The Lloyds" in white. Written below the image is "Patty" in white.
Marky Lloyd (ddr-densho-287-365)
img Marky Lloyd (ddr-densho-287-365)
Black and white photograph of Marky Lloyd. Written on the top of the album page is "The Lloyds" in white. Written below the image is "Marky" in white.
Larry Lloyd (ddr-densho-287-366)
img Larry Lloyd (ddr-densho-287-366)
Black and white photograph of Larry Lloyd. Written on the top of the album page is "The Lloyds" in white. Written below the image is "Larry" in white. Same as ddr-densho-287-710.
Larry Lloyd (ddr-densho-287-367)
img Larry Lloyd (ddr-densho-287-367)
Black and white photograph of Larry Lloyd in military uniform. Written on the top of the album page is "The Lloyds" in white. Written below the image is "Loo-ey" in white.
Marky Lloyd (ddr-densho-287-368)
img Marky Lloyd (ddr-densho-287-368)
Black and white photograph of Marky Lloyd laying on a couch dressed in nothing but gloves and booties. Written on the top of the album page is "The Lloyds" in white. Written below the image is "with gloves & booties" in white.
Marky Lloyd (ddr-densho-287-369)
img Marky Lloyd (ddr-densho-287-369)
Black and white photograph of Marky Lloyd laying on a crawling on a table dressed in nothing but a hat. Written on the top of the album page is "The Lloyds" in white. Written below the image is "All dressed up" in white.
Patty and Marky (ddr-densho-287-370)
img Patty and Marky (ddr-densho-287-370)
Black and white photograph of Patty Lloyd and Marky Lloyd at the beach next to a palm tree. Written on the top of the album page is "The Lloyds" in white.
Chin Chow (ddr-densho-287-371)
img Chin Chow (ddr-densho-287-371)
Black and white photograph of a dog. Written on the top of the album page is "The Lloyds" in white. Written below the image is "Chin Chow" in white.
Larry and Marky (ddr-densho-287-372)
img Larry and Marky (ddr-densho-287-372)
Black and white photograph of Larry Lloyd and Marky Lloyd at the beach sitting in the sand. Written on the top of the album page is "The Lloyds" in white. Written below the image is "In Florida Sands" in white.
Helping with the laundry (ddr-densho-287-373)
img Helping with the laundry (ddr-densho-287-373)
Black and white photograph of Sharon Maeda standing on a chair helping doing laundry with a ringer washer.
Three children (ddr-densho-287-374)
img Three children (ddr-densho-287-374)
Black and white photograph of three children sitting on a picnic table. From left to right: Sharon Maeda, Joan, and Tommy. Written on the album page below the image is "Sharon - Joan - Tommy" in white.
Diane Maeda (ddr-densho-287-375)
img Diane Maeda (ddr-densho-287-375)
Black and white photograph of Diane Maeda as an infant. Written on the album page below the image is "Diane" in white.
Diane Maeda (ddr-densho-287-376)
img Diane Maeda (ddr-densho-287-376)
Black and white photograph of Diane Maeda as a toddler. Written on the album page below the image is "Diane" in white.
Carol (ddr-densho-287-377)
img Carol (ddr-densho-287-377)
Black and white photograph of a baby named Carol laying on a bed. Written on the album page below the image is "Carol" in white.
Sharon Maeda (ddr-densho-287-378)
img Sharon Maeda (ddr-densho-287-378)
Black and white photograph of Sharon Maeda dressed in a winter coat with matching hat and muff.
Christmas 1947 (ddr-densho-287-379)
img Christmas 1947 (ddr-densho-287-379)
Black and white photograph of Sharon and Diane Maeda opening Christmas presents.

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