Hatchimonji Collection ddr-densho-242
34 items
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Cast of kabuki play at Columbia University, 1927 (ddr-densho-242-1)
Caption below photo written by Kumezo Hatchimonji: 'Yoshitsune K no Hashi, presented at Earl Hall, Columbia University in 1927. 3rd from left, back row, our instructor, an actor from the Imperial Theatre, Tokyo. My role was a humble one but as a character actor, maybe I played well. Anyway, I made the audience laugh.' Kumezo is …
Tomato Festival in Niland, California (ddr-densho-242-2)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji:: "Kumezo Hatchimonji probably 1954, Niland, California, Tomato Festival, shown with local youngster. Kumezo was owner of Valley Seed Co. in Niland."
Nisei twin brothers (ddr-densho-242-3)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji:: "Father Kumezo Hatchimonji, mother Nobue, twin sons: left Megumi (Mike) and Tasuke (Ike). Born January 8, 1928, El Centro, California."
Japanese American family preparing for the journey to the Pomona Assembly Center (ddr-densho-242-4)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "May 1942 - El Monte, California - In front of family store. Hatchimonji family about to leave for the Pomona Assembly Center then the WRA camp at Heart Mountain, Wyoming. L-R: Tasuke Ike, Megumi Mike, Kumezo father, Nobue mother, and daughter Gloria, wearing the family ID tags."
"At Heart Mountain, Block 27, 1944" (ddr-densho-242-5)
Caption on front: "At Heart Mountain Block 27 1944." Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Heart Mountain, Wyoming. Block 27. 1944. Front: Nobue, Gloria, Kumezo. Back: Mike and Ike."
Nisei brothers and sister at train station (ddr-densho-242-7)
Caption on front: "Union Station L.A. 1940." Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Ike, Mike, and Gloria at Union Station, Los Angeles, 1940."
Two teen boys (ddr-densho-242-9)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Ike and Mike on day of departure to a camp May 1942."
Japanese Industrial Association parade (ddr-densho-242-10)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Brawley, Calif. - probably mid 1920s. Japanese Industrial Association in parade."
Three Nisei children in Phoenix, Arizona (ddr-densho-242-11)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Phoenix, Arizona. Mike and Ike with friend Teruko Yoshiga."
Dance party in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles (ddr-densho-242-12)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Dance Party LA 1923." Caption on reverse: "Little Tokyo, Los Angeles 1923. 'Dance Party.' No other detail."
Community Council at Heart Mountain concentration camp (ddr-densho-242-13)
Caption on front: "Second Com. Council [illegible] - July 1944." Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Heart Mountain, Wyoming, july 1944. Community Council. Block representatives. Kumezo Hatchimonji, block 27, back row, extreme left."
"Family leaving for the Pomona Assembly Center" (ddr-densho-242-14)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "May 1942, Covina, CA. Family leaving for the Pomona Assembly Center."
Portrait of Japanese American nurse (ddr-densho-242-15)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Sachi Komuro - probably 1939. Graduated from St. Luke's Hospital, San Francisco, CA. She was our aunt and step sister to Nobue. Went on as a career nurse in Honolulu, HI."
Issei man in Los Angeles (ddr-densho-242-16)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Los Angeles - around 1947-48. Kumezo Hatchimoji at his home."
Issei woman (ddr-densho-242-17)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Nobue Hatchimonji, our mother. Place unknown - probably after WWII."
Portrait of Japanese American family, postwar (ddr-densho-242-18)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji:"Nov. 1946 Kakimoto [?] family. Santa Barbara, CA. L-R: Jean, Ikuo (Ikey), Aiko (Kay) and Aimee. Aimee was my mother's sister, one of the three original Komuro sisters."
Man in a garden (ddr-densho-242-19)
For 16.1, 16.2, and 16.3. Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Heart Mountain Victory Gardens 1943-45. Organized by Kumezo Hatchimonji who supplied the Japanese vegetable seeds which were in storage after he left for camp. It was very successful because farmers were ablt to grow their favorite crops and supply them to the other internees. Kumezo is seen …
Hand over garden (ddr-densho-242-20)
Caption on front: "My V garden in v.g. Area The hand of Mike Aug. 1944."
Victory garden (ddr-densho-242-21)
Caption on front: "The V.G. sponsored by me in 1943. This picture taken in 1944, August."
Farewell dinner at Heart Mountain concentration camp (ddr-densho-242-22)
Caption on front: "Tom Sashikara Aug '44." Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Heart Mountain Aug. 1944. Caption reads: 'Farewell dinner for Tom Sashikara leaving for Cleveland, OH. Guy Robertson, the camp director and Mrs. Pryne were there.' K. Hatchimonji is seen on left with his hand on his chin."
Storefront of Valley Seed Company (ddr-densho-242-23)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "2 Valley Seed Co. photos. Kunezo Hatchimonji in front of his seed store in El Monte, Calif. He operated the store from 1934 to 1942. Live plants shown are from Union Nursery." Caption on reverse: "Anderson Photo Service, Apr. 22, 1936, El Monte, Calif."
Issei man in front of his store (ddr-densho-242-24)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Kunezo Hatchimonji in front of his seed store in El Monte, Calif. "
Group portrait of Japanese Americans in formal attire (ddr-densho-242-25)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Ninomiya photo - could be in Los Angeles. No data available."
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