"Seattle Chapter Installs New Officers"

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Masao Sakagami Collection

Pacific Citizen newspaper clipping from March 17, 1951: "SEATTLE, Wash.--Newly-installed officers of the Seattle JACL joined hands with Pres. Harry Takagi in a pledge for unity and teamwork in 1951 after the chapter's installation service recently. From left to right, Kay Yamaguchi, Ken Nogaki and James Matsuoka, vice-presidents; Pres. Takagi; Beulah Shigeno, corresponding secretary; Betty Noji, recording secretary; and Mits Kashiwagi, treasurer. Attorney Bill Mimbu administered the oath of office and also acted as toastmaster. Attorney George Revelle, active on the Mayor's Civic Unity Committee, spoke on constitutional rights and the obligations of citizenship.--Photo by Elmer Ogawa."

March 17, 1951




Courtesy of the Masao Sakagami Collection

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