Fresno Grapevine Vol. I No. 7 (June 13, 1942)

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ddr-densho-190-7 (Legacy UID: denshopd-i190-00007)

Fresno Grapevine Collection

Selected article titles: "Colorful Program to End Flag Week. Impressive Ceremonies Scheduled" (p. 1), "Flag Day Program" (p. 1), "Improvements" (p. 2), "Hospital 3 Grounds to Be Improved" (p. 3), "Few People Break Curfew Regulations" (p. 3), "Dance Under the Stars" (p. 3), "Children May Get Book Room" (p. 3), "'Cock-Eyed Mayor' From Kaneko-Kai Steals Show" (p. 4), "Center Store Will be Lengthened by 40 Feet" (p. 4), "Amphitheatre to be Done by June 19" (p. 5), "Manzanar Residents Will Eat Melons" (p. 5), "Sacramentans to Move to Tule Lake" (p. 5), "Basic English Class to be Formed Soon" (p. 5).

June 13, 1942




Courtesy of the Hoover Institution Library

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