Fresno Grapevine Vol. II No. 17 (September 26, 1942)

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ddr-densho-190-37 (Legacy UID: denshopd-i190-00037)

Fresno Grapevine Collection

Selected article titles: "Relocation Preparations Underway. Rush for Boxes is On, Residents Anxiously Await Moving Orders" (p. 1), "Clothes Altering Department Will be Open Daily" (p. 1), "Finance Division Getting Ready for Relocation" (p. 1), "Editorial: Preparing Ourselves for Community Cooperation" (p. 2), "Farm Project Group Carries on Intensive Educational Program" (p. 3), "Chefs Praised as Mess F Takes 'F' Excellence Flag" (p. 4).

September 26, 1942




Courtesy of the Hoover Institution Library

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