Fresno Grapevine Vol. II No. 11 (September 5, 1942)

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ddr-densho-190-31 (Legacy UID: denshopd-i190-00031)

Fresno Grapevine Collection

Selected article titles: "Building Trade School Planned. Training for Employees is Contemplated" (p. 1), "Center Students Get Extended Vacation" (p. 1), "Bad News! Center Payroll Delayed" (p. 1), "Training for Employees is Contemplated" (p. 1), "Sept 7 -- Labor Day. A Salute to the Laborers Our Army Behind the Army" (p. 2), "'E' Excellence Flag Won by Mess Hall A" (p. 3), "Confinees from Tulare Center Transferred Here" (p. 4).

September 5, 1942




Courtesy of the Hoover Institution Library

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