Fresno Grapevine Vol. II No. 4 (August 12, 1942)

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ddr-densho-190-24 (Legacy UID: denshopd-i190-00024)

Fresno Grapevine Collection

Selected article titles: "Residents to Elect Panel of 21. Issei, Nisei 16 and Over May Participate" (p. 1), "Hog Producing Class to be Started Soon" (p. 1), "Applications for Absentee Voters Available Here" (p. 1), "Like Carving? Don't Practice on Fig Trees" (p. 1), "Editorial: Nisei Urged to Exercise Voting Power at Primary Election" (p. 2), "Ventilators Installed" (p. 3), "First Aiders Learn How to Help Injured" (p. 4).

August 12, 1942




Courtesy of the Hoover Institution Library

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