Green Lake Young People's Club

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ddr-densho-136-28 (Legacy UID: denshopd-p136-00028)

Tanagi Collection

Members of the Green Lake Seinenkai (young people's club), a social club primarily for Nisei in their teens and twenties. This club organized athletic, cultural, and social activities such as formal dances (pictured here). (L to R): Tak Nakawatase, Shuichi Abe, Toshiko Fukano, Naoshi Kumagai, Minnie Ota, Kiyoshi Tada, May Kumasaka, Nobi Yamada, Ko Suzuki, Sumio Mochizuki, Mitsu Fukano, Mac Sasaki, Kimi Taguchi, Tadashi Kumagai, Sally Matsuda, Akira Kumasaka, Chieko Matsuda, Harry Ota, Kay Suzuki, Eddie Kanno, Shig Murakami.


Still Image


Courtesy of the Tanagi Family Collection

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