Governor signing the Washington State Redress Bill

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ddr-densho-10-7 (Legacy UID: denshopd-p10-00007)

Kinoshita Collection

Governor John Spellman of Washington State signs a state bill allocating redress payments of $5,000 each for thirty-eight Nisei state employees who lost their jobs during World War II due to their Japanese ancestry. Front row (left to right): Cherry Kinoshita, Governor John Spellman, Miye Ishihara, and Frank Kinomoto. Back: unidentified, Representative Gary Locke, Paul Ellis, Representative Art Wang, unidentified, unidentified, Senator George Fleming, Mako Nakagawa, Ron Sims, and Michi Maebori.

May 13, 1983


Still Image


Courtesy of the Kinoshita Family Collection

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