[War Food Administration bookmark]

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ddr-csujad-4-1 (CSUJAD Local ID: nis_01_001, CSUJAD Project ID: csudh_nis_0001)

CSU Dominguez Hills James H. Osborne Nisei Collection

A bookmark created by the War Food Administration, which provides information on the importance of eating wisely. It has instructions to contact the local Nutrition Committee for further information. It also contains a logo with a family and the motto, "U.S. Needs Us Strong, Eat The Basic 7 Every Day." The backside of this bookmark contains a graph, which outlines the 7 Basic Foods Groups. It also gives a breakdown of the seven groups, along with the suggested foods to consume an item from each group daily. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nis_01_001


Miscellaneous Documents


CSU Dominguez Hills Department of Archives and Special Collections

[Title of item], James H. Osborne Nisei Collection, Courtesy of the Department of Archives and Special Collections. University Library. California State University, Dominguez Hills

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