Alameda Japanese American History Project: Alameda Japanese American Citizens League Collection ddr-ajah-7
143 items
Statement from Washington Township Chapter of the JACL for Township Register (ddr-ajah-7-1)
Condemning the attack on Pearl Harbor and affirming communities loyalty
Bulletin No. 8 published by the Washington Township JACL (ddr-ajah-7-4)
Instructions to Issei requiring them to re-register
Summary of farm acreage owned or farmed by Japanese Americans or Alien Japanese (ddr-ajah-7-5)
Covering Washington township, Eden Township and Alameda County for 1941-1942
Bulletin issued by Washington Township JACL related to evacuation orders (ddr-ajah-7-6)
Asking community members for accounting of family members, possessions and that they comply with the order
Transcript of radio broadcast by Tom C. Clark (ddr-ajah-7-7)
Instructions for the process of evacuation of people of Japanese descent from the restricted zones, and plans for managing property
Letter from George Nakamura to Francis Biddle (ddr-ajah-7-8)
Asking for consideration for his father based on his ill-health
Letter from Office Secretary for Washington Township Chapter of the JACL to California Deaf School (ddr-ajah-7-9)
Requesting permission to pick up daughter Kasuko to prepare for evacuation
Letter from Harry Kondo to John W. Abbott (ddr-ajah-7-10)
Asking for consideration for allowing community members to move to productive agricultural land
Letter from Harry Kondo to T. Sugimoto (ddr-ajah-7-11)
Informing him that his baggage had to be paid in advance for shipping and that the JACL had paid the shipping costs to Colorado
Letter from Harry Kondo to Pete Aiello, Greco Canning Co. (ddr-ajah-7-12)
Enclosing contract for sale of tomato plants
Letter to Teiko Ishida from Washington Township Chapter JACL (ddr-ajah-7-13)
Adding new members to the JACL
Notice of evacuation date for people of Japanese ancestry sent by Washington Township JACL (ddr-ajah-7-14)
Informing community that evacuation date is May 9, to meet a Tanforan Assembly Center, to dispose of any property or items, get their typhoid inoculation and register for an absentee ballot.