
From 1942-1945, camp inmates published newspapers documenting events inside and outside the camps. Although published under the direction of the camp administration, these newspapers were important for building and maintaining a sense of community among the Japanese Americans.

World War II (239)
Concentration camps (1640)
Publications (360)

Related articles from the Densho Encyclopedia :
Newspapers in camp, Trek (newspaper)


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360 items
Japanese Americans purchasing camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-458)
img Japanese Americans purchasing camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-458)
Original WRA caption: Heart Mountain Relocation Center, Heart Mountain, Wyoming. Customers line up at the counter as the Sentinel, Heart Mountain Relocation Center 8 page tabloid newspaper is delivered. Center news and views found in the Sentinel pages is enthusiastically accepted by center residents of Japanese ancestry, evcauated from west coast defense areas.
Newspaper office workers (ddr-densho-37-687)
img Newspaper office workers (ddr-densho-37-687)
Original WRA caption: A group of part time high school student workers in project newspaper office.
Japanese Americans working on camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-459)
img Japanese Americans working on camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-459)
Original WRA caption: Heart Mountain Relocation Center, Heart Mountain, Wyoming. Trimming the assembled Sentinels is George Tokoshige, while Reports Officer Vaughn Mechau and Sentianl Editor, Bill Hosokawa check for the hundredth time for possible makeup or printing errors.
Japanese American working on camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-461)
img Japanese American working on camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-461)
Original WRA caption: Heart Mountain Relocation Center, Heart Mountain, Wyoming. In the press room of the Cody Enterprise, Bill Hosokawa, Editor of the Sentinel, Heart Mountain Relocation newspaper, pulls a galley proof. Aside from being editor of the paper, Bill, on press night, sets type, prepares makeup, locks forms, and performs all the tasks pertinent to …
Japanese American working on camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-460)
img Japanese American working on camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-460)
Original WRA caption: Heart Mountain Relocation Center, Heart Mountain Wyoming. In the press room of the Cody Enterprise, Bill Hosokawa, Editor of the Sentinel, Heart Mountain Relocation Center newspaper, sets type for the final makeup of the weekly edition. Bill, a former foreign correspondent and Washington U. graduate, sets type, pulls proofs, operates the linotype, locks …
Japanese Americans working on camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-465)
img Japanese Americans working on camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-465)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. Evacuee artists who work on the Tulean Dispatch.
Desert Sentinel, vol. 1, no. 8 (ddr-densho-382-17)
doc Desert Sentinel, vol. 1, no. 8 (ddr-densho-382-17)
Newsletter from Gila River camp, published by the Journalism Class of Rivers High. Selected articles: "Student Council Install Officers" (p. 1); "Editorial Misconduct-Unnecessary" (p. 2); "Eagles Tie for Champs" (p. 4)