Family reunification
World War II
Family reunification
122 items
122 items

Typed and notarized letter from Teru Koyama to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit. Page 6 of 13. (ddr-one-5-233)
Photocopy of a typed letter from Teru Koyama to Edward J. Ennis concerning the rehearing of Keizaburo Koyama's case. Mrs. Koyama then moves on to the more personal side of her husband's life. She speaks briefly on how difficult the Great Depression was for the family due to being a new dentist, her illness and the …

Family Camp Applicant Now Interned at Santa Fe, New Mexico (ddr-one-5-203)
Photocopy of a declassified memo on Keizaburo Koyama on his request to be reunited with his family in Minidoka, Idaho. Two initials are next to the option for "Parole to WRA without rehearing" option. On the bottom is written seven statements on Koyama including his occupation being a dentist, his memberships, his Army report, that he …

Letter from Miriam Koyama to Edward J. Ennis, Director Enemy Alien Control Unit. Page 1 of 2. (ddr-one-5-211)
Photocopy of a declassified handwritten letter from Miriam Koyama, daughter of Teru and Keizaburo Koyama, to Edward J. Ennis, Director Enemy Alien Control Unit. Miriam writes about her family and how much she misses her father. She mentions that she spent her 9th birthday in the Portland Assembly Center and her 10th at Minidoka. Due to …

Letter from William K. Koyama from the Minidoka Concentration Camp to the United States Attorney Carl C. Donaugh asking him to parole his father, Keizaburo Koyama. Page 3 of 4. (ddr-one-5-167)
Photocopy of a declassified letter written by Keizaburo Koyama's son, William, to the United States Attorney Carl C. Donaugh asking him to release his father to the Minidoka War Relocation Center. William continues that his mom is in poor health and may not live much longer without being reunited with her husband. He does not wish …

Unsigned letter from H. L. Stafford, Project Director at Minidoka War Relocation Project, to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit, on the approval of Dr. Koyama's parole (ddr-one-5-242)
Photocopy of a declassified typed letter from H.L. Stafford, Project Director of the Minidoka War Relocation Project, to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit. Mr. Stafford writes about his interaction with Mrs. Koyama and her efforts to have her husband paroled. He is forwarding to Washington, D.C., a copy of her testimony.

Typed and notarized letter from Teru Koyama to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit. Page 2 of 13. (ddr-one-5-229)
Photocopy of a typed letter from Teru Koyama to Edward J. Ennis concerning the rehearing of Keizaburo Koyama's case. On the second page, Teru writes about how long she thought about writing this letter and only did so after receiving encouragement and permission to do so from Washington, D.C. She addresses the two reasons why her …

Letter from Carl C. Donaugh, United States Attorney for Portland, Oregon on requesting a rehearing for Keizaburo Koyama with date and filing stamps. (ddr-one-5-207)
Photocopy of a declassified typed letter from Carl C. Donaugh, United States Attorney for Portland, Oregon, to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Alien Enemy Control Unit about Dr. Keizaburo Koyama, Japanese alien. Donaugh writes that he is attaching an affidavit from Teru Koyama, Dr. Koyama's wife, petitioning for a rehearing. He also mentions several letters and phone …

Letter from Keizaburo Koyama to the Department of Justice asking to be reunited with his family. (ddr-one-5-175)
Photocopy of a declassified handwritten letter from Keizaburo Koyama to the Enemy Alien Control Unit of the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. Koyama asks that he be relocated to the camp where his family is currently being held. At the moment, Koyama is currently being held in Camp Livingston, Louisiana.

Letter from Keizaburo Koyama to Colonel L. T. Weaver, Commanding Officer of the Camp Livingston Internment Camp in Louisiana, requesting copies of his educational certificates (ddr-one-5-200)
Photocopy of a declassified typed letter from Keizaburo Koyama to Colonel L. T. Weaver, Commanding Officer of the Camp Livingston Internment Camp. Dr. Koyama was advised at his Fort Missoula Hearing by U.S. Immigration officials to obtain his official educational attendance records. He sent this request to his wife who had the records forwarded to Camp …

Internee of War (ddr-one-5-179)
Photocopy of the front of a folder marked "INTERNEE OF WAR." It's from Keizaburo Koyama and is addressed to the Enemy Alien Control Unit in Washington, D.C. It's stamped "Censored/War Department/S.O.S.-P.M.G.O./By R.L.S. 12-14-42"

Memorandum for Alien Enemy Information Bureau Office of the Provost Marshal General War Department, Washington D.C. (ddr-one-5-249)
Photocopy of a declassified memorandum concerning the change of status for Keizaburo Koyama. On January 1, 1944, Koyama's status changed from being "Interim Paroled" at Santa Fe, New Mexico to being paroled at Spokane and to be inducted into Minidoka War Relocation Project, Hunt, Idaho.

Letter from Carl C. Donaugh, United States Attorney, to Edward J. Ennis, Director of the Alien Enemy Control Unit on the proposed rehearing of Keizaburo Koyama (ddr-one-5-209)
Photocopy of a declassified letter from Carl C. Donaugh to Edward J. Ennis on the petition from Keizaburo Koyama for a rehearing. Carl writes that the United States Attorney for Los Angeles will soon be conducting rehearings for select internees and that he is forwarding Koyama's case file to them.

Letter from Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit, in response to Eva Koyama's letter dated August 2, 1943 (ddr-one-5-222)
Photocopy of a declassified typed letter from Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit, to Eva Koyama. Edward acknowledges receipt of her letter dated August 2nd, 1943 as well as the letter from her sister, Miriam Koyama, dated August 1st, 1943. He notifies her that her father, Keizaburo Koyama, has been granted a rehearing, but …

Letter from Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit, to H.L. Stafford, Project Director, Minidoka War Relocation Project concerning the parole of Keizaburo Koyama (ddr-one-5-247)
Photocopy of a declassified typed letter from Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien control Unit, to H.L. Stafford, Project Director, Minidoka War Relocation Project concerning the parole of Keisaburo Koyama. He advised Mr. Stafford that the Attorney General signed Koyama's parole on November 26, 1943 and that he should be able to rejoin his wife in …

Letter from Carl C. Donaugh, United States Attorney for Portland, Oregon on requesting a rehearing for Keizaburo Koyama (ddr-one-5-206)
Photocopy of a declassified typed letter from Carl C. Donaugh, United States Attorney for Portland, Oregon, to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Alien Enemy Control Unit about Dr. Keizaburo Koyama, Japanese alien. Donaugh writes that he is attaching an affidavit from Teru Koyama, Dr. Koyama's wife, petitioning for a rehearing. He also mentions several letters and phone …

Letter from William K. Koyama from the Minidoka Concentration Camp to the United States Attorney Carl C. Donaugh asking him to parole his father, Keizaburo Koyama. Page 2 of 4. (ddr-one-5-166)
Photocopy of a declassified letter written by Keizaburo Koyama's son, William, to the United States Attorney Carl C. Donaugh asking him to release his father to the Minidoka War Relocation Center. William adds that his father studied dentistry in the United States, donates to the Red Cross, is a Christian, and has raised his kids to …

Letter from Eva Koyama to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Alien Enemy Control Unit. Page 2 of 5. (ddr-one-5-214)
Photocopy of a declassified handwritten letter from Eva Koyama, daughter of Teru and Keizaburo Koyama, to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit. She adds that both of her parents came to the United States in High School and went on to college. They worked hard to Americanize and raised their children to think of …

Typed and notarized letter from Teru Koyama to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit. Page 11 of 13. (ddr-one-5-238)
Photocopy of a typed letter from Teru Koyama to Edward J. Ennis concerning the rehearing of Keizaburo Koyama's case. Mrs. Koyama then goes on about her faith and that of her husband's. In both of their cases, they say that their incarceration has helped them to become better Christians. She also talks about her declining health …

Application for the Rehearing in the internment of Keizaburo Koyama. Page 2 of 2. (ddr-one-5-202)
Photocopy of a declassified application for the rehearing of Keizaburo Koyama brought about by his wife, Teru Koyama. In addition to being a devout Christian, Teru writes that her husband was active in community and church associations, raised money for the American Red Cross and Community Chest, and that she and her husband have to wish …

Typed and notarized letter from Teru Koyama to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit. Page 12 of 13. (ddr-one-5-239)
Photocopy of a typed letter from Teru Koyama to Edward J. Ennis concerning the rehearing of Keizaburo Koyama's case. As Mrs. Koyama finishes her letter, she again leans on her faith and the democratic ideals of the United States to help her reunite with her husband. She wants nothing more than to have her family reunited …

Typed and notarized letter from Teru Koyama to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit. Page 8 of 13. (ddr-one-5-235)
Photocopy of a typed letter from Teru Koyama to Edward J. Ennis concerning the rehearing of Keizaburo Koyama's case. He also approached Mrs. Hirata, the widow of the deceased dentist, about buying her husband's office and she refused. On his wife's advice. Dr. Koyama leased the new office to himself for two years. While Dr. Koyama …

Letter with instructions on applying for family reunification from the Alien Enemy Control Unit (ddr-one-5-182)
Photocopy of a declassified typed letter from Edward J. Ennis, Director of the Alien Enemy Control Unit, to Keizaburo Koyama. Edward writes that he is including information on the procedure to apply for a rehearing. This will determine if he qualifies to be reunited with his family. This copy is a duplicate to 2016.23.92, but with …

Memorandum for Alien Enemy Information Bureau Office of the Provost Marshal General War Department, Washington D.C. (ddr-one-5-248)
Photocopy of a declassified memorandum concerning the change of status for Keizaburo Koyama. On December 11, 1943, Koyama's status changed from being interned at Santa Fe, New Mexico to being "Interim Paroled" at Santa Fe for travel to Hunt, Idaho. The parole was ordered by the Attorney General on November 26, 1943.

Envelope from Keizaburo Koyama to the Enemy Alien Control Unit in Washington, D.C. (ddr-one-5-178)
Photocopy of the front of an envelope from Keizaburo Koyama at Camp Livingston, Louisiana to the Enemy Alien Control United in Washington, D.C. The envelope is stamped "Censored/War Department/S.O.S.-P.M.G.O./By R.L.S. 12-14-42"

Signed letter from H. L. Stafford, Project Director at Minidoka War Relocation Project, to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit, on the approval of Dr. Koyama's parole with docketing and filing stamps (ddr-one-5-243)
Photocopy of a declassified typed letter from H.L. Stafford, Project Director of the Minidoka War Relocation Project, to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit. Mr. Stafford writes about his interaction with Mrs. Koyama and her efforts to have her husband paroled. He is forwarding to Washington, D.C., a copy of her testimony. The letter …