Alien land laws

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Law and legislation (148)
Alien land laws (57)

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Alien land laws


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57 items
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 59, Vol. 21 (November 20, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-47)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 59, Vol. 21 (November 20, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-47)
Selected article titles: "Seattle Sansei Freed on Bail in Mississippi" (p.1-2), "Japanese Language Project" (p.1-2), "ACLU Supports NAACP Suit to Void Prop. 14" (p.1), "When Bracero Program Ends, Call Retained Mexican Workers 'Primo'" (p1, 3), "'Inclusion' of Negro Jurors if Deliberate Held as Unconstitutional as 'Exclusion'" (p.3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 59, Vol. 3 (July 17, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-29)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 59, Vol. 3 (July 17, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-29)
Selected article titles: "California JACL Committee against Prop. 14 Starts Push" (p.1), "Vandals Smear Anti-Japanese Slogns on New Half-Million Dollar Toho Theater" (p.1), "GI Claims He's Victim of Racial Bias" (p.1), "Stockton Japanese Eye New Project Area" (p.3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 59, Vol. 2 (July 10, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-28)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 59, Vol. 2 (July 10, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-28)
Selected article titles: "Nat'l Jr. JACL Proposed for 1966 Convention" (p.1), "Fitting Climax to Convention: Wilkin's Challenge to Nisei" (p.1-2), "JACL Honors Americans Who Fought for Civil Rights of Nisei" (p.1), "JACL in 3d Try to Repeal Wash. Alien Land Law" (p.3), "Oral History Questionnaire Drafted" (p.4).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 59, Vol. 15 (October 9, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-41)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 59, Vol. 15 (October 9, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-41)
Selected article titles: "Employment Profile Study" (p.1), "44-Year History of Calif. Real Estate Assn., Prop. 14 Boosters, Recalled-Once Advocated Permanent Removal of Nisei from State" (p.1), "Late Yen Claimants Told U.S. Gov't Not Obligated to Pay" (p.1), "So. Calif. Interviews Enthusiastic over Opportunity to Work on Issei History" (p.1), "Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Rights Act" …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 60, No. 6 (February 5, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-6)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 60, No. 6 (February 5, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-6)
Selected article titles: "Immigration Amendments Due Early Committee Study" (p.1-2), "Utah Legislature for Validating Mixed Marriages before Repeal" (p.1), "Snake River Valley Issei-Nisei Lauded" (p.1), "Santa Maria Issei Popularizes Salads with Extensive Lettuce, Celery Farming" (p.1).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 61, No. 23 (December 3, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-49)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 61, No. 23 (December 3, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-49)
Selected article titles: "Washington Land Law Repeal Campaign in '66 under Fire" (p.1), "Japanese Understand 'U.S. Honor Is at Stake in Vietnam': Amb. Takeuchi" (p.1), "History Project: Twin Falls Portal for 10,000 Evacuees" (p.1), "Northside of 1st St. in Li'l Tokio Spared Seizure" (p.3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 60, No. 19 (May 7, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-19)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 60, No. 19 (May 7, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-19)
Selected article titles: "PNWDC Ratifies Push to Repeal Alien Land Law" (p.1), "Sacrifice of Nisei during War Gained Quick Acceptance: Masaoka" (p.1, 4), "Thoughts from the Southland" (p.2), "Court Rejects Hawaii Reapportionment Plan" (p.3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 61, No. 26 (December 24-31, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-52)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 61, No. 26 (December 24-31, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-52)
Selected article titles: "For Equality In and Under the Law" (p.A1, A3), "Immigration: Abolish Quota System over Five-Year Period" (p.A5-A6), "Japanese Resent Stigma of 1924 Exclusion Act" (p.A8, A10), "Dr. Steve Abe: Psychologist Compares Nisei-Sansei Teenage Relationship" (p.B3-B5, B23), "The Enemy at Guadlcanal" (p.B6, B10, B18), "The Road through the Pasture"(p.B20). The holiday issue included advertisements …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 61, No. 15 (October 8, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-41)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 61, No. 15 (October 8, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-41)
Selected article titles: "President Signs Immigration Act Repealing Asian Quotas" (p.1, 3), "CREA Lauded by Commissioner Gordon for Effortts to Fight Housing Discrimination" (p.1), "Final Evacuation Claim Approved by U.S. Court of Claims" (p.1), "PNWDC Prepping for Third Try at Land Law Repeal" (p.1, 4), "History Project: "Contributions of Pacific Northwest Issei" (p.4).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 61, No. 20 (November 12, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-46)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 61, No. 20 (November 12, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-46)
Selected article titles: "Becoming Involved in Civil Rights" (p.1), "50,000 Aliens in Wash. Seen as Allies for SJR 20"(p.1-2), "Bulldozers in Action to Start on San Francisco Japanese Trade Center"(p.1), "History Project: Two Cities Which Faced Evacuees" (p.3, 6).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 61, No. 24 (December 10, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-50)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 61, No. 24 (December 10, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-50)
Selected article titles: "All Systems 'Go' for Repeal of Washington Land Law"(p.1-2), "Education Key to Freedom, Mrs. Mink says" (p.1), "1965 Immigration Laws" (p.2), "Tall Watch-Tower Overlooking Minidoka WRA Camp Still Standing, says Seattleite after Insepction Trip" (p.3), "'Nisei' Japanese Cherry Trees Planted at Washington Monument Area, Part of 3,800 from Japanese Government" (p.5), "10 Visas …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 60, No. 5 (January 29, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-5)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 60, No. 5 (January 29, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-5)
Selected article titles: "Wyoming Legislature Repeals Anti-Miscegenation Statute" (p.1-2), "Virginia Anti-Miscegenation Law Argued before Special U.S. Court" (p.1-2), "700 Supplemental Farm Workers Placed on 'Stand-By' in California" (p.1), "Alien Land Law Campaign in 1966 Sighted" (p.2).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 60, No. 1 (January 1, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-1)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 60, No. 1 (January 1, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-1)
Selected article titles: "Pentagon Order Threatens 442nd Unit as Army Reserve" (p.1), "Complications Foil JACL Chapter Bid to Repeal Washington Alien Land Law; Chapters Now Reconsidering Campaign Effort" (p.1, 3), "ACLU Files Suit to Declare Prop. 14 Unconstitutional in Los Angeles Court" (p.1), "NC-WNDC Group Health Plan Sign-Ups Star" (p.4), "Puyallup Valley CL to Push Japanese …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 60, No. 3 (January 15, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-3)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 60, No. 3 (January 15, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-3)
Selected article titles: "Another Angle Proposed to Eliminate Alien Land Law" (p.1), "Texas Issei Pioneers in Farming Had Little Thought of 'Hiki-Age'" (p.1-2, 4), "Japanese Supplemental Farm Workers Program in California Jeopardized by Latest U.S. Labor Dept. Rule to Remove Braceros" (p.1), "Los Angeles Area Oriental Groups Form Council" (p.3-4).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 18 (November 2, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-44)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 18 (November 2, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-44)
Selected article titles: "JACL Program Attracts Youth to Be Leaders" (p.1), "Nat'l Headquarters Prepared for All-Time Membership High" (p.1), "Supreme Court Upholds Voting Rights Decision"(p.1), "JACL's Registered Voter Campaign" (p.2), "Race Prejudice in So. Dakota Reported" (p.3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 12 (September 21, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-38)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 12 (September 21, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-38)
Selected article titles: "Hart Immigration Bill" (p.1-2), "Washington Repeal Campaign on SJR 21 Moves into High" (p.1-2), "1889 Land Law 'Lies about Like a Loaded Weapon'" (p.1), "Japanese American Community Leaders First to Be Summoned in New Series of Conferences with Seattle Mayor in New Hall" (p.3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 20 (November 16, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-46)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 20 (November 16, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-46)
Selected article titles: "Eleanor Roosevelt and the Nisei" (p.1), "Washington State JACLers Gain Politically Despite Rebuff" (p.1), "Amendments to Wash. Anti-Bias Housing Law Set" (p.1), "Inouye Radiant, Matsunaga Nonchalant in Win" (p.1-2), "Prejudice Still Persists" (p.2), "WW2 Claims Bill Signed by President, but Appropriations Lacking to Administer Bill" (p.3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 19 (November 9, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-45)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 19 (November 9, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-45)
Selected article titles: "Kennedy Decides to Order End of Housing Bias by Proclamation" (p.1), "Idaho SJR 1 Wins by 3 to 1; Wash. 'Yes' on SJR 21 Trails" (p.1), "Spark Matsunaga Second Nisei Congress-Bound" (p.1-2), "The Japanese American Image" (p.2), "Trade Unions to Sign Programs for Fair Practices" (p.3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 15 (October 12, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-41)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 15 (October 12, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-41)
Selected article titles: "JACL Confidence in White House Action in Mississippi Told" (p.1), "For Equality in Land Ownership" (p.1-2), "Washington SJR 21: Questions and Answers" (p.1), "Strength of American Lies in Individuals, Says Jr. JACLer at Citizenship Conference" (p.3), "Washington's 1889 Land Law: Why Repeal?" (p.4).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 25 (December 21, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-51)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 25 (December 21, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-51)
Selected article titles: "What Prevented Disaster from Becoming a Catastrophe? Evacuation and Resettlement of Japanese Americans Reviewed" (p.A1-2), "Nisei GI and Resettlement" (p.A1, 3), "First Returnees Set Economic Rebirth Pattern" (p.A3), "Fear of Negro-Japanese Conflict Premature" (p.A3), "Japanese American Migration Patterns Following War Relocation" (p.B1-2), "Civil Rights" (p.B3-4), "'60-'70 Planning Commission Cites Advance in Youth" (p.B5), …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 9 (August 31, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-35)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 9 (August 31, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-35)
Selected article titles: "San Francisco Housing Authority Refuses to Admit Non-Citizen Aged" (p.1), "Congress Passes Amendment to Rid Poll Taxes" (p.1), "Congress Expected to Act No-Tax Claims Bill this Week" (p.1), "San Francisco Board of Education Closes New Jr. High School to Avert Racial Strife" (p.3), "Puyallup Valley Steps Up Campaign on Land Law Repeal" (p.4).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 17 (October 26, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-43)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 17 (October 26, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-43)
Selected article titles: "Nisei in Washington and Idaho Facing Their 'Moment of Truth' on Nov. 6" (p.1), "U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Schneider Case Testing I&N Act's Denaturalization Section" (p.1), "California Sued by Issei Widow Charging Alien Land Law Denied Right to Inheritance" (p.1-2), "Alien Land Law Claim Fight" (p.2), "Kennedy Signs No-Tax Claims Legislation" (p.3), …
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, March 21, 1935 (ddr-csujad-44-64)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, March 21, 1935 (ddr-csujad-44-64)
Minutes of the third general meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Topics discussed include JACL's policy regarding the anti-alien land bills before the Legislature, the question of whether to purchase an American flag for club use, and additional appointments to the Public Relations Board. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese …
Executive board meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, March 14, 1935 (ddr-csujad-44-63)
doc Executive board meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, March 14, 1935 (ddr-csujad-44-63)
Minutes of the third executive board meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Topics include anti-alien land bills and related legislation discussed at a special session of the Northern California District Council, the appointment of Hal Higashi as chairman of the Public Relations Board, and the purchase of an American flag for club use. …
Mr. Jiro Omata and Mrs. Tsune Lee (ddr-csujad-8-59)
doc Mr. Jiro Omata and Mrs. Tsune Lee (ddr-csujad-8-59)
Oral history interview with Mr. Jiro Omata and Mrs. Tsune Lee. Information on the oral history project is found in: csuf_stp_0012A; Glossary in: csuf_stp_0014. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: FCPL Omata, Mr Jiro and Lee, Mrs Tsune