
Identity and values (202)
Family (1973)

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1973 items
Letter from the Ishikawas to the Matsuos and Johnny (ddr-densho-468-251)
doc Letter from the Ishikawas to the Matsuos and Johnny (ddr-densho-468-251)
Thank you for Christmas gifts with details of plans for trip to visit in New York in April, introduction to Ann and Don Farber, and new vehicle.
Letter from Joseph Ishikawa to John
doc Letter from Joseph Ishikawa to John "Johnny" Ishikawa (ddr-densho-468-142)
Letter with holiday news, updates on life at school, and work with list of expenditures.
The Miyoshi family (including Kumataro, Kiku, Masa, and Toru) poses in front of a car (ddr-densho-480-5)
img The Miyoshi family (including Kumataro, Kiku, Masa, and Toru) poses in front of a car (ddr-densho-480-5)
The Miyoshi family poses in front of a car on the opposite side of a cafe. To the far left is Kumataro Miyoshi, and his wife Kiku Miyoshi is in the middle of the group. Their daughter Masa is third from the right in the group, and the child is her son, Toru. A dog can …
Commemorative Issue 2600th Anniversary Yearbook and Directory 1940-1941 (ddr-densho-480-2)
doc Commemorative Issue 2600th Anniversary Yearbook and Directory 1940-1941 (ddr-densho-480-2)
The yearbook includes pictures and information about Japanese American businesses, schools, organizations, individuals, and families. The directory includes city indexes for California, as well as a few city indexes for Arizona and Japan, with advertisements for businesses and organizations throughout the city indexes.
Rev. Murphy and wife (ddr-densho-474-19)
img Rev. Murphy and wife (ddr-densho-474-19)
Photo of JCC minister Rev. U.G. Murphy with his wife
70th Anniversary of the Japanese Congregational Church (ddr-densho-474-53)
doc 70th Anniversary of the Japanese Congregational Church (ddr-densho-474-53)
The Japanese Congregational Church's 70th Anniversary book traces the history of JCC within the context of national and local events.
Satome and Soichi Yamamoto (ddr-densho-492-42)
img Satome and Soichi Yamamoto (ddr-densho-492-42)
Portrait of brothers Satome Yamamoto (left) and Soichi Yamamoto (right). Written across the top of the image is "Satome" and "Soichi" in blue ink. Caption in Japanese on back
Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to President Franklin D. Roosevelt (ddr-densho-446-122)
doc Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to President Franklin D. Roosevelt (ddr-densho-446-122)
Request for executive action to change status to "friendly alien" based on prior work for U.S. government in order to avoid deportation, to avoid consequences for wife and baby, and to allow Tsai to be considered for employment in the American Consulate in Formosa and Chinese Embassy [final draft]
Rev. Ai Chih Tsai Biography and Legacy (ddr-densho-446-352)
doc Rev. Ai Chih Tsai Biography and Legacy (ddr-densho-446-352)
Powerpoint for Taiwanese-American Historical Society Exhibit presented on May 17, 2017
doc "My Life Begins" (ddr-densho-446-350)
My Life Begins (autobiography): Ai Chih's parents, conversion to Christianity, education in Japan, arrival in US on student visa, U of Chicago, Robert Cashman, Keimer Shou, Japanese Christian Church (Chicago), War, Ordination, Meeting Ryo, Marriage, Navy-Columbia U, War Dept.-D.C., MD, US Strategic Bombing Survey, UNRRA
Short story:
doc Short story: "The outcast" / "The alien within" (ddr-densho-468-68)
Four typed drafts. First draft describes a Japanese American girl in the mid-20th century. Second, third, and fourth drafts describe incarceration. The story's name changes from "The outcast" to "The alien within" between drafts 2 and 3. Final draft has perspective shift from third-person narrator to first-person.
Letter from the Ishikawas to Ejohn (ddr-densho-468-248)
doc Letter from the Ishikawas to Ejohn (ddr-densho-468-248)
Letter discussing reunion trip with updates on the family [note: heavy water damage]
Book of 70th Anniversary of Japanese Congregational Church (ddr-densho-446-455)
doc Book of 70th Anniversary of Japanese Congregational Church (ddr-densho-446-455)
The Japanese Congregational Church's 70th Anniversary coincided with the 100th Anniversary of the Japanese Christian Mission in North America. This book traces the history of JCC within the larger setting of national and local events, and some of the photos and narratives may be of interest. Ai Chih Tsai was pastor at JCC from 1948 to …
Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Ai Jin Tsai (ddr-densho-446-338)
doc Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Ai Jin Tsai (ddr-densho-446-338)
Ai Chih Tsai has accepted one-year position with United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA). He will see "all of you" during this time. Details of travel plans for Ai Chih, Ryo, and .
Letter from Ai Jin Tsai to Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-312)
doc Letter from Ai Jin Tsai to Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-312)
Family is safe. Tsai family moved to country Mar-Aug 1945. Ai-gi's clinic slightly damaged. Ai-Le in Hong Kong safe but was captured by Japanese; later released. Ai-jin learned about Ai Chih Tsai's life from G. Kerr. Ai-jin wants to start a business and wants Ai Chih to find a contact in America for Ai-jin to be …
Letter from Li Sin Chiong to Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-332)
doc Letter from Li Sin Chiong to Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-332)
Updates from Ai Chih Tsai's nephew for the past eight years. Hopes to meet soon.
Letter from Ai Jin Tsai to Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-330)
doc Letter from Ai Jin Tsai to Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-330)
Conditions in Formosa are poor. Robbery, high food prices, no jobs. Launching a business.
Ryo Tsai: Keeping History Alive (ddr-densho-446-453)
doc Ryo Tsai: Keeping History Alive (ddr-densho-446-453)
Description of Ryo Tsai's life for the Strength and Diversity Exhibit: Japanese American Women 1885-1990
Portrait of Mary Abe's family (ddr-one-1-78)
img Portrait of Mary Abe's family (ddr-one-1-78)
Black and white photographic negative of Mary Abe's family posed seated in her living room. Photo portrait of an unknown man on the side table. Back row left to right: Marge Horigami, Florence "Flo" (Teshima) Anazawa, remaining unidentified. Front row left to right: May (Abe) Endo, unidentified woman.
Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Ai Jin Tsai (ddr-densho-446-331)
doc Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Ai Jin Tsai (ddr-densho-446-331)
Ai Chih Tsai's assignment at Camp Richie is over but he will continue to work for U.S. government. Assigned to raise funds for education and relief. Talked to representative from International Merchandise Co. Mr. Robison is interested in a textile factory or importing undershirts. Ryo (Morikawa) Tsai investigating other possibilities. Ai Chih Tsai expects passport in …
Group Photo of Ryo with Uncle's family (ddr-densho-446-430)
img Group Photo of Ryo with Uncle's family (ddr-densho-446-430)
Ryo lived with her Uncle's (Kennoshin Fujiwara) family while attending Keisen. (circa 1940 or 1941)