
Identity and values (202)
Family (1973)

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1973 items
Family portrait (ddr-densho-353-418)
img Family portrait (ddr-densho-353-418)
Mr. and Mrs. Moritaro Ishida with children Frank Kazuo and Seiko.
The Fujino girls in front of the Waldon Hotel (ddr-densho-353-217)
img The Fujino girls in front of the Waldon Hotel (ddr-densho-353-217)
A note on the back identifies the girls as Matsuko, Akiko, and Hideko.
Dr. and Mrs. Haruaki Kurata in their living room (ddr-densho-353-173)
img Dr. and Mrs. Haruaki Kurata in their living room (ddr-densho-353-173)
A note on the back reads: "Sent patients to Nihon Byoin before he left to practice in Tacoma."
Flim negative of Tamako Tokuda and baby (ddr-densho-383-461)
img Flim negative of Tamako Tokuda and baby (ddr-densho-383-461)
Written on accompanying material: "Mom & Butchie in Minidoka". The baby is George and Tamako Tokuda's oldest son, Floyd Tokuda.
Flim negative of Tamako Tokuda and baby (ddr-densho-383-462)
img Flim negative of Tamako Tokuda and baby (ddr-densho-383-462)
Written on accompanying material: "Mom & Butchie in Minidoka". The baby is George and Tamako Tokuda's oldest son, Floyd Tokuda.
Tamako Tokuda holding child (ddr-densho-383-472)
img Tamako Tokuda holding child (ddr-densho-383-472)
George and Tamako Tokuda's post-war resettlement in Seattle. The child is George and Tamako's oldest son, Floyd. The pair is next to a clothes drying line outside.
George Tokuda holding child (ddr-densho-383-470)
img George Tokuda holding child (ddr-densho-383-470)
The child is George and Tamako Tokuda's oldest son, Floyd.
Inouye family photo (ddr-densho-383-370)
img Inouye family photo (ddr-densho-383-370)
Kameki and Toku Inouye with children Tetsumi, Tamako, Tomiko, and Kiichiro Kibo. Their youngest child, Michiko, is not pictured; she was not born until 1930. Writtten on back of photograph: "1928. Grandpa Inouye & Family. Kids: Ted, Tama, Tomi, Kibo (Mich not born)".
Flim negative of Tamako Tokuda and baby (ddr-densho-383-460)
img Flim negative of Tamako Tokuda and baby (ddr-densho-383-460)
Written on accompanying material: "Mom & Butchie in Minidoka". The baby is George and Tamako Tokuda's oldest son, Floyd Tokuda.
Marion and Mitzi Nakagawa sitting in grass (ddr-densho-383-60)
img Marion and Mitzi Nakagawa sitting in grass (ddr-densho-383-60)
Marion and Mitzi were younger siblings of Jack Nakagawa. Written on album page around photograph: "Marion, Mitzi" (left to right).