
Identity and values (202)
Family (1973)

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1973 items
Brief Account of the Life of Iwahiko Tsumanuma (ddr-densho-335-68)
doc Brief Account of the Life of Iwahiko Tsumanuma (ddr-densho-335-68)
Agnes Rockrise sends Dr. Tatsuzo Sone a brief account of her husband's life that she wrote. She apologizes that it isn't a more polished document.
Japanese newspaper article (ddr-densho-335-60)
doc Japanese newspaper article (ddr-densho-335-60)
An article covering George Rockrise meeting his extended family in Japan.
Letter from Agnes Rockrise to Dr. Tatsuzo Sone (ddr-densho-335-66)
doc Letter from Agnes Rockrise to Dr. Tatsuzo Sone (ddr-densho-335-66)
Agnes Rockrise writes to Tatsuzo Sone to thank him for his support and kindness after the death of Thomas Rockrise.
Tsumanuma sisters (ddr-densho-335-117)
img Tsumanuma sisters (ddr-densho-335-117)
The caption written on the back of the photograph reads "Three sisters and their children Mar. 7 1920". Thomas Rockrise's sisters with their children. Rockrise traveled to Japan in 1920 where he reconnected with his family and designed buildings.
Letter from Takuo Endo to Agnes Rockrise (ddr-densho-335-13)
doc Letter from Takuo Endo to Agnes Rockrise (ddr-densho-335-13)
Takuo Endo, a nephew of Thomas & Agnes Rockrise, writes to Agnes for the first time. He asks after his cousin, George, and invites the family to visit Japan the following year.
Note from Thomas Rockrise to Agnes Rockrise (ddr-densho-335-10)
doc Note from Thomas Rockrise to Agnes Rockrise (ddr-densho-335-10)
A short note from Thomas Rockrise to his wife, Agnes, affirming his love their son, George.
Letter from Takuo Endo to Agnes Rockrise (ddr-densho-335-14)
doc Letter from Takuo Endo to Agnes Rockrise (ddr-densho-335-14)
Takuo Endo writes to Agnes Rockrise of his memories of learning of George's birth and the Rockrise family photograph his grandmother kept. He then shares that he has a three year old daughter and that he currently works for the Tokyo Imperial University Hospital and teaches pediatrics.
Japanese American family (ddr-densho-362-2)
img Japanese American family (ddr-densho-362-2)
A family sits on a building's ledge for a family group photo. An open field and a mountain are in the background.
Group photo of Japanese American family (ddr-densho-362-40)
img Group photo of Japanese American family (ddr-densho-362-40)
A family sitting on a building's ledge poses for a family picture. An open field and a mountain are in the background.
Group photo of two women, one man, and a young girl in open field (ddr-densho-362-37)
img Group photo of two women, one man, and a young girl in open field (ddr-densho-362-37)
Two women, one man, and a young girl stand in a row for a group photo in an open field. Both women wear white dresses.
Six Japanese Americans (ddr-densho-362-18)
img Six Japanese Americans (ddr-densho-362-18)
Six individuals consisting of two men, three women, and a child stand together for a group photo.
Five Japanese Americans in front of D-C building (ddr-densho-362-15)
img Five Japanese Americans in front of D-C building (ddr-densho-362-15)
Two men, two women, and a child stand together in front of a building with a sign that reads "D-C". The Konishi family lived at 12-11 C.
Eight Japanese Americans (ddr-densho-362-17)
img Eight Japanese Americans (ddr-densho-362-17)
Eight individuals consisting of men, women, and a child gather for a group photo. A cabin appears in the background.
Group photo of two women, one man, and a young girl (ddr-densho-362-34)
img Group photo of two women, one man, and a young girl (ddr-densho-362-34)
Two women, one man, and a young girl stand in a row for a group photo in an open field. One of the women has long hair and wears a black dress.
Japanese American man, woman, and three girls group photo (ddr-densho-362-46)
img Japanese American man, woman, and three girls group photo (ddr-densho-362-46)
A man, woman, and 3 young girls gather together for a group picture in an open field. A crowd of people are in the background.
Four Japanese Americans in an open field (ddr-densho-362-14)
img Four Japanese Americans in an open field (ddr-densho-362-14)
A group of two men and two women stand together near an open field.
Two men, two women, and a girl with stuffed bunny (ddr-densho-362-56)
img Two men, two women, and a girl with stuffed bunny (ddr-densho-362-56)
Two men, two women and a little girl holding a stuffed bunny gather together for a group shot. Camp cabins are in the background.
Group photo of two men, one woman, and a young girl in an open field (ddr-densho-362-36)
img Group photo of two men, one woman, and a young girl in an open field (ddr-densho-362-36)
Two men, one woman, and a young girl stand in a row for a group photo in an open field.
Six Japanese Americans at railroad crossing (ddr-densho-362-42)
img Six Japanese Americans at railroad crossing (ddr-densho-362-42)
Two men, two women and two girls gather together near train tracks for a group photo.
Couple with car (ddr-densho-363-56)
img Couple with car (ddr-densho-363-56)
Kimi and Frank Komoto pose in front of a car.
Sisters pose with car (ddr-densho-363-7)
img Sisters pose with car (ddr-densho-363-7)
Kimi and Joanne Kuwahara pose with a car. The caption on the bottom of the photograph reads "back home me Joanne".
Sisters pose outside barracks (ddr-densho-363-24)
img Sisters pose outside barracks (ddr-densho-363-24)
Sisters, Kimi and Joanne Kuwahara, pose in front of barracks. The caption on the bottom and side of the photograph reads "Me + Joanne 1944".
Family on picnic (ddr-densho-363-128)
img Family on picnic (ddr-densho-363-128)
Pat Kuroda attended the 442nd Regimental Combat Team 10th Anniversary Reunion in Hawaii from July 27th to July 31st, 1953.