
Identity and values (202)
Family (1973)

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1973 items
Japanese American family (ddr-densho-325-493)
img Japanese American family (ddr-densho-325-493)
Sumito and Hisa Horiuchi three sons, Eddie, Raymond and Danny with other unidentified family members.
Japanese American adults and children (ddr-densho-325-413)
img Japanese American adults and children (ddr-densho-325-413)
Hisa Nimura Horiuchi (second from left) with her second son, Raymond. Her first son, Eddie, is being held to the right of Hisa by another Japanese American woman. Written on the back of the photograph "1952 - July"
Mother and son (ddr-densho-325-442)
img Mother and son (ddr-densho-325-442)
Hisa Nimura Horiuchi with her son Eddie Horiuchi
Nisei woman with baby (ddr-densho-325-384)
img Nisei woman with baby (ddr-densho-325-384)
Hisa Nimura Horiuchi wither her first son, Eddie. Written on the back of the photograph "3 months and 2 wks."
Page of Hisa Nimura Horiuchi Scrapbook (ddr-densho-325-42)
doc Page of Hisa Nimura Horiuchi Scrapbook (ddr-densho-325-42)
Dorothy Wilhite describes Hisa's and Sumito's life after they marry in 1948. Included in this page of the Scrapbook are more cards sent from Sumito to Hisa.
Japanese American family (ddr-densho-325-469)
img Japanese American family (ddr-densho-325-469)
Japanese Americans pose for a group photograph. Unidentified Japanese American woman and girl (on left) stand with Hisa Nimura Horiuchi (back row on right) and her three sons, Eddie, Raymond, and Danny.
Mother and son (ddr-densho-325-455)
img Mother and son (ddr-densho-325-455)
Hisa Nimura Horiuchi with her oldest son, Eddie.
Sansei child (ddr-densho-325-435)
img Sansei child (ddr-densho-325-435)
Eddie Horiuchi eats at the table with two family members.
Transcript of conversation between Agnes and Thomas Rockrise (ddr-densho-335-7)
doc Transcript of conversation between Agnes and Thomas Rockrise (ddr-densho-335-7)
Agnes Rockrise records what Thomas said to her after an unsuccessful treatment for his tuberculosis on March 7, 1926.
Translation of Japanese newpaper article (ddr-densho-335-59)
doc Translation of Japanese newpaper article (ddr-densho-335-59)
An English translation of newspaper articles from Yamagata Shinbun Newspaper. The articles cover George Rockrise meeting his extended family in Japan.
My Japanese Husband (ddr-densho-335-67)
doc My Japanese Husband (ddr-densho-335-67)
An abstract of the biography of Agnes Rockrise. The biography focuses on Agnes's marriage to Thomas Rockrise.
To My Iwahiko (ddr-densho-335-12)
doc To My Iwahiko (ddr-densho-335-12)
A poem written by Agnes Rockrise on her way to Odensburg, New York where Thomas (Iwahiko) Rockrise was hospitalized due to his tuberculosis and mental illness.
Tsumanuma family tree (ddr-densho-335-9)
doc Tsumanuma family tree (ddr-densho-335-9)
A family tree of Thomas Rockrise's family. All of the familial relationships are listed in relations to Thomas's son, George. The family tree lists George's aunts, first cousins and one second nephew.