
Identity and values (203)
Family (1978)

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1978 items
Toru Sakahara - Kiyo Sakahara Interview I Segment 5 (ddr-densho-1000-76-5)
vh Toru Sakahara - Kiyo Sakahara Interview I Segment 5 (ddr-densho-1000-76-5)
Japanese American culture during childhood

This interview was conducted over two days at the Sakaharas' home.

Francis Mas Fukuhara Segment 1 (ddr-densho-1000-9-1)
vh Francis Mas Fukuhara Segment 1 (ddr-densho-1000-9-1)
Description of parents, prewar Japanese American community and family life
Mii Tai Interview Segment 16 (ddr-densho-1000-186-16)
vh Mii Tai Interview Segment 16 (ddr-densho-1000-186-16)
Parents' values: importance of discipline, don't bring shame to the family

This interview was conducted as part of a project to capture stories of the Japanese American community of Spokane, Washington. Densho worked in collaboration with the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture.

Akiko Kurose Interview II Segment 1 (ddr-densho-1000-42-1)
vh Akiko Kurose Interview II Segment 1 (ddr-densho-1000-42-1)
Positive memories of childhood

Mrs. Kurose was undergoing treatment for cancer and required frequent breaks and medication to help her with pain management.

Rudy Tokiwa Interview II Segment 2 (ddr-densho-1000-92-2)
vh Rudy Tokiwa Interview II Segment 2 (ddr-densho-1000-92-2)
The role of the Nisei in the prewar family, helping to cross the language barrier

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Yone Bartholomew Interview I Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1000-4-6)
vh Yone Bartholomew Interview I Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1000-4-6)
Being "fostered" to another family: remaining close to birth parents
Yone Bartholomew Interview I Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1000-4-4)
vh Yone Bartholomew Interview I Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1000-4-4)
Siblings left behind in Japan; becoming part of the Utsunomiya-Yamada family
Yone Bartholomew Interview I Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1000-4-7)
vh Yone Bartholomew Interview I Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1000-4-7)
Remaining close to birth parents while becoming part of a large extended family
Mitsue Matsui Segment 3 (ddr-densho-1008-3-3)
vh Mitsue Matsui Segment 3 (ddr-densho-1008-3-3)
Family's attitude towards education: different expectations of sons and daughters

Members of the National Japanese American Historical Society (NJAHS) arranged for and conducted this interview in conjunction with Densho.

img "At Heart Mountain, Block 27, 1944" (ddr-densho-242-5)
Caption on front: "At Heart Mountain Block 27 1944." Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Heart Mountain, Wyoming. Block 27. 1944. Front: Nobue, Gloria, Kumezo. Back: Mike and Ike."
Japanese American family preparing for the journey to the Pomona Assembly Center (ddr-densho-242-4)
img Japanese American family preparing for the journey to the Pomona Assembly Center (ddr-densho-242-4)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "May 1942 - El Monte, California - In front of family store. Hatchimonji family about to leave for the Pomona Assembly Center then the WRA camp at Heart Mountain, Wyoming. L-R: Tasuke Ike, Megumi Mike, Kumezo father, Nobue mother, and daughter Gloria, wearing the family ID tags."
Nisei twin brothers (ddr-densho-242-6)
img Nisei twin brothers (ddr-densho-242-6)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Ike and Mike as children."
Portrait of Japanese American family in Los Angeles (ddr-densho-242-26)
img Portrait of Japanese American family in Los Angeles (ddr-densho-242-26)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Family photo Kameji Komuro - Los Angeles probably around 1925-26. Front l to r: daus. Sachiko, Shizuko, mother/wife Katsu, son Joseph, Rev. Komuro, dau. Mitsuko. Rear: dau. Miwaki Marion, brother of Kameji name unknown, dau. Nobue, and dau. Aimee."
Two teen boys (ddr-densho-242-9)
img Two teen boys (ddr-densho-242-9)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Ike and Mike on day of departure to a camp May 1942."
Nisei twin brothers (ddr-densho-242-3)
img Nisei twin brothers (ddr-densho-242-3)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji:: "Father Kumezo Hatchimonji, mother Nobue, twin sons: left Megumi (Mike) and Tasuke (Ike). Born January 8, 1928, El Centro, California."