Industry and employment
14 items
14 items

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 68, No. 23 (June 6, 1969) (ddr-pc-41-23)
Select article titles: "County drops 1 charge, CAO reputation at stake" (p. 1); "LACC Sansei seeks police protection from BSU threat" (p. 1); "Affluence in America Paves Way for Youth Discontent, Says Dan" (p. 1); "Acceptance of Orientals in American society called 'myth' by Nisei prof" (p. 3); Nisei engineer designs mock-ups for lunar landing" (p. …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 69, No. 2 (July 11,1969) (ddr-pc-41-28)
Select article titles: "Nat'l JACL board & staff interim session scheduled" (p. 1); "The Warren Court" (p. 2); "Astronauts taking message to moon from world leaders" (p. 2); "Parents' primary duty to child is to teach love, responsibility" (p. 4); "The Visible Majority" (p. 6).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 69, No. 5 (August 01,1969) (ddr-pc-41-31)
Select article titles: "Tex. Nisei Greets Astronauts of Apollo XI" (p. 1); "Hate mail shows 'Yellow Peril' still feared" (p. 1); "Chief Justice Warren still pursued to apologize for his role in Evacuation" (p. 1); "'Nisei: The Quiet Americans': Controversy Goes to Publisher" (p. 4); "Most Unusual Family: Momiyamas" (p. 6).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 7 (February 16, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-7)
Select article titles: "Greater participation of Nisei in gov't urged at San Jose JACL installation" (p.1); "Immigration history of U.S. told in brief in forthcoming 'This Week'" (p.1); "South Seattle Farming Areas May Be Boeing's" (p.1).

Group photograph at the McClellan Air Force Base (ddr-densho-390-102)
A group photograph of McCellan Air Force Base employees. Walter Matsuoka is on the second row, third from the right side.

Hiroshima politicians visit Seattle (ddr-densho-395-98)
Members of the Seattle Hiroshima Club and the Mayor of Seattle pose with a delegation from Hiroshima in front of a United Airlines Mainliner 300 aircraft. From left to right, as cited in the "Seattle Hiroshima Club 1901-2001" book: Manabu Taniguchi, Genji Mihara, William F. Devin (Mayor of Seattle), Shinzo Hamai (Mayor of Hiroshima), Hisato Fujii, …

Seiso Bitow and others at the airport (ddr-densho-395-66)
A group of men and women stand in front of two Northwest Airline planes. Seiso Bitow is fourth from the left.

Letter from Wm. Bibichkow, Comet Model Airplane and Supply Co., to George Hideo Nakamura, February 24, 1943 (ddr-csujad-55-2167)
Correspondence from William Bibichkow to George Hideo Nakamura regarding Nakamura's application for employment at Comet Model Airplane and Supply Co. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2269

Letter from Sam A. Goldenberg, General Manager, Comet Model Airplane Company to George Hideo Nakamura, April 12, 1943 (ddr-csujad-55-2153)
Correspondence from Sam Goldenberg to George Hideo Nakamura regarding employment opportunities at Comet Model Airplane Company. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2255

Letter from George Hideo Nakamura to Sam A. Goldenberg, April 19, 1943 (ddr-csujad-55-2154)
Correspondence from George Hideo Nakamura to Sam Goldenberg regarding offer of employment for Nakamura at Comet Model Airplane Company. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2256

Japanese American Courier Vol. 13, No. 624 (January 1, 1940) (ddr-densho-96-659)
Selected article titles: "Citizenship Urged for Young People" (p. 1), "War Even in Our Own Boarders, Declares Seattle Council Women" (p. 2), "High Hope Held for Young Folk, Consul-General Satow Declares" (p. 3), "We Still Want Peace" (p. 4), "Better Cultural Relations" (p. 5); "Foreign Trade means High Rank In Civilization, Says Exporter" (p. 6); "Young …

Seattle Post-Intelligencer (ddr-densho-446-451)
Selected articles: Seattle woman's saga captured in photo (p.1-2); Club Asia (p. 2)

Henry Miyatake Interview IV Segment 14 (ddr-densho-1000-56-14)
Returning to Seattle and going to work at the Boeing Company