Pacific Citizen
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Pacific Citizen
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Pacific Citizen, Vol. 95, No. 7 (August 13, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-32)
Selected article titles: "As Trade Tensions Increase, Japan Wary of Scapegoating" (p. 1), "Whaling Ban Adds Problems to Strained U.S.-Japan Relations" (pp. 1, 8), and "Newspapers & Warren" (pp. 4-5).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 95, No. 4 (July 23, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-29)
Selected article titles: "U.S. Appellate Court Rules INS Raids Violate Constitutional Rights" (pp. 1, 3), "Kokekokko: 'Japanese Camps'" (p. 6), "Inouye's 6 Steps to Reduce Tensions for War" (p. 8), and "Chief Justice Warren and the Japanese Detention Cases" (pp. 8, 12).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 21 (May 28, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-21)
Selected article titles: "Immigration Law May Undergo Major Change" (pp. 1, 9), "Fortune Mag Says 'Orientals' Don't Need Affirmative Action" (pp. 1, 5), "From the Frying Pan: Compensation Act for A-Bomb Fallout Victims" (p. 5), and "U.S. Census Says Asian Women Outnumber Men" (p. 9).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 5 (February 5, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-5)
Selected article titles: "Senator Proposes Public Lands as Form of Redress" (pp. 1-2), "Redress Phase 3: CWRIC Extension" (p. 2), and "From the Frying Pan: Japanese Seem to Lack Two Enzymes for Guzzling" (p. 5).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 12 (March 26, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-12)
Selected article titles: "Coroner Noguchi Controversy: Supervisors Postpone Move to Suspend" (pp. 1, 8), "Sansei Judges Face Challengers" (pp. 1, 3), "Redress Phase 4: Implementing [501(c)4]" (p. 2), and "From the Frying Pan: After Redress, Do We Need a No-Evacuation Law?" (p. 5).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 95, No. 2 (July 9, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-27)
Selected article titles: "Hitachi, Mitsubishi Apologize for IBM Scandal" (p. 1), "Hitachi to Pay Damages for Hiring Bias Against Non-Asians" (p. 2), "Asian Images: The Asian American Female: Discarding Old Images" (pp. 6-7), and "Is There a Need for an Asian Men's Movement?" (p. 7).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 95, No. 14 (October 1, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-39)
Selected article titles: "Nisei Farmers League Criticizes Simpson-Mazzoli Immigrant Bill" (pp. 1, 8), "Student Complains of U.S. Textbook Views of Japanese" (pp. 1, 8), and "Monument Planned for Amache Site" (p. 8).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 8 (February 26, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-8)
Selected article titles: "'Reagan's Raids': People or Numbers" (pp. 1, 8), "JACL Now Preparing for 3-Year Redress Campaign" (pp. 1, 10), "East Wind: Issei Principles" (p. 5), and "Moshi-Moshi: Samrai Without Mystique--Kabu" (p. 12).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 4 (January 29, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-4)
Selected article titles: "Comments from the Midwest: JACL's Top Priority: Goal Setting" (pp. 1, 10), "Japan Eases Ban of Untreated U.S. Farm Products" (p. 2), "Ye Editor's Desk: '…'Tis Not Too Late to Seek a Newer World'" (pp. 4, 7), and "Mineta Is a 'Mystery Man' to White House Staffers" (p. 10).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 20 (May 21, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-20)
Selected article titles: "Protectionism Stirs in U.S-Japan Farming Trade" (pp. 1, 8), "Japan May Have Own 'Falklands'" (pp. 1, 5), "East Wind: Some Census Figures" (p. 5), and "Musubi: Film on A-Bomb 'Survivors' Completed" (p. 5).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 95, No. 6 (August 6, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-31)
Selected article titles: "Japan Revision of WW2 History Angers Neighbor Asian Nations" (pp. 1, 6), "Congressional Subcommittee Approves $300,000 for CWRIC" (pp. 1-2), "Justice Dept. Says Japan Firms 'Conspired' to Raise Prices" (p. 1), and "From the Frying Pan: Time to Bury the 'Secrecy Myth' of MIS" (p. 5).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 95, No. 13 (September 24, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-38)
Selected article titles: "House Judiciary Committee Votes to Retain 5th Preference" (p. 1), "Japanese Canadians to Seek Redress for WW2 Relocation" (pp. 1-2), "Former Nisei Queen Responds to Rift Over 'Mixed Ancestry'" (p. 3), and "Alaskan and Japan Cities Make 'Sister Port' Pact Official" (p. 8).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 95, No. 22 (November 26, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-47)
Selected article titles: "Japan Grows Weary of Being 'Scapegoat' for U.S. on Trade" (pp. 1, 4), "CWRIC Member Says Commission May Urge Individual Reparations" (pp. 1, 4), "Mazzoli Sees No Bias in Immigrant Reform Bill" (pp. 1, 5), and "National JACL's Response to L.A. Times' Story: On CWRIC Report: A Statement" (p. 6).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 1 (January 1-8, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-1)
Selected article titles: "Legal Experts Discuss Redress for Japanese American Internees" (pp. 1-2), "Go for Broke: A Pictorial History of the Japanese American 100th Infantry and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team" (pp. 8-12), "Comparative Survey Shows Aged Japanese Worry Less, Prefer Work Until Age 70 to Leisure" (p. 12), and "Toronto Nikkei Backs New Human Rights …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 95, No. 12 (September 17, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-37)
Selected article titles: "JACL Urges Retention of 5th Preference in Immigrant Bill" (p. 1), "Names of Former State Workers Eligible for AB 2710 Released" (pp. 1-2), "Noguchi Begins His Defense" (p. 3), and "From the Frying Pan: Nisei Aging Project in Critical Need" (p. 5).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 15 (April 16, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-15)
Selected article titles: "Noguchi Appeals Suspension; JA Leaders Rally to Support Him" (pp. 1, 12), "Journalists Say Ignorance Is Source of U.S.-Japan Friction" (p. 1), "'Coram Nobis' to the the [sic] Supreme Court" (pp. 2, 5), and "Aging and Retirement: The Nisei Experience" (p. 7).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 95, No. 9 (August 27, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-34)
Selected article titles: "SF Civil Rights Groups File Suit Against INS for 'Raids'" (pp. 1-2), "Senate Immigration Bill Was Opposed by Civil Rights Groups" (pp. 1, 12), "Ye Editor's Desk: When Mike Spoke Up" (pp. 4, 6), and "Behind the War Clouds: A Story of Unsung Valor and Devotion" (pp. 8-9).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 95, No. 20 (November 12, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-45)
Selected article titles: "Reparations Bill for Canadian Nikkei Announced in Vancouver" (p. 1), "Japan's Politics Look a Bit like America's, but Not Quite" (pp. 1, 5), "Nikkei Congressmen Score Easy Wins in Elections" (p. 2), and "From the Frying Pan: A Tribute to Dillon S. Myer" (p. 5).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 11 (March 19, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-11)
Selected article titles: "Noguchi Back in Center of Controversy" (pp. 1-2), "JACL-PSWDC Asks County for 'Fair Handling' of Noguchi Issue" (pp. 1, 6-7), "Letterbox: Mike Masaoka's Post-Operative Comments on Redress" (p. 4), and "From the Frying Pan: 'Redress' Repeats Mistake of WW2, Says Masugi" (p. 5).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 6 (February 12, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-6)
Selected article titles: "Immigration Raids Alarm Little Tokyo" (pp. 1, 12), "FDR 'Tapes' Tell More Than a Few Racial Slurs" (pp. 1, 7), "60th Anniversary Installation: Why the JACL Endures" (p. 7), and "The Major Supreme Court Error of WW2: Evacuation Cases" (p. 9).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 95, No. 10 (September 3, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-35)
Selected article titles: "Revised WW2 History Becomes Japanese Foreign Policy Issue" (pp. 1, 8), "Lobbying Effort Sought to Keep 5th Preference in Immigrant Law" (pp. 1, 8), "After 40 Yrs., Fresno Bee Takes New Stand on WW2 Evacuation" (p. 2), and "From Happy Valley: In Praise of Issei Women" (p. 4).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 10 (March 12, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-10)
Selected article titles: "Before Supreme Court: Seattle JACL Files Supporting Brief on Desegregating Schools" (pp. 1, 4), "Redress Phase 4: 'Direct' Individual Payment" (p. 2), "40th Anniversary of E.O. 9066 Proclamation: Silence: a 40-Year Cover-Up Conspiracy?" (p. 2), "From the Frying Pan: When Are Asian Americans Not a Minority?" (p. 5), and "Service to Community Undermines …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 95, No. 18 (October 29, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-43)
Selected article titles: "Coroner Noguchi's Case Due Final Oral Arguments" (p. 1), "Portuguese-Japanese Festa-Matsuri Slated Nov. 19-20" (p. 3), and "Warren and the Newspapers" (p. 5).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 14 (April 9, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-14)
Selected article titles: "Friction Builds in U.S.-Japan Trade" (pp. 1, 8), "Charges Against L.A. Coroner Noguchi Revealed" (pp. 1, 3), "JACCC to Sponsor Photo Show on Japanese American Families" (p. 3), and "1980 Asian/Pacific Population of California by County" [table] (p. 4).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 95, No. 16 (October 15, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-41)
Selected article titles: "Honda Plant in Ohio Town Getting Unfriendly Welcome" (pp. 1, 6-7), "JA Population Had Low Growth in California During 1970-1980" (p. 1), "'Survivors' Film Gets High PBS Ratings, Good Reviews" (p. 5), and "East Wind: The Ethic of 'More for Less'" (p. 7).