
Community activities (1956)
Sports (1086)
Sumo (19)

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19 items
Sumo team (ddr-densho-25-106)
img Sumo team (ddr-densho-25-106)
This sumo tournament took place at the Nippon Kan Theatre in Seattle's Nihonmachi, or Japantown.
White River Valley sumo club (ddr-densho-25-6)
img White River Valley sumo club (ddr-densho-25-6)
Sumo wrestling was a popular sport among the Issei and Nisei. This team from the White River Valley was in Tacoma for a tournament. Front row (left to right): Sam Katsura, Tom Marutani, Tom Hirai, Tony Tsujikawa, D. Kagitani, Frank Takeshita, George Hirai, Mitsuo (Mike) Iseri, unidentified, Ted Takeshita, and Ted Tsukamaki. Back row: Matahichi Iseri, …
Sumo meet (ddr-densho-430-24)
img Sumo meet (ddr-densho-430-24)
Photograph of participants in a large youth sumo meet in Tacoma. Japanese along the right edge translates to "Tacoma youth sumo meet Showa 5, February 8-9." Paper taped along the bottom right of the image reads "Tacoma Feb 1930" in red ink.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 89, No. 2054 (August 3, 1979) (ddr-pc-51-30)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 89, No. 2054 (August 3, 1979) (ddr-pc-51-30)
Selected article titles: "Minidoka Site Dedication: Sen. Church, Hosokawa Paired" (p. 1), "Viet Refugees in Japan Unhappy, Few Want to Stay" (p. 1), "From the Frying Pan: Chapter Vote on Redress" (p. 5), and "Jesse Kuhaulua Faces Toughest Sumo Bout: Career or Citizenship" (p. 8).
Tule Lake recreation center community affairs report for the period August 20, 1942 to September 20, 1942 (ddr-csujad-26-11)
doc Tule Lake recreation center community affairs report for the period August 20, 1942 to September 20, 1942 (ddr-csujad-26-11)
Summary of community youth recreation activities at Tule Lake before school began including descriptions of administration, leadership and training, the "Community Activities Commission," advisory board, planning board, staff, organization, and activities. Report compiled as a portion of the Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Study (JERS). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization …
Recreational organization (ddr-csujad-26-10)
doc Recreational organization (ddr-csujad-26-10)
Report detailing the establishment of a recreation and community activities department including its organization, activities planning, personnel problems and conflicts, issues with structure and equipment, and a structural diagram of the community activities section. The report focuses on the place of recreation in the lives of incarcerees and the differences between Issei and Nisei leading to …
Seinen Kakuryoku Taikai kinen [Commemoration of Youth Sumo Competition] (ddr-csujad-25-332)
img Seinen Kakuryoku Taikai kinen [Commemoration of Youth Sumo Competition] (ddr-csujad-25-332)
A commemorative photograph of the Youth Sumo Competition held January 25-26, 1930. It is a group photograph of the Sumo competitors and the event supporters. It is taken by "Toyo Studio" in Seattle, Washington. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: jia_11_01_002
[Sumo group at camp] (ddr-csujad-56-311)
img [Sumo group at camp] (ddr-csujad-56-311)
Group of sumo wrestlers at camp sitting crosslegged on grass. The original image is housed with the Sonoma County Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), and was borrowed for digitization courtesy of the JACL. This image belongs to a group of images related to the Akutagawa family. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American …
Robert Yano interview (ddr-csujad-6-36)
doc Robert Yano interview (ddr-csujad-6-36)
Oral history interview with Robert Yano. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: SCRC_YANO_ROBERT
Dr. Fusaji Inada (ddr-csujad-8-26)
doc Dr. Fusaji Inada (ddr-csujad-8-26)
Oral history interview with Dr. Fusaji Inada. Information on the oral history project is found in: csuf_stp_0012A; Glossary in: csuf_stp_0014. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: FCPL Inada, Dr Fusaji
Sumo Wrestling (ddr-densho-397-118)
img Sumo Wrestling (ddr-densho-397-118)
The caption in the photo album reads "Kamikaze (winner) vs Itsutsuumi". Takashi Matsui was stationed in Japan with the U.S. military during the Allied occupation of Japan after the end of World War II.
Sumo Memorial Hall (ddr-densho-397-115)
img Sumo Memorial Hall (ddr-densho-397-115)
The caption in the photo album reads "Sumo Memorial Hall, Tokyo". Takashi Matsui was stationed in Japan with the U.S. military during the Allied occupation of Japan after the end of World War II.
Sumo Wrestling (ddr-densho-397-121)
img Sumo Wrestling (ddr-densho-397-121)
Takashi Matsui was stationed in Japan with the U.S. military during the Allied occupation of Japan after the end of World War II.
The Newell Star, Vol. II, No. 33 (August 17, 1945) (ddr-densho-284-81)
doc The Newell Star, Vol. II, No. 33 (August 17, 1945) (ddr-densho-284-81)
Shortened edition including the article "Best Makes Special Statement" (p. 1) regarding President Truman's announcement of the Japanese Government's official surrender. Item is misnumbered as Vol. II, No. 32.
Sumo at picnic (ddr-densho-492-36)
img Sumo at picnic (ddr-densho-492-36)
Photograph of two men sumo wrestling surrounded by a small crowd. Written on the photograph is "Sumo on Picnic - Hilo" in blue ink.
Sumo wrestler (ddr-densho-359-846)
img Sumo wrestler (ddr-densho-359-846)
The caption in the album is written in Japanese.