
Community activities (1052)
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Fishing (217)

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217 items
Crab Fishing (ddr-densho-477-242)
img Crab Fishing (ddr-densho-477-242)
The caption below the photo reads "Catching crabs" in black ink.
Takeo Isoshima holding a salmon (ddr-densho-477-493)
img Takeo Isoshima holding a salmon (ddr-densho-477-493)
The caption below the photo reads "Salmon fishing at Westport" in black ink.
Salmon in Alaska (ddr-densho-477-30)
img Salmon in Alaska (ddr-densho-477-30)
Photograph of salmon traveling up a ramp. The caption below the photo is "Salmon" in black ink.
Mitzi (Nakahara) Isoshima fishing (ddr-densho-477-348)
img Mitzi (Nakahara) Isoshima fishing (ddr-densho-477-348)
The caption above the photo reads "Ocean Shores Camping & Surf Fishing" in black ink.
Geoduck clams (ddr-densho-477-485)
img Geoduck clams (ddr-densho-477-485)
The caption below the photo reads "Geoduck clam hunting" in black ink.
Mitzi (Nakahara) Isoshima holding up a fish (ddr-densho-477-349)
img Mitzi (Nakahara) Isoshima holding up a fish (ddr-densho-477-349)
The caption below the photo reads "After the catch" in black ink.
Elaine Isoshima cooking crabs (ddr-densho-477-241)
img Elaine Isoshima cooking crabs (ddr-densho-477-241)
The caption below the photo reads "Working crabs" in black ink.
Trout fishing (ddr-densho-477-492)
img Trout fishing (ddr-densho-477-492)
Photograph of the Nishimura family with Grandma Mitsuko trout fishing. Standing off the right is Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima looking at her son-in-law Frank Nishimura with his two sons David (left) and Scott (right). The caption written on the photo reads "Trout season opening at Vancouver, WA Salmon Creek Boys/Frank/Mitzi 1981" in blue ink.
Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima holding trout (ddr-densho-477-500)
img Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima holding trout (ddr-densho-477-500)
The caption below the photo reads "trout fishing" in black ink.
Takeo Isoshima smelt fishing (ddr-densho-477-435)
img Takeo Isoshima smelt fishing (ddr-densho-477-435)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima (left) sitting on a sandy beach. The caption below the photo reads "Smelt fishing" in black ink.
Man Crabbing (ddr-densho-477-240)
img Man Crabbing (ddr-densho-477-240)
The caption below the photo reads "Crabbing on Whidbey Island" in black ink.
Mitzi Isoshima cleaning fish (ddr-densho-477-439)
img Mitzi Isoshima cleaning fish (ddr-densho-477-439)
The caption below the photo reads "The Fish Cleaner" in black ink.
Takeo Isoshima salmon fishing (ddr-densho-477-510)
img Takeo Isoshima salmon fishing (ddr-densho-477-510)
The caption below the photo reads "Salmon fishing with Glenn" in black ink.
Takeo Isoshima fishing (ddr-densho-477-361)
img Takeo Isoshima fishing (ddr-densho-477-361)
The caption below the photo reads "Perch fishing" in black ink.
Glenn and Takeo Isoshima digging for Clams (ddr-densho-477-279)
img Glenn and Takeo Isoshima digging for Clams (ddr-densho-477-279)
The caption below the photo reads "Clam Digging at Hood Canal" in black ink.
Caught Salmon (ddr-densho-477-436)
img Caught Salmon (ddr-densho-477-436)
The caption below the photo reads "Charter salmon fishing at Westport, WA" in black ink.
Takeo Isoshima clam hunting (ddr-densho-477-487)
img Takeo Isoshima clam hunting (ddr-densho-477-487)
The caption next to the photo reads "Geoduck clam hunting" in black ink.
Keitaro Nagai and friend (ddr-densho-495-61)
img Keitaro Nagai and friend (ddr-densho-495-61)
Photograph of Keitaro Nagai (left) with an unidentified friend holding up a large fish between them. Caption on album page reads: "Keitaro Nagai and Friend / Circa: 1900"
Fishing Derby Winners (ddr-densho-495-9)
img Fishing Derby Winners (ddr-densho-495-9)
Photograph of the Fishing Derby winners of 1956 around their catch, Dorothy Haruko Nagai in center. Inscribed on the back is "1956" in the upper right corner, "Perch" in the middle, and "Florence M. Harrison / 402 So. Lucla Ave / Redondo Beach - FR 73715" stamped on the right side.
Three men after a fishing trip (ddr-densho-34-112)
img Three men after a fishing trip (ddr-densho-34-112)
Left to right: Ilohlio Narte holding an unidentified child, Felix Narte, and Frank Yoshito Kitamoto holding his daughter, Lilly. Yoshito Frank Kitamoto also went by Frank Yoshito Kitamoto.