Post-World War II service
Military service
Post-World War II service
240 items
240 items

Homer Yasui Interview Segment 15 (ddr-densho-1000-491-15)
Setting up medical practice, joining the U.S. Naval Reserve

An Oral History with Norman Y. Mineta - Segment 1 (ddr-csujad-29-55-1)
Japanese American congressman, representing the Thirteenth Congressional District of California, born and raised in San Jose, California, discusses his early life, graduation from the University of California, Berkeley, and receiving a commission and serving in the armed forces from 1953-1956. Recalls the removal, "relocation," and incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II at the Heart …

The Northwest Times Vol. 4 No. 71 (September 6, 1950) (ddr-densho-229-240)
"Korean Situation Hampers ADC Efforts to Win Boost in Claims Plan Budget" (p. 1), "Walter Bill OK by Truman Expected Soon" (p. 1), "ADC Releases Full Text of GI Bride Bill" (p. 1).

The Northwest Times Vol. 4 No. 68 (August 23, 1950) (ddr-densho-229-237)
"Walter Bill Runs into Confusion" (p. 1), "Travel Bureau Office in N.Y. Will Open Soon" (p. 1), "Sgt. I. Furukawa Killed in Action" (p. 1).

The Northwest Times Vol. 4 No. 72 (September 9, 1950) (ddr-densho-229-241)
"Truman Must Approve or Veto Walter Bill by Today; Ten-Day Period Ends" (p. 1), "C-B-I Hero's Wife Awaits Truman Okay" (p. 1), "Masaoka, Brilliant ADC Chief, Named to Distinguished Leadership Award" (p. 2).

The Northwest Times Vol. 4 No. 70 (August 30, 1950) (ddr-densho-229-239)
"Giving Dictatorial Powers Dangerous, is Rep. Yates' Warning to Congress" (p. 1), "Many Nisei in Action on Korean Front, Seattleite Says" (p. 1).

The Northwest Times Vol. 4 No. 74 (September 16, 1950) (ddr-densho-229-243)
"House Action on Walter Resolution is Predicted by Author of Bill" (p. 1), "Overseas Agency Tells Latest Rulings on Shipping Gift Parcels to Japan" (p. 1), "Buddy System Helps Fifth Combat Team in Solving Danger of Identity Error" (p. 1).

The Northwest Times Vol. 5 No. 3 (January 10, 1951) (ddr-densho-229-264)
"3 Legislations Introduced to Congress : ADC" (p. 1), "Congress Gets Two Measures" (p. 1), "A New Year and an Unpleasant Korean War Faced by the Japanese" (p. 1).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 46, No. 26 (June 27, 1958) (ddr-pc-30-26)
Select article titles: "Non-restricted housing key to end race bias" (p. 1); "Canadians of Asian descent in joint bid on immigration bias" (p. 2); "Two Nisei graduated this year from West Point, from Hawaii & California" (p. 4)
Starting in No. 13, the volume number in the header changes from 46 to 26. This printing error …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 69, No. 1 (July 04,1969) (ddr-pc-41-27)
Select article titles: "Noguchi optimistic, feels his defense proves case" (p. 1); "Los Angeles-Born Nisei Appointed Air Force Deputy Undersecretary" (p. 3); "'What would have happened if Nisei weren't quiet" (p. 4); "Not a Black Problem" (p. 5); "Time in WRA camps sought as federal service time for federally employed" (p. 5).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 83, No. 23 (December 3, 1976) (ddr-pc-48-48)
Selected article titles: "The Relocation Revival Blues" (pp. 1-2), "A Nisei in Japan: Haneda Better Choice for Tourists to Japan" (p. 1), and "The Corner for Guests: Do We Care?" (p. 2).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 79, No. 4 (July 26, 1974) (ddr-pc-46-29)
Selected article titles: "CLers Confront 'Save the Whale' Picket Leaders" (p. 1), "Friends Unknown" (pp. 1, 3), "The First Chief Justice from the West" (pp. 2, 5), and "Asian-Americans at Annapolis: What Am I Doing Here?" (p. 3).

Soldiers at U.S. Army language school (ddr-csujad-38-135)
Photographed are soldiers at U.S. Army language school in Presidio of Monterey, California. A photo from "George Naohara photo album" (csudh_nao_0001), page 29. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_01_29_007

George Naohara (ddr-csujad-38-118)
Photographed is George Nobuo Naohara in U.S. Army uniform at U.S. Army language school in Presidio of Monterey, California. The handwritten note on the backside reads: George Naohara, 1950-1956. Title from note. A photo from "George Naohara photo album" (csudh_nao_0001), page 27. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_01_27_002

Presidio of Monterey, California (ddr-csujad-38-150)
Photographed is probably a view of Presidio of Monterey, California. A photo from "George Naohara photo album" (csudh_nao_0001), page 31. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_01_31_002

Okumura, Nisei soldier at U.S. Army language school (ddr-csujad-38-137)
Photographed is a Nisei soldier at U.S. Army language school in Presidio of Monterey, California. The caption reads: Okumura. A photo from "George Naohara photo album" (csudh_nao_0001), page 29. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_01_29_009

U.S. military vehicle (ddr-csujad-38-123)
A photograph of a U.S. military vehicle at U.S. Army language school in Presidio of Monterey, California. A photo from "George Naohara photo album" (csudh_nao_0001), page 28. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_01_28_002

Presidio of Monterey, California (ddr-csujad-38-144)
Photographed is probably a view of Presidio of Monterey, California. A photo from "George Naohara photo album" (csudh_nao_0001), page 30. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_01_30_005

Nisei soldier at U.S. Army language school (ddr-csujad-38-139)
Photographed is a Nisei soldier at U.S. Army language school in Presidio of Monterey, California. A photo from "George Naohara photo album" (csudh_nao_0001), page 29. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_01_29_011

Soldier at U.S. Army language school (ddr-csujad-38-119)
Photographed is a soldier at U.S. Army language school in Presidio of Monterey, California. A photo from "George Naohara photo album" (csudh_nao_0001), page 27. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_01_27_004

Soldier at U.S. Army language school (ddr-csujad-38-134)
Photographed is a soldier at U.S. Army language school in Presidio of Monterey, California. A photo from "George Naohara photo album" (csudh_nao_0001), page 29. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_01_29_006

Soldiers at U.S. Army language school (ddr-csujad-38-148)
Photographed are probably soldiers at U.S. Army language school in Presidio of Monterey, California. A photo from "George Naohara photo album" (csudh_nao_0001), page 30. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_01_30_009

Nisei soldier at U.S. Army language school (ddr-csujad-38-130)
Photographed is a Nisei soldier at U.S. Army language school in Presidio of Monterey, California. A photo from "George Naohara photo album" (csudh_nao_0001), page 29. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_01_29_002