Post-World War II service
Military service
Post-World War II service
240 items
240 items

Three newspaper articles (ddr-densho-446-408)
Photocopy of three news articles on Ai Chih Tsai's return to US. Headlines: San Diego Union 1947, U.S. Formosa Aide Lives in San Diego;S.D. Pastor Starts Home - UNRRA Aid Returning from Formosa; Formosan Minister to Join Wife Here

AG 210.453 AGPD Order (ddr-densho-446-185)
USSBS Orders with list of civilian representatives by command of General MacArthur

US Strategic Bombing Survey Card (ddr-densho-446-396)
ACS Identification Card issued by the US Strategic Bombing Survey (USSBS)

Group Photo with Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-398)
ACS with his daughter and George Kerr, his commanding supervisor when he worked at the Navy in 1944 (Photo circa Spring 1946)

Receipt for travel expenses (ddr-densho-446-201)
Receipt for $301.27 for travel expenses from October 9-December 25, 1945

Ai Chih Tsai Photo in front of hotel (ddr-densho-446-401)
Ai Chih Tsai was assigned to the UNRRA Shanghai Office and arrived there in June 1946. In July, he was sent to Taiwan to report on the disposition of the goods sent to war-ravaged areas. (Photo taken summer 1946)

Company G 200 Infrantry Regiment photograph (ddr-densho-292-54)
A photograph taken of Company G 200 Infrantry Regiment - 31 Infrantry (Dixie) Division. Frank Nishioka is in the forth row 5th from the right.

Japanese American soldier (ddr-densho-61-7)
Fumiko Hayashida's son, Leonard, in uniform while serving in the Vietnam War. He was twenty-five years old at the time the photo was taken, and was born in Manzanar concentration camp, California.