S. 2116

Senate version of House bill 4110, created to implement the recommendations of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. The bill was introduced in November, 1983, by Sen. Spark Matsunaga of Hawaii, and was assigned to the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee. S. 2116 received only one hearing and died in committee.

Redress and reparations (966)
Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC) (106)
Lobbying and implementation of findings and recommendations (45)
S. 2116 (13)


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13 items
Statement of Norman Y. Mineta (ddr-densho-67-354)
doc Statement of Norman Y. Mineta (ddr-densho-67-354)
Written statement of Norman Y. Mineta. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.
Statement of Mary Oda (ddr-densho-67-359)
doc Statement of Mary Oda (ddr-densho-67-359)
Written statement of Mary Oda. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.
Statement of Mervyn M. Dymally (ddr-densho-67-356)
doc Statement of Mervyn M. Dymally (ddr-densho-67-356)
Written statement of Mervyn M. Dymally. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.
Statement of S.I. Hayakawa (ddr-densho-67-355)
doc Statement of S.I. Hayakawa (ddr-densho-67-355)
Written statement of S.I. Hayakawa. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.
Statement of Arthur S. Flemming (ddr-densho-67-357)
doc Statement of Arthur S. Flemming (ddr-densho-67-357)
Written statement of Arthur S. Flemming, on behalf of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.
Statement of Kiyoshi Sonoda (ddr-densho-67-364)
doc Statement of Kiyoshi Sonoda (ddr-densho-67-364)
Written statement of Kiyoshi Sonoda. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.
Statement of Mas Fukai (ddr-densho-67-360)
doc Statement of Mas Fukai (ddr-densho-67-360)
Written statement of Mas Fukai. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.
Statement of Lillian Baker (ddr-densho-67-352)
doc Statement of Lillian Baker (ddr-densho-67-352)
Written statement of Lillian Baker. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.
Statement of Rachel Kawasaki (ddr-densho-67-353)
doc Statement of Rachel Kawasaki (ddr-densho-67-353)
Written statement of Rachel Kawasaki. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.
Statement of George Takei (ddr-densho-67-358)
doc Statement of George Takei (ddr-densho-67-358)
Written statement of George Takei. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.
Statement of the Committee to Reverse the Japanese American Wartime Cases (ddr-densho-67-363)
doc Statement of the Committee to Reverse the Japanese American Wartime Cases (ddr-densho-67-363)
Written statement of the Committee to Reverse the Japanese American Wartime Cases. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.
Statement of Mas Odoi (ddr-densho-67-362)
doc Statement of Mas Odoi (ddr-densho-67-362)
Written statement of Mas Odoi. This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984. Personal information excised by Densho.
Statement of the National Coalition for Redress/Reparations, So. Calif. Chapter (ddr-densho-67-361)
doc Statement of the National Coalition for Redress/Reparations, So. Calif. Chapter (ddr-densho-67-361)
Written statement of the National Coalition for Redress/Reparations, So. Calif. Chapter, titled: "Economic Losses: Impact on Family and Community a Case for Monetary Redress/Reparations." This statement was submitted for the hearings on Senate Bill S. 2116 in August of 1984.