"Evacuation Day"

On the appointed "evacuation day," thousands of Japanese Americans gathered at designated locations, with the numbered identification tags they had been issued tied to their coats. Watched by curious onlookers, they were met by armed soldiers and transported in buses, private cars, and trains to sixteen temporary "assembly centers" in California, Washington, Oregon, and Arizona.

World War II (240)
Mass removal ("evacuation") (692)
"Evacuation Day" (259)

Related articles from the Densho Encyclopedia :
Terminal Island, California


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259 items
Newspaper clipping of photo of mass removal from scrapbook page (ddr-densho-72-16)
doc Newspaper clipping of photo of mass removal from scrapbook page (ddr-densho-72-16)
Newspaper photo of Ikeda family preparing for mass removal. Newspaper unknown.
Two pages of newspaper clippings from scrapbook (ddr-densho-72-15)
doc Two pages of newspaper clippings from scrapbook (ddr-densho-72-15)
Newspaper articles, one of which is titled "Portland to Be First Jap-Free City." Newspaper unknown.
Mass removal instructions document from page of scrapbook (ddr-densho-72-40)
doc Mass removal instructions document from page of scrapbook (ddr-densho-72-40)
Mass removal instructions by the Portland Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League. From page of "Scrapbook: 1943-45."