Post-World War II

Japan (148)
Post-World War II (1621)


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1621 items
Courtroom of the Tokyo war crimes trials (ddr-densho-299-159)
img Courtroom of the Tokyo war crimes trials (ddr-densho-299-159)
Caption: "The courtroom is jammed. 'Admittance by ticket only' for this is history in the making."
View of the Ginza District in Tokyo in 1947 (ddr-densho-299-129)
img View of the Ginza District in Tokyo in 1947 (ddr-densho-299-129)
Caption: "The Ginza 1947 / The Ginza in 1946 and a year later. Notice that the corner building has a Tokyo PX sign in / the 1947 photo. Also the lack of motor traffic except for GI vehicles in 1946."
Praying over earthquake victims (ddr-densho-299-39)
img Praying over earthquake victims (ddr-densho-299-39)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-48-5607. 30 June 48 / Charred remains excavated from / earthquake ruins: / Japanese pray over the charred / remains of Japanese earthquake victims / in Fukui, Japanese sea town hardest / hit by the earthquake of 28 June 1948, / which stuck without warning in the / late afternoon, leaving a trail …
Buddhist monks (ddr-densho-299-216)
img Buddhist monks (ddr-densho-299-216)
Caption: "Buddhist monks in their traditional attire."
View of the street where the Allied Power's HQ was located (ddr-densho-299-143)
img View of the street where the Allied Power's HQ was located (ddr-densho-299-143)
Caption: "General MacArthur, Supreme Commander Allied Power's headquarters is the first building on right."
Monkey statues in Nikko (ddr-densho-299-212)
img Monkey statues in Nikko (ddr-densho-299-212)
Caption: "The original 'hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil' monkeys in Nikko."
Post-war Yokohama Harbor (ddr-densho-299-125)
img Post-war Yokohama Harbor (ddr-densho-299-125)
Caption: "Yokohama Harbor in 1946. No large ships. Don't know where or if they had any left."
A farmer in his rice paddy (ddr-densho-299-15)
img A farmer in his rice paddy (ddr-densho-299-15)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-47-77287. 14 July 47 / Japanese rice farming: / A Japanese farmer works in his / large rice paddy located near / Mount Fuji, Japan. Rice is first / planted in special beds of well / fertilized soil, and when it / reaches a certain size it is pulled / up and taken …
Wounded Hideki Tojo in hospital (ddr-densho-299-145)
img Wounded Hideki Tojo in hospital (ddr-densho-299-145)
Caption: "Hideki Tojo 'the razor', realizing that his time was running short attempts to / 'save face' by suicide but his shot was not fatal."
General MacArthur lands in Japan (ddr-densho-299-121)
img General MacArthur lands in Japan (ddr-densho-299-121)
Caption: "General MacArthur alights from a C-54 at Atsugi airfield, 20 miles out of Tokyo, / for his first glimpse at Japan."
Japanese glassblower making a cocktail glass (ddr-densho-299-66)
img Japanese glassblower making a cocktail glass (ddr-densho-299-66)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-2860. 23 April 49 / Manufacturing glassware in Japan: / A youthful employee at the Hoya Glass / Factory, Tokyo, Japan, uses a blowing / tube during the first stage of making / a cocktail glass. / Photographer - Girard / Photograph by U.S. Army."
Prime Minister Yoshida dicussing rumors of resignation with some U.S. army troops (ddr-densho-299-188)
img Prime Minister Yoshida dicussing rumors of resignation with some U.S. army troops (ddr-densho-299-188)
Two captions. Bottom side caption: "17 Jan 1947 Tokyo, Japan / Shown chatting with Prime Minister Yoshida and his secretary concerning / The resignation rumors which now prevail are: Lt. Ted Akimoto, U.S. Army / Photographer (extreme right) and T/4 Robert Shintani, Interpreter, ATIS, GHQ, / Far East Command." Right hand side caption: "I was the …
Officers of the 1st Cavalry Division (ddr-densho-299-149)
img Officers of the 1st Cavalry Division (ddr-densho-299-149)
Caption: "The First Cavalry with their mania of 'firsts' have the first review of Tokyo."
Refugees inspecting rubble from their homes (ddr-densho-299-42)
img Refugees inspecting rubble from their homes (ddr-densho-299-42)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-48-5384. 1 July 48 / Aftermath of quake in Japan: / In Morita, Japan, one of the Southern / sea towns hit hardest by the quake / which struck without warning, Japanese / return to their once proud city with / little to look forward to. The quake / which struck on 28 …
Workfloor of a factory showing the following writing on the wall:
img Workfloor of a factory showing the following writing on the wall: "Do Your Best! For the New Nippon Revival" (ddr-densho-299-37)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-47-75959. 17 June 47 / E.S.S. project: / Sign in the Hitachi Seiko Kaish- / a Ltd. machine tool plant, Chiba / Prefecture, Tokyo, Japan. This / factory is not currently slated for / reparations. / Photographer - Kondis / Photograph by U.S. Army Signal Corps."
Japanese glassworker making a bowl (ddr-densho-299-65)
img Japanese glassworker making a bowl (ddr-densho-299-65)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-2855. 23 April 49 / Manufacturing of glassware in Japan: / With painstaking care a Japanese employee / at the Hoya Glass Factory, Tokyo, Japan, / fashions a glass bowl. / Photographer - Girard / Photograph by U.S. Army."
Ruins from explosion (ddr-densho-299-147)
img Ruins from explosion (ddr-densho-299-147)
Caption: "One mile from the epicenter of the blast. Notice smokestacks still standing. / Circular objects must divert blast forces better than flat surfaces."
Surviving museum (ddr-densho-299-126)
img Surviving museum (ddr-densho-299-126)
Caption: "Museum survived fire bombs but interior completely destroyed."
Japanese farmer drives his ox pulling his cart (ddr-densho-299-183)
img Japanese farmer drives his ox pulling his cart (ddr-densho-299-183)
Caption: "Some farmers were lucky enough to have oxen alive after the war."