
Concentration Camp

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645 items
Letter to Yuri Domoto from Tomi Domoto (ddr-densho-356-300)
doc Letter to Yuri Domoto from Tomi Domoto (ddr-densho-356-300)
Letter to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from her cousin Tomi Domoto in which discusses the first month at Jerome and general news about mutual friends. Item tied together with all objects between ddr-densho-356-277 and ddr-densho-356-320.
The Newell Star, Vol. I, No. 7 (April 20, 1944) (ddr-densho-284-12)
doc The Newell Star, Vol. I, No. 7 (April 20, 1944) (ddr-densho-284-12)
Selected article titles: "82 in Center Receive Notices to Report for Physical Exams: Base Hospital to Be Utilized" (p. 1), "More Arrivals Expected as Segregation Plan Resumed" (p. 1), and "Red Cross Gifts Distributed to CA and Japanese Library" (p. 2).
The Newell Star, Vol. I, No. 11 (May 11, 1944) (ddr-densho-284-17)
doc The Newell Star, Vol. I, No. 11 (May 11, 1944) (ddr-densho-284-17)
Selected article titles: "Segregation: 1000 from Jerome, Rohwer Expected Over Weekend" (pp. 1-2), "Spanish Delegate to Visit Japanese Nationals Here" (p. 1), and "CA Contacting Other Centers to Obtain Japanese Movies" (p. 4).
The Newell Star, Vol. I, No. 12 (March 18, 1944) (ddr-densho-284-18)
doc The Newell Star, Vol. I, No. 12 (March 18, 1944) (ddr-densho-284-18)
Selected article titles: "Administration Releases Latest Stockade Figures" (p. 1), "Population Increased to 18,027" (p. 2), and "Gunnison Compares Tule Lake Center with Manila, Shanghai Internment Camps" (p. 2).
The Newell Star, Vol. I, No. 15 (June 8, 1944) (ddr-densho-284-22)
doc The Newell Star, Vol. I, No. 15 (June 8, 1944) (ddr-densho-284-22)
Selected article titles: "Voluntary Terminations Asked in Families of Two" (p. 2) and "Hayward Assures Ample Supply of Vegetables" (p. 2).
Newspaper clipping (ddr-densho-410-39)
doc Newspaper clipping (ddr-densho-410-39)
Article about couple marrying after meeting at Jerome Camp and moving to Cleveland
Sato family at Jerome Camp (ddr-ajah-6-215)
img Sato family at Jerome Camp (ddr-ajah-6-215)
Caption below photo: The Sato families of Alameda, CA., in Jerome Arkansas, January 1943. Kimiko was married to Goro, Etsuko was married to Toshio. Goro and Toshio are brothers. Written on photo front: Jan. 1943
Group clearing trees (ddr-ajah-6-219)
img Group clearing trees (ddr-ajah-6-219)
Caption below photo: Clearing land outside of the camp confines. They probably used the wood to heat their barracks. Jerome, Arkansas, November 1943. Written on photo front: Nov. 43
Two children at Jerome Camp (ddr-ajah-6-214)
img Two children at Jerome Camp (ddr-ajah-6-214)
Caption below photo: Kiyo Sato and her brother, Kazuyoshi, in Jerome, Arkansas, 1943. Written on front: Summer 1943
Large group posing for outside barracks (ddr-ajah-6-226)
img Large group posing for outside barracks (ddr-ajah-6-226)
Caption below photo: Elevenier's club, Block 11, Jerome Arkansas. Second row from the front, 4th from left is Goro Sato of Alameda, CA. He is wearing a dark jacket. He was the block leader. April 1944
Man and woman standing outside barracks (ddr-ajah-6-218)
img Man and woman standing outside barracks (ddr-ajah-6-218)
Caption below photo: Roberta Yamamoto and Goro Sato, Jerome, Arkansas, May 1943 Goro was from Alameda, CA. Written on photo front: M. Roberta Yamamoto May, 1943
Group of cooks at Jerome Camp (ddr-ajah-6-213)
img Group of cooks at Jerome Camp (ddr-ajah-6-213)
Caption below photo: Cooks gather for a photograph at Jerome, Arkansas, circa 1942-1944
Two men chopping down a tree (ddr-ajah-6-221)
img Two men chopping down a tree (ddr-ajah-6-221)
Caption below photo: Clearing land outside of the camp confines. They probably used the wood to heat their barracks. At right is Goro Sato of Alameda, CA., who hurt his back working this job. Jerome, Arkansas, November 1943
Group of children outside barracks (ddr-ajah-6-224)
img Group of children outside barracks (ddr-ajah-6-224)
Caption below photo: Nisei children in Jerome, Arkansas, Spring 1943. Written on front: Spring 1943
Goro Sato family at Jerome Camp (ddr-ajah-6-216)
img Goro Sato family at Jerome Camp (ddr-ajah-6-216)
Caption below photo: Sato family of Alameda, CA., in Jerome, Arkansas. When Jerome closed in June 1944, they moved tot the incarceration camp at Gila, Arizona. Photo January 1943
School class at Jerome Camp (ddr-ajah-6-212)
img School class at Jerome Camp (ddr-ajah-6-212)
Caption below photo: Youth class, Jerome Incarceration camp, Arkansas, circa 1942-1944
Group of men posing for photo (ddr-ajah-6-223)
img Group of men posing for photo (ddr-ajah-6-223)
Caption below photo: Directors and Block Leaders, Jerome, Arkansas, circa 1943-1944. Top row, far left is Goro Sato of Alameda, CA.
Group at picnic with barracks in background (ddr-ajah-6-217)
img Group at picnic with barracks in background (ddr-ajah-6-217)
Caption below photo: Block 11 picnic, Jerome, Arkansas, Easter Sunday, 1943. Seated in the middle row is Toshio Sato, his arm around his niece Kiyo Sato, with nephew Kazuyoshi Sato front row left (no shirt) Written on photo front: Block 11 picnic Easter Sunday 1943
Men loading logs onto to truck (ddr-ajah-6-220)
img Men loading logs onto to truck (ddr-ajah-6-220)
Caption below photo: Clearing land somewhere near the camp confines. They probably used the wood to heat their barracks. In the left foreground in Goro Sato of Alameda, CA. Jerome, November 1943. Written on front: Nov. 1943
Four people outside barracks (ddr-ajah-6-222)
img Four people outside barracks (ddr-ajah-6-222)
Caption below photo: Jerome, Arkansas, circa 1943-1944
Offers of employment to residents of Jerome Relocation Center in relation to their previous skills (ddr-csujad-55-19)
doc Offers of employment to residents of Jerome Relocation Center in relation to their previous skills (ddr-csujad-55-19)
Report on the skills and experience of incarcerees in regard to current job vacancies. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_00022
Citizen's indefinite leave, WRA-137, Mary Tsuruko Tsukamoto (ddr-csujad-55-8)
doc Citizen's indefinite leave, WRA-137, Mary Tsuruko Tsukamoto (ddr-csujad-55-8)
Certification that Mary Tsukamoto was authorized to indefinitely leave the Jerome incarceration camp for Kalamazoo, Michigan. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_00009
Letter from Mary Tsukamoto to Mr. McWilliams, October 18, 1943 (ddr-csujad-55-2)
doc Letter from Mary Tsukamoto to Mr. McWilliams, October 18, 1943 (ddr-csujad-55-2)
Mary writes about the hardships of her first year in Jerome incarceration center, the loyalty questionnaire, regrets by those who chose to repatriate to Japan, and the kindess of the everyday people she met on a tour of Indiana. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_00003
Second quarterly report, July 1 to September 30, 1942 (ddr-csujad-55-1653)
doc Second quarterly report, July 1 to September 30, 1942 (ddr-csujad-55-1653)
Report covering progress of the "relocation" program, movement to "relocation centers", community construction, "evacuee" induction, employment inside and outside the centers, leave regulations, student "relocation", "evacuee" property, self-government, consumer enterprises, education, health and sanitation, welfare, mess operations, police and fire, agriculture and manufacturing, religious activities, "evacuee" newspapers, postal facilities, individual exclusion, repatriation, organization and personnel, chronology …