645 items
645 items

Denson Tribune Vol. I No. 1 (March 2, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-42)
Selected article titles: "Moving Rumors Quelled" (p. 1), "Evacuees Must Not Wander" (p. 1), "Signup of Evacuees to Close in Center Tomorrow Night. Registration Compulsory" (p. 1), "Emergency System Planned" (p. 3), "New Employment Regulations Made. Work Rules Require Definite Procedure" (p. 6).

Denson Communique No. 4 (November 3, 1942) (ddr-densho-144-4)
Selected article titles: "Stoves to be Installed This Week" (p. 1), "Names of Other Papers" (p. 1), "Jobs Available for Husky Men" (p. 1), "Jerome Population to Hit 7678 Today" (p. 1), "First Student Leaves for School" (p. 1), "Milk Supply Low" (p. 2).

Denson Tribune Vol. II No. 23 (March 21, 1944) (ddr-densho-144-153)
Selected article titles: "Red Cross Campaign is Begun Here" (p. 1), "Seeking WRA Education" (p. 1), "Greater, Better U.S.A. is Looming" (p. 2), "Avoid Issues on Minorities" (p. 6).

Denson Tribune Vol. I No. 11 (April 6, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-52)
Selected article titles: "Housing Centers Opened in Cities. New Service Aids Evacuees" (p. 1), "New WRA Regulations Explained. Law Abiding Residents Get Protection. Limits Set on Penalties for Offenses" (p. 1), "Beautification Program to Start on School Grounds" (p. 3).

Denson Tribune Vol. I No. 48 (August 13, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-89)
Selected article titles: "Residents Relate Outside Experiences" (p. 1), "Requested Persons Go on Exchange Ships. Gripsholm to Take 19 Here" (p. 1).

Denson Tribune Vol. I No. 53 (August 31, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-94)
Selected article titles: "Completes Final Step: Center Co-op Receives License from State" (p. 1), "Number of Routine Project Jobs to be Reduced. Maximum of 2800 Workers Set Starting in October" (p. 1), "Center Departures Pass 1000 Mark. Relocation Progresses" (p. 1), "Information Released on Tule Lake Center" (p. 4).

Denson Communique No. 23 (December 31, 1942) (ddr-densho-144-23)
Selected article titles: "Council Charter Approved by Center Director Taylor" (p. 1), "Photograph Negative Retouchers Wanted" (p. 1), "Picture Souvenir of Center on Sale" (p. 3).

Denson Tribune Vol. I No. 66 (October 15, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-107)
Selected article titles: "Twenty Volunteer Woodcutters Injured in Semi-Trailer Accident. Truck Hits Soft Shoulder and Turns on Its Side " (p. 1), "Terrorists: Face Federal Prosecution" (p. 3).

Denson Tribune Vol. II No. 17 (February 29, 1944) (ddr-densho-144-147)
Selected article titles: "Procedures for Hostels are Set Up" (p. 1), "From School Hall to Gate of Life" (p. 2), "Relocation, Residence in Centers Voluntary" (p. 3).

Denson Tribune Vol. I No. 8 (March 26, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-49)
Selected article titles: "Repatriation Signup Starts Monday" (p. 1), "Officials Back Resettlement. 'Nisei Should Go Outside,' Rundquist" (p. 1).

Denson Communique No. 36 (February 9, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-36)
Selected article titles: "Signup Starts in Center. Registration of All Evacuees Over 17 Gets Underway Today" (p. 1), "Text of Army Representatives' Message to Center Residents" (p. 2), "Japanese American Battalion from Hawaii Commended for Spirit" (p. 5).

Denson Tribune Vol. I No. 84 (December 17, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-125)
Selected article titles: "Compliance with Draft Laws Urged" (p. 1), "Abide by Travel Regulation" (p. 1), "Buy Xmas Seals and Defy T.B. Buy Christmas Seals and Protect Your Home from Tuberculosis!" (p. 1), "Five L's -- Light, Love, Life, Labor, Liberty" (p. 2).

Denson Tribune Vol. II No. 26 (March 31, 1944) (ddr-densho-144-156)
Selected article titles: "Citizenship Determined by U.S. Laws" (p. 1), "Segregated Units Query is Clarified" (p. 1), "Center is Helped by Santa Clauses" (p. 2).

Denson Tribune Vol. I No. 64 (October 8, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-105)
Selected article titles: "WAC Applications to be Taken Wednesday. Recruiting Officers Will Interview Applicants" (p. 1), "Center Enters Second Year of Operation" (p. 1).

Denson Tribune Vol. I No. 40 (July 16, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-81)
Selected article titles: "Segregation to Start Sept. 1. Hearings to be Given in Doubtful Cases" (p. 1), "Wanted: A Boost for Resettlement" (p. 2), "WRA Will Not Bear Broken Glass Expense" (p. 4).

Denson Tribune Vol. II No. 1 (January 4, 1944) (ddr-densho-144-130)
Selected article titles: "For Country and for Flag" (p. 1), "Heads: In God We Trust Tails: E Pluribus Unum" (p. 1), "Residents Note Debut of New Year" (p. 1), "Care, Pre-Natal to Post-Mortem, Given" (p. 2), "Universities Open to Nisei" (p. 4).

Denson Tribune Vol. I No. 17 (April 27, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-58)
Selected article titles: "Defense Courses Offered. Classes Will Begin May 3" (p. 1), "Looking To: Future Citizens" (p. 2), "Big Center Food Plan Undertaken" (p. 3), "Heights, Weights of Enlistees Here Found to Vary Greatly" (p. 7).

Denson Communique No. 39 (February 19, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-39)
Selected article titles: "Tempo of Registration Climbs to New Peak. Block 32 Shows Largest Signup" (p. 1), "Mimeograph Section Keeps Busy" (p. 3), "Flower, Vegetable Seeds Available" (p. 3), "New Water System Will Begin March 1" (p. 5).

Denson Communique No. 14 (December 4, 1942) (ddr-densho-144-14)
Selected article titles: "Permanent Resettling Sought" (p. 1), "Correction Made on Wood Situation Story" (p. 1), "No More Tea or Eggs in Near Future" (p. 4), "Water Shut Off Few Days" (p. 6), "Any Washing Machine?" (p. 6), "Up to Residents to Ask for Printed Paper" (p. 6).

Denson Communique No. 18 (December 16, 1942) (ddr-densho-144-18)
Selected article titles: "Wood Crew Lauded: Critical Work Needs 300-700 More Able Bodied Men on Job" (p. 1), "First Mules Here Win Affection" (p. 2).

Denson Tribune Vol. I No. 50 (August 20, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-91)
Selected article titles: "Eastern Defense Clears 800 Residents" (p. 1), "Sunday Designated Center Baseball Day" (p. 1), "Antidote For: American Legion" (p. 2).

Denson Tribune Vol. II No. 22 (March 17, 1944) (ddr-densho-144-152)
Selected article titles: "Authority Over Citizens is Clarified" (p. 1), "Relocation Advantageous" (p. 1), "Follow the Grain, E Pluribus Unum" (p. 2), "All Nisei Should Become Part of Homogenous Pot" (p. 3), "Patriotism a la Real Deeds" (p. 4).

Denson Tribune Vol. I No. 33 (June 22, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-74)
Selected article titles: "Short Wave Radios Banned after July 1. Residents Must Surrender Them to Internal Security" (p. 1), "Illegal Use of Machinery to be Punished" (p. 1), "Dies Committee: Creating Disunity" (p. 2).

Denson Tribune Vol. I No. 54 (September 3, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-95)
Selected article titles: "Tule Exodus Starts Here Sept. 15. Definite Schedule Announced" (p. 1), "Gripsholm Rejections Go to Rohwer" (p. 1), "'Totalitarian: Justice in America'" (p. 2), "Messages May Still be Sent to Japan" (p. 8).

Denson Communique No. 10 (November 20, 1942) (ddr-densho-144-10)
Selected article titles: "Poor Lunches Cause Sit-Down" (p. 1), "Ruling Bans Trespassing" (p. 1), "Sewage Disposal: Center Has Best System" (p. 1), "Students May Work Part-time" (p. 3), "Ward Catalogs Available in Blocks" (p. 4), "Hog Raising Project Next Month" (p. 4).