Poston (Colorado River)

Concentration Camp

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1963 items
Card from Sigma Debs to Mrs. Masukawa, May 12 1944 (ddr-csujad-38-365)
doc Card from Sigma Debs to Mrs. Masukawa, May 12 1944 (ddr-csujad-38-365)
An invitation card to the Mothers' Day Party held on Friday May 12, 1944 at the Dining Hall at the Poston camp in Arizona. The party was coordinated by Sigma Debs, young Nisei women's club in the camp, and the card was sent to Mitzi Masukawa Naohara's mother, Koyuta Masukawa. The caption reads: In honor of …
Card from 307 YBA to Mitzi Naohara, March 24, 1945 (ddr-csujad-38-369)
doc Card from 307 YBA to Mitzi Naohara, March 24, 1945 (ddr-csujad-38-369)
An invitation card to farewell social for Hideko Mayeda and Frank G. Tanaka sponsored by 307 Young Buddhist Association (YBA) held at 307 Mess Hall in the Poston camp in Arizona at 7:30 PM on March 24, 1945. It was sent to Mitzi Masukawa Naohara incarcerated at the Poston camp. An item from: Mitzi Naohara scrapbook …
Card to Miss Mitzi Masukawa, May 25, 1945 (ddr-csujad-38-415)
doc Card to Miss Mitzi Masukawa, May 25, 1945 (ddr-csujad-38-415)
An invitation card to the farewell party, "Sayonara party," held in honor of the teachers and staff of Poston III camp in Arizona, on May 25, 1945. It was sent to Mitzi Masukawa Naohara who was a preschool teacher at the camp. An item from: Mitzi Naohara scrapbook (csudh_nao_0400), page 36. See this object in the …
Card from George Naohara to Mitzi Naohara, February 14, 1945 (ddr-csujad-38-416)
doc Card from George Naohara to Mitzi Naohara, February 14, 1945 (ddr-csujad-38-416)
A Valentine's Day card from George Nobuo Naohara to "Mitsuko" who is Mitzi Masukawa Naohara. He probably wrote from the Tule Lake camp in California where he was incarcerated to her while she was incarcerated at the Poston camp in Arizona. An item from: Mitzi Naohara scrapbook (csudh_nao_0400), page 37. See this object in the California …
Poston Arizona 1945 (ddr-csujad-38-165)
img Poston Arizona 1945 (ddr-csujad-38-165)
Photographed are incarcerees and barracks at the Poston camp in Arizona. The caption reads: Poston Arizona 1945. Title from caption. "KF476" is stamped on the backside. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 1. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_01_002
Nishida family 318 blk (ddr-csujad-38-220)
img Nishida family 318 blk (ddr-csujad-38-220)
Photographed are Nishida family members incarcerated at the Poston camp in Arizona. They are friends of the Masukawa family, who used to live next door prior to the forced evacuation. The caption reads: Nishida family 318 blk. Title from caption. The handwritten notes on the back side reads: Aug. 1944, Poston, Arizona. A photo from: Mitzi …
Yukie Masukawa (ddr-csujad-38-246)
img Yukie Masukawa (ddr-csujad-38-246)
Photographed is Yukie Masukawa holding her son, Kazuki Masukawa, at the Poston incarceration camp in Arizona. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 12. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_12_004
Card from Minoru Hosaka to Miss Masukawa (ddr-csujad-38-390)
doc Card from Minoru Hosaka to Miss Masukawa (ddr-csujad-38-390)
A Christmas greeting card from Minoru Hosaka who was Mitzi Masukawa Naohara's student at the nursery and kindergarten at the Poston camp in Arizona. It was probably sent to Mitzi while she was incarcerated at the Poston camp. The caption reads: Pupil in Nursery 2yrs. Kdgtn. 1 yr. An item from: Mitzi Naohara scrapbook (csudh_nao_0400), page …
Card from Miss Eleanor M. Dougherty, Supervisor for pre-school, to Mitzi Naohara (ddr-csujad-38-388)
doc Card from Miss Eleanor M. Dougherty, Supervisor for pre-school, to Mitzi Naohara (ddr-csujad-38-388)
A Christmas greeting card from Miss Eleanor M. Dougherty in Montana to Mitzi Masukawa Naohara. It was probably sent to Mitzi while she was incarcerated at the Poston camp in Arizona. An item from: Mitzi Naohara scrapbook (csudh_nao_0400), page 23. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_03_24_001
Card from Margaret Elizabeth Toy to Mitzi Naohara, March 1945 (ddr-csujad-38-392)
doc Card from Margaret Elizabeth Toy to Mitzi Naohara, March 1945 (ddr-csujad-38-392)
A birthday card from Margaret ElizabethToy in Los Angeles, California to Mitzi Masukawa Naohara for her 22nd birthday. It was sent to her while Mitzi was incarcerated at the Poston camp in Arizona. An item from: Mitzi Naohara scrapbook (csudh_nao_0400), page 25. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_03_26_001
Masukawa and Ujita family (ddr-csujad-38-317)
img Masukawa and Ujita family (ddr-csujad-38-317)
A photograph of the Masukawa and Ujita family. It is taken in Los Angeles, California after returning from the incarceration camps. The house belongs to the Ujitas. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 20. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_20_002
Bookmark, 2nd anniversary Poston 3 Public Library (ddr-csujad-38-413)
doc Bookmark, 2nd anniversary Poston 3 Public Library (ddr-csujad-38-413)
A bookmark created for the second anniversary of Poston III Public Library at Block 325 in the Poston camp in Arizona. An item from: Mitzi Naohara scrapbook (csudh_nao_0400), page 35. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_03_36_003
Ujita family (ddr-csujad-38-236)
img Ujita family (ddr-csujad-38-236)
Photographed is the Ujita family incarcerated at the Poston camp in Arizona. Includes Hideto, Hideo Ben, Masako Joy, Hatsumi Barbara, and Teruko H. This photograph was taken by Paul Shintaka outside the camp. They went through a hole in a fence. The caption reads: Ujita Family. Title from caption. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album …
Card from Emi and William Oyama to Mitzi Naohara, February 14, 1944 (ddr-csujad-38-360)
doc Card from Emi and William Oyama to Mitzi Naohara, February 14, 1944 (ddr-csujad-38-360)
St. Valentine's Day card from Mitzi Masukawa Naohara's 324 nursery students, Emi and William Oyama. The caption describes the kids activities on the St. Valentine's Day at the nursery at the Poston camp, Arizona. An item from: Mitzi Naohara scrapbook (csudh_nao_0400), page 9. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: …
View of Poston mountain (ddr-csujad-35-15)
img View of Poston mountain (ddr-csujad-35-15)
A photograph of Poston Butte. The handwritten note on the back side reads: View of Poston mountain, Colo. River Relocation Center, Poston, Arizona, 1942-1945. Title from note. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: kuw_01_13_003
Poston I reunion IV,
doc Poston I reunion IV, "omoide no tabi-memories of a journey" to the Colorado River Relocation Center 55 years ago (ddr-csujad-35-20)
A booklet published for 55 year Poston I reunion held in Torrance, California, October 24-26, 1997. Current addresses in "Directory of attendees and participants," are redacted. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: kuw_01_18_001
Poston bird carving class (ddr-csujad-35-11)
img Poston bird carving class (ddr-csujad-35-11)
A group photograph of participants in a bird carving class in the Poston camp in Arizona. They are most likely Issei. A water tank is seen in the background. The handwritten note on the back side reads: April 1945, Poston bird carving class taken in front of barracks, Poston, Arizona. See this object in the California …
Desert daze, vol. 1, no. 2 (May 27, 1943) (ddr-csujad-35-3)
doc Desert daze, vol. 1, no. 2 (May 27, 1943) (ddr-csujad-35-3)
An issue of a newspaper, "Desert daze" published by Poston I Junior High School. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: kuw_01_03_001
Desert daze, vol. 3 (March 28-29, 1945) (ddr-csujad-35-10)
doc Desert daze, vol. 3 (March 28-29, 1945) (ddr-csujad-35-10)
An issue of a newspaper, "Desert daze" published by Poston I Junior High School. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: kuw_01_10_001
Commencement exercises Poston III Senior High School (ddr-csujad-38-355)
doc Commencement exercises Poston III Senior High School (ddr-csujad-38-355)
A program for the Poston III Senior High School commencement exercises held on June 26, 1943. The caption reads: Poston's first graduation. It includes a list of the graduates. An item from: Mitzi Naohara scrapbook (csudh_nao_0400), page 5. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_03_06_001
Tomosuke Masukawa (ddr-csujad-38-231)
img Tomosuke Masukawa (ddr-csujad-38-231)
Photographed is Tomosuke Masukawa, an incarceree of the Poston camp, Arizona. The caption reads: Pop, 1944. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 10. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_10_004
Teruko Barbara Ujita (ddr-csujad-38-292)
img Teruko Barbara Ujita (ddr-csujad-38-292)
Photographed is Teruko Barbara Ujita born in the Poston camp in Arizona. The caption reads: Poston, Arizona, Sept. 9, 1943, Teruko Barbara Ujita. Title from caption. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 17. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_17_001
Katashi Johnny Masukawa (ddr-csujad-38-186)
img Katashi Johnny Masukawa (ddr-csujad-38-186)
Photographed is Katashi Johnny Masukawa, an incarceree at the Poston camp in Arizona. The caption reads: John, 1944. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 4. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_04_005
Agnes Nishida (ddr-csujad-38-224)
img Agnes Nishida (ddr-csujad-38-224)
Photographed is Miharu Agnes Nishida, an incarceree at the Poston camp in Arizona. She is dressed in kimono. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 9. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_09_004
Card from M. Davis to Mitzi Naohara, March 31, 1945 (ddr-csujad-38-383)
doc Card from M. Davis to Mitzi Naohara, March 31, 1945 (ddr-csujad-38-383)
An Easter card from Miss M. Davis in Fremont, Ohio to Mitzi Masukawa Naohara incarcerated at the Poston camp in Arizona. An item from: Mitzi Naohara scrapbook (csudh_nao_0400), page 20. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_03_21_002