Poston (Colorado River)

Concentration Camp

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1963 items
Letter  from the Masudas to Mrs. Charles Gates (ddr-densho-211-7)
doc Letter from the Masudas to Mrs. Charles Gates (ddr-densho-211-7)
Letter on a single sheet of paper, folded into quarters, from the Masudas in Poston.
Drawing by artist Ruth Okimoto (ddr-densho-90-1)
doc Drawing by artist Ruth Okimoto (ddr-densho-90-1)
"Schooled in the U.S.A. '44-'45; Third Grade Class - Poston, Arizona III"
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 105, No. 8 (September 18, 1987) (ddr-pc-59-33)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 105, No. 8 (September 18, 1987) (ddr-pc-59-33)
Selected article titles: "'Crunch Time' Blitz for Redress" (pp. 1, 3), "Politics Anathema to Justice" (pp. 1, 5), "Asian Drivers Subject of Racist Phone Recording" (p. 2), and "Japanese in U.S. Were Blamed for Pearl Harbor" (p. 5).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 85, No. 13 (September 23, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-37)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 85, No. 13 (September 23, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-37)
Selected article titles: "JACL and CIC Testify for Evacuee Credit" (p.1), "JACL Looks at U.S.-Japan Friendship Act" (p.1), "EXECOM Actions Colored 'Gravenstein'" (p.1-2), "Ethnic Past's Preservation Is State's Aim" (p.2), "Reparations Survey Underway" (p.3), "YPCC Reunion-Every 50 Years" (p.4), "No 'Farewell to Manzanar'" (p.8).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 85, No. 23 (December 2, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-47)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 85, No. 23 (December 2, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-47)
Selected article titles: "Supreme Court Refuses Appeal from Young-Chin" (p.1), "Nisei Growers/Pickers in Wage Row" (p.1, 5), "Schools Built by Evacuees at Poston I and II to Be Razed" (p.1), "When Sachio Left Town, Even the Cows Were Blue" (p.3), "Anti-Minority Backlash" (p.4).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 77, No. 02, (July 13, 1973) (ddr-pc-45-27)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 77, No. 02, (July 13, 1973) (ddr-pc-45-27)
Select article titles: "Watergate Hearing: Inouye's Hopes Revealed" (p.1); "JACL Mail Poll Underway for $250,000 Bldg." (p.1); "Straightening out Japanese on Nikkei in U.S." (p.3); "Eight New Records Set in 21st S.F. JACL Olympics" (p.4); "WW2 Drawings of Life for Teenager in Poston Camp Basis of New Book" (p.5).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 81, No. 14 (October 3, 1975) (ddr-pc-47-39)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 81, No. 14 (October 3, 1975) (ddr-pc-47-39)
Selected article titles: "Nisei Farm Problems Aired" (p. 1), "Nikkei Back at Poston for Look" (pp. 1-2), "Manzanar Plaque Found Defaced" (p. 1), and "From the Frying Pan: John Dean on Redress" (p. 2).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 81, No. 11 (September 12, 1975) (ddr-pc-47-36)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 81, No. 11 (September 12, 1975) (ddr-pc-47-36)
Selected article titles: "EDC-MDC Airs 3 Issues: Vietnam Refugees, Budget, '74 Mandates" (p. 1), "EDC-MDC Workshops Stress 'Action'" (pp. 1-2), "Little Tokyo Redevelopment: Ground Broken for Higashi Hongwanji" (p. 1), and "Chiaroscuro: How Can We Not Get Involved in Community Affairs" (p. 2).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 81, No. 19 (November 7, 1975) (ddr-pc-47-44)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 81, No. 19 (November 7, 1975) (ddr-pc-47-44)
Selected article titles: "Inouye, Mineta Questioning Big Government Spending" (pp. 1, 3), "JACL Gets $75,000 Catholic Grant" (pp. 1-2), "E.O. 9066 Reparations Poll in Favor of Payment to Evacuees" (p. 1), "Poston Indians Welcome Pilgrimage" (p. 5), and "Dances in Camp" (p. 5).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 81, No. 9 (August 29, 1975) (ddr-pc-47-34)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 81, No. 9 (August 29, 1975) (ddr-pc-47-34)
Selected article titles: "JACL--National Travel Program: 11 Charter Flights to Japan Being Planned for 1976" (p. 1), "JACL Weak Points Viewed" (pp. 1, 4), "1975 Nisei Week Queen and Court" (p. 4), and "Poston: As It Looked in '69" (p. 5).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 88, No. 2027 (January 26, 1979) (ddr-pc-51-3)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 88, No. 2027 (January 26, 1979) (ddr-pc-51-3)
Selected article titles: "I. Magnin, Joseph Magnin Urging Kenzo Label Change" (p. 1), "Yankee Samurai: Secret Role of Nisei in America's Pacific Victory" (pp. 1, 9-12), "Japan's Pearl Harbor Spy Saw Evacuation as 'Cruel Joke'" (p. 2), and "Min Yasui Letters: From the Multnomah Jail" (p. 5).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 89, No. 2074 (December 21-28, 1979) (ddr-pc-51-50)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 89, No. 2074 (December 21-28, 1979) (ddr-pc-51-50)
Special holiday issue. Selected article titles: "School Teacher Recalls Minidoka" (p. 26), "In Defense of JACL's Founding Membership Principle: Citizenship" (pp. 47-48), "Nikkei Impressions of Nikkei America After a Long Absence" (pp. 49, 92), and "Growing up in Postwar Japan" (pp. 54, 94). The holiday issue included advertisements bought by JACL members and chapters that included …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 120, No. 12 (June 16-July 6, 1995) (ddr-pc-67-12)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 120, No. 12 (June 16-July 6, 1995) (ddr-pc-67-12)
Selected article titles: "Affirmative Action Programs Limited by Supreme Court" (pp. 1, 12), "JACL Opposes Cuts in Number of Legal Immigrants Allowed" (pp. 1, 5, 12), "Central California Highway to Honor 100/442nd, MIS" (p. 4), "Sgt. John Matsumoto Quiet Saga of WWII Nisei Aerial Gunner" (p. 5), and "Tracing the Jewish-Nisei Connection: Inouye, Vets Reunited with …
Yutaka Fred Masukawa (ddr-csujad-38-188)
img Yutaka Fred Masukawa (ddr-csujad-38-188)
Photographed is Yutaka Fred Masukawa, an incarceree at the Poston camp in Arizona. He was a music staff member at the Poston III. The caption reads: Fred. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 4. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_04_007
Kazuki Masukawa (ddr-csujad-38-245)
img Kazuki Masukawa (ddr-csujad-38-245)
Photographed is a baby, Kazuki Masukawa, born in the Poston incarceration camp in Arizona. The caption reads: Kauki Masukawa. Title from caption. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 12. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_12_003
Setsuko Sugaya 338 (ddr-csujad-38-195)
img Setsuko Sugaya 338 (ddr-csujad-38-195)
Photographed is Setsuko Sugaya, an incarceree at the Poston camp in Arizona. The caption reads: Setsuko Sugaya 338. Title from caption. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 5. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_05_005
William Tateishi (ddr-csujad-38-187)
img William Tateishi (ddr-csujad-38-187)
Photographed is William Tateishi, an incarceree at the Poston camp in Arizona. The caption reads: Willie Tateishi. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 4. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_04_006