Hostel, Japanese language school

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ddr-densho-31-1 (Legacy UID: denshopd-p31-00001)

Tsuji Collection

These children are on the front steps of the Japanese language school. The school housed many Japanese Americans immediately after the incarceration. Front row (left to right): Nancy Tada and Susumu Ohashi holding Kiyomi Ohashi. Second row: Ronnie Tada, Takashi Aoki, Yoshiko Tokita, Yasuo Tokita, and Yuzo Tokita. Third row: Janet Tada, Setsuko Kojima, Peggy Ohashi, Louise Takahara, and Bobby Tada. Fourth row: Aiko Kobayashi, Toy Tada, Reiko Kobayashi, and Arthur Takahara. Fifth row: Franklin Hiyodo and Shuzo Takeuchi.


Still Image


Courtesy of the Tsuji Family Collection

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