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Soldiers eating at the Rainbow Club (ddr-densho-22-191)
img Soldiers eating at the Rainbow Club (ddr-densho-22-191)
Caption on front: "Flash Foto - Souvenir from Rainbow Club / Dine and Dance / 125 D St / Marysville, Calif."
552nd Field Artillery Battalion Charlie Btry sign (ddr-densho-22-76)
img 552nd Field Artillery Battalion Charlie Btry sign (ddr-densho-22-76)
Caption in album: "Yes as we were here in Donauworth patrolling and cleaning up we were cleaning up what war had made. Not too unexpected had come the news that V-J Victory-Japan had come shortly after the hard fought V-E Victory-Europe day had come. We felt an excitement quite unexplainable but we worked as usuable [sic] …
Guards on outpost (ddr-densho-22-73)
img Guards on outpost (ddr-densho-22-73)
Caption in album: "Here is T/5 Jim Umamoto on outpost."
American Red Cross worker (ddr-densho-22-54)
img American Red Cross worker (ddr-densho-22-54)
Caption in album: "American Red Cross Clubmobile girl."
Group of soldiers on a truck (ddr-densho-22-253)
img Group of soldiers on a truck (ddr-densho-22-253)
Caption on reverse: "My buddies and I on / the future family car. / Satoru."
522nd Field Artillery Battalion soldiers at Berghof (ddr-densho-22-450)
img 522nd Field Artillery Battalion soldiers at Berghof (ddr-densho-22-450)
Berghof was Adolf Hitler's retreat above Berchtesgaden in the Bavarian Alps.
Letter of thanks for military service (ddr-densho-22-393)
doc Letter of thanks for military service (ddr-densho-22-393)
A letter of thanks from Harry Truman to soldiers who fought during World War II. Given to Herbert K. Yanamura.
522nd Field Artillery Battalion soldiers departing (ddr-densho-22-65)
img 522nd Field Artillery Battalion soldiers departing (ddr-densho-22-65)
Caption in album: "522nd FA Bn. Donauworth / As all good things must, end came by the point system the old timers made a departure for a well deserved home and a discharge. The new reinforcements and all the law pointers were."
Clarence Matsumura in Germany (ddr-densho-22-95)
img Clarence Matsumura in Germany (ddr-densho-22-95)
Caption on reverse: "Pfc. Clarence Matsumura / Just relaxing in the snow / Aschelding, Germany / May 1, 1945 / Photo by: Nobuo Takamori."