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10000 items
View of a farm growing beans (ddr-fom-1-891)
img View of a farm growing beans (ddr-fom-1-891)
WRA caption on reverse: "A view of a farm a few miles south of the Minidoka War Relocation Authority center. Beans are growing in the foreground."
View of a farm growing beans (ddr-fom-1-892)
img View of a farm growing beans (ddr-fom-1-892)
WRA caption on reverse: "A view of a farm a few miles south of the Minidoka War Relocation Authority center. Beans are growing in the foreground."
Man standing next to the Minidoka trash incinerator (ddr-fom-1-859)
img Man standing next to the Minidoka trash incinerator (ddr-fom-1-859)
WRA caption on reverse: "Trash incenerator [sic] for entire camp. (Dillon Myer wanted a picture of this)."
Camp art (ddr-fom-1-456)
img Camp art (ddr-fom-1-456)
The last name of the artist is Haraguchi.