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Painting of the Manzanar High School 1944 graduation (ddr-manz-2-11)
img Painting of the Manzanar High School 1944 graduation (ddr-manz-2-11)
Caption: "Manzanar High School commencement of 1944. Our democratic country has people representing all nation[s] - Mr. Ralph P. Merritt."
Painting of the rubber extraction process (ddr-manz-2-13)
img Painting of the rubber extraction process (ddr-manz-2-13)
Caption: "A huge blender speedily stirring gallons of water mixed with chopped guayule, forces rubber out of the wood. This is a mechanical method which has been proved most efficient in extracting rubber from guayule shrubs."
Painting of a Manzanar High School gym class (ddr-manz-2-47)
img Painting of a Manzanar High School gym class (ddr-manz-2-47)
Caption: "Did you ever see such individual dress attire? This is a high school gym class I ran into on the dusty field next to block 7. Facing each other in a circle, they would clap their hands, say something, laugh. Off in the corner another class came dashing by."
Painting of the shower room at Santa Fe Internment Camps (ddr-manz-2-31)
img Painting of the shower room at Santa Fe Internment Camps (ddr-manz-2-31)
Caption on reverse: "We made bath tubs in the shower room out of wooden fish boxes."
Painting of internees arriving at Manzanar (ddr-manz-2-41)
img Painting of internees arriving at Manzanar (ddr-manz-2-41)
Caption: "Home sweet home for men coming home to Manzanar from beet furlough."
Painting of a mess hall scene (ddr-manz-2-19)
img Painting of a mess hall scene (ddr-manz-2-19)
Caption on reverse: "Chow time at the mess hall. Santa Fe."
Painting of internees on the train leaving Santa Fe Internment Camp (ddr-manz-2-39)
img Painting of internees on the train leaving Santa Fe Internment Camp (ddr-manz-2-39)
Caption: "We stopped briefly at a small town - Needles, they said. To our pleasant surprise, Japanese workers brought us boxes of food."
Painting of spring in Manzanar (ddr-manz-2-16)
img Painting of spring in Manzanar (ddr-manz-2-16)
Caption: "Saturday afternoon spring scene looking south from Block 8; quiet inside, sand pillars outside Manzanar."
Painting of Manzanar (ddr-manz-2-72)
img Painting of Manzanar (ddr-manz-2-72)
Caption on reverse: "After the Rain - an abandoned baby cart."
Painting of internees waiting to transfer to buses (ddr-manz-2-40)
img Painting of internees waiting to transfer to buses (ddr-manz-2-40)
Caption: "Mojave, Calif. We waited for our bus here for seven long hours in a desert windstorm - after we disembarked from the trin."
Painting of a guard during night inspection (ddr-manz-2-4)
img Painting of a guard during night inspection (ddr-manz-2-4)
Caption: "His bald pate shined as bright as a full moon. At first they inspected the barracks three times a night, waking us. Later, they stopped this."
Painting of a classroom scene (ddr-manz-2-49)
img Painting of a classroom scene (ddr-manz-2-49)
Caption: "'Gee, that angleworm's my name' said Haruo, slouched over the classroom steps as Mr. Lamphere showed his shorthand pupils how to write their name in the Gregg manner."
Sketch of mochitsuki (ddr-manz-2-58)
img Sketch of mochitsuki (ddr-manz-2-58)
Caption on reverse: "New Year's 'mochi' on Block 35. We especially appreciated this custom in camp during wartime."
Painting of an administration scene at Manzanar (ddr-manz-2-43)
img Painting of an administration scene at Manzanar (ddr-manz-2-43)
Caption: "I visited Dr. Carter today because school has opened and I am to make drawings of class scenes. It seemed a hundred people were rushing in and out of her office. All over her desk; the telephone rang all the time."
Painting of Manzanar High School (ddr-manz-2-51)
img Painting of Manzanar High School (ddr-manz-2-51)
Caption: "Manzanar High School. Studies took on great importance in these barrack classrooms. This was a day before the week-end holiday."
Painting of Manzanar on New Year's Day (ddr-manz-2-63)
img Painting of Manzanar on New Year's Day (ddr-manz-2-63)
Caption on reverse: "At leisure on New Year's afternoon on Block 35."
Internees playing cards in Barracks 5, Santa Fe Internment Camp (ddr-manz-2-74)
img Internees playing cards in Barracks 5, Santa Fe Internment Camp (ddr-manz-2-74)
Caption: "Mr. Okaski, Mr. Suglyama, Mr. Tsuyuki, Mr. Hagio, Mr. Yamamoto, Mr. Tanaka, Mr. Hatori, Mr. Yamada, Mr. Musashi, Mr. Takamura." Caption on reverse: "Our roommates in Barracks No 5. Santa Fe Interment [sic]."
Painting of a scene at Manzanar Grammar School (ddr-manz-2-46)
img Painting of a scene at Manzanar Grammar School (ddr-manz-2-46)
Caption: "'Teacher, I know - ' At the other end of the same barrack. First graders of Miss Joh sit awkwardly about the mess table. A question has just been asked. Little Hiroshi, on the end slowly lifts his hand 'Teacher, I know.'"
Painting of the nursery school at Manzanar (ddr-manz-2-44)
img Painting of the nursery school at Manzanar (ddr-manz-2-44)
Caption: "It's nap time, but there's more noise than rest. The youngsters wriggle around, won't lie still. The teachers look exhausted. The scam in the foreground turns around. 'Hiya popa, watcha doin'?' Rest time in the nursery class."
Painting of students going to class (ddr-manz-2-53)
img Painting of students going to class (ddr-manz-2-53)
Caption: "Students hurry to the classes as the belling's on this foggy morning."
Sketch of mochitsuki (ddr-manz-2-56)
img Sketch of mochitsuki (ddr-manz-2-56)
Caption: "Making rice cakes. New Year custom."
Illustrations of Guayule strains (ddr-manz-2-7)
img Illustrations of Guayule strains (ddr-manz-2-7)
Caption: "Some characteristics of guayule strains."