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8107 items
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 1 (January 1, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-1)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 1 (January 1, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-1)
Selected article titles: "5-F Issei naturalization case won" (p. 1), "Arizona Republic bares hate campaign in state, once failed in California as 'America Plus'" (p. 1), "Disclose 2,400 Japanese immigrants admitted to U.S. during 1953 fiscal year" (p. 1), "Christmas tragedy in Seattle, two Nisei shot to death by angered cannery worker" (p. 3).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 10 (February 12, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-7)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 10 (February 12, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-7)
Selected article titles: "Social Security proposals to aid domestic workers endorsed by CL" (p. 1), "800 war brides pass through Seattle in one year as non-quota immigrants" (p.2).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 10 (September 3, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-36)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 10 (September 3, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-36)
Selected article titles: "New Horizon convention to attract 1,500. May be last of extravagant Nat'l confabs" (p. 1), "Masaoka, Ennis open testimony at claims law hearings in S.F." (p. 1), "What makes JACL tick" (p. 1), "President signs law preventing deportation of Peruvian Japanese" (p. 3), "Where Does JACL Go from Here?" (p. 7).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 8 (February 19, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-8)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 8 (February 19, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-8)
Selected article titles: "President Signs Bill Extending Time for Vested Claims Filing" (p. 1), "JACL ready to present testimony in support of FEPC legislation again" (p. 1), "JACL-ADC in process of dissolution; final report to be released soon" (p. 1), "Nisei sentenced to 50 days for robbing $4" (p. 1), "Four Japanese take naturalization oaths in …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 4 (January 22, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-4)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 4 (January 22, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-4)
Selected article titles: "Senate committee joins Hawaii Alaska statehood bills together" (p. 1), "Runaway bus careens down main street for three miles, Nisei driver at wheel" (p. 1), "First Nisei appointed to work in congressional capacity, Indiana-born woman secretary to Rep. O'Hara of Illinois" (p. 3), "Citizenship for U.S. Indians" (p. 8).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 22 (November 26, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-48)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 22 (November 26, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-48)
Selected article titles: "Blame Japanese evacuation on FDR, Congress, Supreme Court" (p. 1), "Masaoka to visit Japan, to investigate operations of refugee relief act, immigration and strandee citizenship" (p. 1), "One Japanese group that missed wartime evacuation revealed" (p. 1).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 24 (December 10, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-50)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 24 (December 10, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-50)
Selected article titles: "Alien registration time in January nearing, Nat'l JACL advises chapters" (p. 1), "Anti-American feelings in Japan viewed slight" (p. 1), "Robbery suspects identified by Nisei victim as Denver teenagers" (p. 3).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 2 (January 8, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-2)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 2 (January 8, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-2)
Selected article titles: "Hawaii statehood leads CL 10-pt. program" (p. 1), "Refugee Relief Act forms available soon, citizens wanting to bring Japanese must fill" (p. 1), "Pioneer rice grower of Texas revisists Japan, hopes we don't stumble in future dealings" (p. 2), "Masaoka recalls days when only 5 Nisei were in U.S. civil service before war" …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 2 (July 9, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-28)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 2 (July 9, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-28)
Selected article titles: "Action unlikely in present Congress on Hillings amendment" (p. 1), "President signs evacuation claims administration appropriations bill" (p. 1), "Masaoka testifies for Younger bill to remove present discrimination against air transportation of flowers" (p. 2).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 5 (January 29, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-5)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 5 (January 29, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-5)
Selected article titles: "Ask compromise for bigger evacuee claims" (p. 1), "Three-fold election to settle remaining 3,000 evacuation claims offered in Hillings amendment proposal at CL request" (p. 1), "Eisenhower 1955 fiscal budget cuts funds for projects of chief interest to Issei-Nisei" (p. 1).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 22 (May 28, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-22)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 22 (May 28, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-22)
Selected article titles: "JACL to participate in national memorial day rites at Arlington" (p. 1), "'Sake' regarded as beer for tax purpose, and for good reason" (p. 1), "Sue private housing developer aided by FHA, charge buyer refused solely because of race" (p. 1), "80,000 Commies in Japan" (p. 3).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 26 (December 24, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-52)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 26 (December 24, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-52)
Selected article titles: "House Subcommittee hearings on evacuation claims recorded in book form for the first time" (p. 1), "Dr. Harvey Itano of National Cancer Institute accepts JACL 'distinguished achievement' award at D.C. fete" (p. 1), "Decentralization of Immigration and Nationality Service not to affect citizenship petitions from alien Japanese" (p. 3).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 15 (April 9, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-15)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 15 (April 9, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-15)
Selected article titles: "White House asks payment of larger claims" (p. 1), "Nisei loyalty in statehood debate lauded by Farrington" (p. 1), "Potential disloyalty among Orientals in Hawaii charged by Adm. Zacharias if statehood granted; Masaoka in firm reply" (p. 1), "Alien fined for failure to report address in January; Issei cautioned" (p. 5), "Assimilation of …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 24 (June 11, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-24)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 24 (June 11, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-24)
Selected article titles: "Charge California officials slow to aid refugee" (p. 1), "Two Seattle Nisei buyers refused homes" (p. 1), "Alien Japanese population in Hawaii dwindling -- by death or naturalization" (p. 3).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 1 (July 2, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-27)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 1 (July 2, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-27)
Selected article titles: "Bill restoring V.A. benefits at White House" (p. 1), "Exchange Club votes to turn in charter rather than oust member" (p. 1), "80 Japanese language schools in Hawaii, classes revived since 1947 with stress placed on character-training" (p. 3), "Chinese family pressured out of tract home" (p. 4), "City council waives race restrictions …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 15 (October 8, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-41)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 15 (October 8, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-41)
Selected article titles: "56 of 64 Nisei candidates survive Hawaiian primaries" (p. 1), "National Exchange Club convention upholds 'whites' only constitution" (p. 1), "20 Nisei serve on Denver commission on human relations, group commended" (p. 3).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 6 (February 5, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-6)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 6 (February 5, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-6)
Selected article titles: "Judicially-determined evacuation claim not compensable, Justice Dept. rules" (p. 1), "Proposed social security legislation on overseas payments studied by JACL" (p. 1), "Adverse claims ruling hits merchant who sold store at loss because of rumors" (p. 1).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 6 (August 6, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-32)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 6 (August 6, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-32)
Selected article titles: "Public hearings on west coast for Hillings amendment on evacuation claims planned" (p. 1), "Another Exchange club challenges national 'whites only' policy" (p. 1), "Looking at the Negro press" (p. 2), "Here's complete text of letter rapping discrimination in Exchange Club; Visalia group suspended as a result" (p. 7).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 7 (August 13, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-33)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 7 (August 13, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-33)
Selected article titles: "West Coast claims hearings start Aug. 30. Two days for San Francisco, three in Los Angeles scheduled" (p. 1), "Peru-Japanese refugee status near approval" (p. 2), "A day at Seabrook farms" (p. 2).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 25 (December 17, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-51)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 25 (December 17, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-51)
Selected article titles: "Best Story in 50 Years: The Issei Votes" (p. 1), "It Took Guts for the Issei to Stay in this Country" (p. 4), "More Logical FDR Had Selective Evacuation in Mind Signing Order" (p. 6), "Can't Find 100% Anti-American in Japan" (p. 12), "Speculating on JACL's Chances in the 84th" (p. 30), "Getting …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 23 (December 3, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-49)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 23 (December 3, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-49)
Selected article titles: "Form U.S. committee to reunite alien kinfolk from Japan" (p. 1), "Nisei servicemen entitled to evacuation claims in new rule" (p. 1), Shopkeeper slugged by bandit youths, grabs husband's rifle as pair flee" (p. 3).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 5 (July 30, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-31)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 5 (July 30, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-31)
Selected article titles: "California Exchange clubs lead fight against racial discrimination" (p. 1), "'Black Caucasians' allowed" (p. 1), "Eisenhower signs Wakins Bill restoring U.S. citizenship to stranded Nisei in Japan" (p. 1), "House committee favors elimination of discrimination against air shipments of flowers and decorative greens" (p. 3).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 4 (July 23, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-30)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 4 (July 23, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-30)
Selected article titles: "Orange County girl acclaimed as Miss National JACL of 1954" (p. 1), "'Horizontal Hank' Gosho sworn as first Nisei in foreign service" (p. 1), "Urge return of Japanese, German vested property on equal basis" (p. 1).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 8 (August 20, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-34)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 39 No. 8 (August 20, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-34)
Selected article titles: "13 candidates for Nisei of Biennium named" (p. 1), "Peruvian-Japanese status change to refugee approved by Senate" (p. 1), "Two new precedent adjudications on evacuation claims told; losses above original claim allowed due to records" (p. 1).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 21 (May 21, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-21)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 21 (May 21, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-21)
Selected article titles: "School segregation outlawed, decision hailed by CL officials" (p. 1), "House veteran affairs committee OKs restoration of VA aid to Japanese" (p. 1), "Filipino-Japanese relations" (p. 2).