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8107 items
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 25 (December 23, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-52)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 25 (December 23, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-52)
Selected article titles: "Army Revokes West Coast Exclusion Order" (p. 1), "Proclamation Restores Right Of Evacuee Group to Return To Homes After January 2" (p. 1), "Supreme Court Rules Loyal Citizens Cannot Be Detained" (p. 1), "Hood River Legion Post May Replace Some Nisei Names" (p. 3), "Expanded Relocation Effort By WRA in East Seen by …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 13 (April 22, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-17)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 13 (April 22, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-17)
Selected article titles: "Ban on Return of Evacuees May Be for Reasons Other Than Military, Declares 'Fortune'" (p. 1), "Nine Soldiers Sentenced at Courts-Martial. 28 on Trial for Refusal to Accept Military Training" (p. 2), "Sentinel Calls On Center to Save Youths" (p. 2), "Draft Delinquents Placed in Jail in Four Wyoming Cities" (p. 2), "Five …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 15 (May 6, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-19)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 15 (May 6, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-19)
Selected article titles: "Nisei Draftees Will Train in Small Units" (p. 1), "Police Arrest Three Persons in Racket Exploiting Sentiment Against Japanese Americans. Circulated Petitions For Deportation of Japanese in U.S." (p. 1), "Two Minidokans Face Charge of Draft Evasion" (p. 1).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 3 (January 22, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-4)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 3 (January 22, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-4)
Selected article titles: "War Department Reopens Drafting of Nisei" (p. 1), "Reinstitute Selective Service Procedures on Same Basis As Other American Citizens" (p. 1), "Gen. DeWitt Defends Policy On Evacuation" (p. 1), "Tule Lake Evacuees Repudiate Strike Leadership; Segregees Vote to Return to Work" (p. 2), "Administration of Tule Lake Camp Not Job for Military, Gen. …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 5 (February 5, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-6)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 5 (February 5, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-6)
Selected article titles: "Fifty-Nine Members of Nisei Unit Awarded Purple Heart For Wounds in Italy Campaign" (p. 1), "Japanese Canadians Refuse To Accept Japan Foodstuffs In Protest Against Fascism" (p. 1), "Gen. Emmons Warns Against Retaliation" (p. 1), "Railroad Offers Settlement To Evacuees in Accident Suit" (p. 1), "Hawaii's Japanese Americans Major Factor in Rebuilding Territory's …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 22 (December 2, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-49)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 22 (December 2, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-49)
Selected article titles: "War Relocation Agency Says Evacuees Now Relocated in Forty-Seven States of Union" (p. 1), "Wartime, Post-War Problems of Japanese American Group Discussed at JACL Confab" (p. 2), "Organize New Anti-Evacuee Group at Bainbridge Island" (p. 2), "Non-Citizen Japanese May Volunteer For U.S. Army" (p. 3), "Suggestions to Deport Issei 'Monstrous,' Says Burroughs" (p. …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 8 (September 2, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-36)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 8 (September 2, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-36)
Selected article titles: "The Battle of Belvedere" (p. 1), "California Lieut. Governor Charges 'New Deal' Seeks to Return Evacuees to Coast Area" (p. 3), "Nazis, Japanese Use Identical Tactics, Says Nisei Officer" (p. 6), "Relocation Hinges on Return To Coast, Says Dr. Emerson" (p. 7), "Coast Quakers Pledge Aid to Evacuee Group" (p. 8).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 6 (February 12, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-7)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 6 (February 12, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-7)
Selected article titles: "Colorado Senate Kills Anti-Alien Land Bill" (p. 1), "1566 Evacuees Get Leaves at WRA Camp" (p. 1), "Legal Action Considered as Ogden Continues Campaign To Oust Evacuee Businesses" (p. 2), "Shooting of Evacuee Recalled At Central Utah WRA Center" (p. 2), "67 Prominent Americans Sponsor JACL" (p. 3), "First Case Filed in Supreme …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 7 (February 19, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-8)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 7 (February 19, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-8)
Selected article titles: "Nisei Battalion Cited for Cassino Action" (p. 1), "President Orders Transfer of WRA to Ickes' Control" (p. 1), "Only 11 Nisei Came Back from Dangerous Mission" (p. 1), "Canadian Evacuees to Test Forced Sales of Properties" (p. 1), "Three Segregees Sentenced For Liquor Violation" (p. 1), "Two Nisei Withdraw Case To Test Legality …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 23 (July 1, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-27)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 23 (July 1, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-27)
Selected article titles: "63 Heart Mountain Evacuees Found Guilty of Violating Draft Act; Face 3-Year Terms" (p. 1), "One Thousand Drafted from WRA Centers. More Than 3000 Called Up for Service From Relocation Camps" (p. 1), "Repatriation Appeals of Tule Lake Group Disclosed by Spain" (p. 1), "Young Evacuee Commits Suicide at Jerome Camp" (p. 1), …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 11 (September 16, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-38)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 11 (September 16, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-38)
Selected article titles: "Army Ordnance Depots to Employ Evacuees. Japanese American Civilian Workers Get Opportunity To Help Produce Munitions" (p. 1), "30 Thousand Evacuees Leave WRA Centers" (p. 2), "Heart Mountain Center Produces Millionth Egg" (p. 2), "Federal Jury Convicts Hunt Draft Evader" (p. 2), "Two Spectators Hurt in Tule Baseball Fight" (p. 6), "Six to …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 12 (September 23, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-39)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 12 (September 23, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-39)
Selected article titles: "442nd Combat Team Played Vital Role in Breaching of German 'Little Cassino' Line" (p. 1), "Los Angeles Catholics Ask Lifting of Ban on Evacuees" (p. 1), "Army Permits Return of First Few Nisei Evacuees to Coast To Test Community Sentiment" (p. 2), "Seek Foster Homes for Japanese American Babies" (p. 2), "Japanese Americans …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 24 (December 16, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-51)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 24 (December 16, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-51)
Selected article titles: "National AFL Convention Hits Discriminatory Treatment Of Japanese American Group" (p. 1), "Individual Exclusion Program Will Accompany Removal of Mass Restrictions, Says Army" (p. 1), "CIO Leader Hits AFL Union's Attitude on Nisei Americans" (p. 3), "Secretary Stimson Condemns Hood River Legion's Stand On Nisei GIs as Undemocratic" (p. 3), "Nisei Battalion Sets …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 16 (October 21, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-43)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 16 (October 21, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-43)
Selected article titles: "Disclose Japanese Americans in France. Combat Unit Now Fighting as Part of Gen. Patch's Seventh Army on South France Front" (p. 1), "110-Pound Private Carries Wounded Buddy to Safety" (p. 1), "Japanese American Engineers Helped Keep Fifth Army Moving In Italy's Forested Mountains" (p. 2).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 14 (April 8, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-15)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 14 (April 8, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-15)
Selected article titles: "Justice Department Refused To Prosecute Number of Nisei For Violations, Says Biddle" (p. 1), "41 Arrested For Resisting Draft at Camp" (p. 1), "Majority of Eligible Nisei Voters on Mainland Expected To Use Absentee Ballots" (p. 2), "Relocation Nisei Eligible for Farm Loans" (p. 3).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 2 (July 15, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-29)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 2 (July 15, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-29)
Selected article titles: "Hunt Leads WRA Centers in Relocation" (p. 1), "Report Shows No Sabotage by Canada Nisei" (p. 1), "Famed Merrill's Marauders Back Rights of U.S. Nisei" (p. 3), "2,100 Graduates High Schools in Relocation Camps" (p. 3), "Draft Evaders Sent to Prison in Washington. Special Rail Prison Car Takes Evacuees To McNeil Island" (p. …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 19 (June 3, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-23)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 18 No. 19 (June 3, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-23)
Selected article titles: "Myer Urges Return of Evacuees to Coast. WRA Director Reveals 500 Permitted by Army to Reenter Evacuated Pacific Coast Area" (p. 1), "23 Nisei Soldiers Qualify For Army's Paratroop Unit" (p. 2), "War Veteran Assaulted at Tule Lake Camp" (p. 2), "Tule Lake Holds Funeral for Evacuee Killed by Sentry" (p. 2), "WRA …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 11 (September 15, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-37)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 11 (September 15, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-37)
Selected article titles: "Nisei Battalion Took Place In Final Battles in Germany" (p. 1), "Tule Lake Administration Not Changed by Action of Army. Military Police Now Acting as Agents of Justice Department" (p. 2), "Military Police Detachments Withdrawn from Centers" (p. 2), "VFW Post in Spokane Rejects Sgt. Koyama, Wounded Veteran of Pacific War Against Japan" …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 25 (December 22, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-51)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 25 (December 22, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-51)
Selected article titles: "WRA Will Assist Returned Evacuees to Find Permanent Location on Pacific Coast" (p. 3), "California Attorney General Says Sheriff Attempted to Prevent Evacuee Employment" (p. 3), "Rehearings May Be Held for Tule Lake Group" (p. 3), "The Future of the Nisei is His Own by Dillon S. Myer" (p. 9), "Nisei Assisted in …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 4 (July 28, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-30)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 4 (July 28, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-30)
Selected article titles: "War Veterans in Stockton Take Steps to Restore Cemetery Desecrated by Angry Citizens" (p. 1), "Japanese Canadians File Cases to Test Validity of Dominion's Evacuee Segregation Program" (p. 2), "WRA Official Counters Charge of 'Conspiracy' by Legislator" (p. 2), "425 Evacuees Leave Rohwer Center on Special Train for Former Homes in California" (p. …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 20 No. 5 (February 3, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-5)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 20 No. 5 (February 3, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-5)
Selected article titles: "Placer County Citizens Will Organize to Aid Evacuees" (p. 1), "Publication of Anti-Evacuee Acts Endorsed" (p. 2), "Seattle CIO Council Extends Welcome to Nisei Evacuees; Resolution Raps Race-Baiters" (p. 3), "U of Washington Paper Asks For Fair Play" (p. 3), "Deplore Attempts to Create Friction Between Nisei, Negroes" (P. 3), "171 Tule Segrees …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 5 (August 4, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-31)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 5 (August 4, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-31)
Selected article titles: "2nd Battalion of 442nd Wins Unit Citation" (p. 1), "Federal Indictment Asked Against Anti-Nisei Terrorists" (p. 1), "Navy Permits Nisei, Issei to Fish in Hawaii" (p. 1), "Nisei Released as Brooklyn Sabotage Scare Proves Dud" (p. 1), "CIO Union Committee Asks Explusion of Two Leaders of Racist Activity in Stockton Unit" (p. 2), …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 20 No. 1 (January 6, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-1)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 20 No. 1 (January 6, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-1)
Selected article titles: "Front-Line Gis Condemn Hood River Legion" (p. 1), "Interior Secretary Ickes Urges Japanese Americans to Leave Camps for Outside Relocation" (p. 1), "Expose Produce Men's Deal With Union to Exclude Nisei" (p. 1), "Gen. Patch Praises Combat Record of Famed 36th Division" (p. 3), "WRA Debunks Hearst Paper's Story on Evacuee Relocation" (p. …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 14 (October 6, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-40)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 14 (October 6, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-40)
Selected article titles: "100th Battalion Wins Second Unit Citation" (p. 1), "Deportation Plan Denounced by Canadian Paper" (p. 1), "JACL Protests Assignment of POWs to Coast Farms. Believes Use of Japanese Prisoners Complicates Normal Return of Evacuee Group" (p. 2), "Only 18,000 Left in Centers, Says Official of WRA" (p. 2), "Gila's Canal Camp, Two Poston …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 20 No. 19 (May 12, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-19)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 20 No. 19 (May 12, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-19)
Selected article titles: "Sgt. Ben Kuroki Participates In B-29 Raids Against Tokyo" (p. 1), "Truman Signs Bill to Aid Evacuee Group" (p. 1), "Seek to Repeal California Code Permitting Segregated Schools" (p. 1), "Neighbors Express Regret Over Vandalism Which Defaced Home Of Returned Nisei in Seattle" (p. 3), "New Statewide Anti-Evacuee Group Asks Confiscation of Property …