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8107 items
Tokuko Moriwake Nakano playing tennis (ddr-njpa-4-1251)
img Tokuko Moriwake Nakano playing tennis (ddr-njpa-4-1251)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Tokuko Nakano, Sept. 1936."
Asahi Shimbun writer speaking to another man (ddr-njpa-4-688)
img Asahi Shimbun writer speaking to another man (ddr-njpa-4-688)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "National delegate for Asahi Shimbun newspaper."
Shizue Natsukawa and Nobuo Iida on their wedding day (ddr-njpa-4-1386)
img Shizue Natsukawa and Nobuo Iida on their wedding day (ddr-njpa-4-1386)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Happy moment for Shizue Natsukawa. The wedding ceremony for popular screen actress Miss Shizue Natsukawa and composer Nobuo Iida was held at the Grand Shrine in Iidabashi on the 18th at 11 a.m. with a happy mood. The photo is the happy couple."
Koichi Kido (ddr-njpa-4-392)
img Koichi Kido (ddr-njpa-4-392)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Minister of Health and Welfare Koichi Kido dressed for appointment ceremony."
Kimitomo Mushakoji at an exhibition with his wife (ddr-njpa-4-1123)
img Kimitomo Mushakoji at an exhibition with his wife (ddr-njpa-4-1123)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei International News photo. Farmers' Hands Industrial Goods popular in Berlin. (Berlin). The exhibition of Farmers' Hands Industrial Goods held here recently is attracting the interest of Berlin's citizens with its peculiar exquisiteness and ideas. The picture shows our ambassador to Germany, Mushakoji, and his wife at the exhibition hall."
Japanese tennis players walking with another pair (ddr-njpa-4-1537)
img Japanese tennis players walking with another pair (ddr-njpa-4-1537)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "1, [?]'s team (right), Sato's team (left)."
Saneatsu Mushanokoji (ddr-njpa-4-1129)
img Saneatsu Mushanokoji (ddr-njpa-4-1129)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Saneatsu Mushanokoji, Asama Maru, Dec 12 1936."
Tsuruhei Matsuno reading a newspaper (ddr-njpa-4-884)
img Tsuruhei Matsuno reading a newspaper (ddr-njpa-4-884)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Seiyu party chief secretary Tsuruhei Matsuno."
Takiko Mizunoe and others buying International Exposition tickets (ddr-njpa-4-738)
img Takiko Mizunoe and others buying International Exposition tickets (ddr-njpa-4-738)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Buying a ticket for the International Expo."
Hiroshi Saito's daughter (ddr-njpa-4-2547)
img Hiroshi Saito's daughter (ddr-njpa-4-2547)
Caption on reverse: "QUEEN OF CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL WASHINGTON. --- Miss Sakiko Saito, daughter of the Japanese ambassador to the United States, who has been chosen Queen of the Cherry Blossom Festival here Potomac Park next month [sic]. c-3/18/37"
Yorinaga Matsudaira addressing the House of Peers (ddr-njpa-4-816)
img Yorinaga Matsudaira addressing the House of Peers (ddr-njpa-4-816)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "House of Peers chairman, Count Yorinaga Matsudaira."
Chikubei Nakajima (ddr-njpa-4-1292)
img Chikubei Nakajima (ddr-njpa-4-1292)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Chikubei Nakajima, Minister of Railways."
Kosho Otani in a military truck (ddr-njpa-4-1643)
img Kosho Otani in a military truck (ddr-njpa-4-1643)
Caption on reverse (incomplete) [translation]: "Honpa Hongwanji, Kosho Otani (26)."
Envelope of Seiichi James Fukuroda photographs (ddr-njpa-5-664)
doc Envelope of Seiichi James Fukuroda photographs (ddr-njpa-5-664)
Caption on front [translation]: "Owner of Goodwear Dress Shoppe. Returned to Hawaii Octobe 30, 1940."
Robert M. Fujimoto (ddr-njpa-5-747)
img Robert M. Fujimoto (ddr-njpa-5-747)
Caption on reverse: "American Security Bank."
Stanley N. Fukuda (ddr-njpa-5-605)
img Stanley N. Fukuda (ddr-njpa-5-605)
Caption on reverse: "Prudential Insurance Co."
George Masuzo Fujita (ddr-njpa-5-780)
img George Masuzo Fujita (ddr-njpa-5-780)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Chief of the KGMB Japanese department."
Article about Irving Ken Goto (ddr-njpa-5-1133)
doc Article about Irving Ken Goto (ddr-njpa-5-1133)
Article title: "Local AJA Accepted for Appointment to Annapolis"
Irving Ken Goto (ddr-njpa-5-1132)
img Irving Ken Goto (ddr-njpa-5-1132)
Caption on reverse: "Midn. 1/c Irving K. Goto."