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10000 items
Ansel Adams Collection (ddr-densho-93)
Collection Ansel Adams Collection (ddr-densho-93)
This collection is comprised of photographs from the Library of Congress's repository of photographs from the collection of photographer Ansel Adams. The photographs document life in the Manzanar concentration camp during 1943.
Children in Kyoto (ddr-one-2-429)
img Children in Kyoto (ddr-one-2-429)
Black and white photographic print of unidentified children gathering to view foreign military personnel who are standing with their backs to photographer looking at the crowd of children. Inscribed on the back: "Kyoto '47."
Lumber stacked (ddr-densho-299-13)
img Lumber stacked (ddr-densho-299-13)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-1953. 25 March 49 / NRS Project: / Lumber yard showing precut lengths / of pine, oak, sugi, and stacked uncut / lengths of bamboo and sugi. / Photographer - Orzio / Photograph by U.S. Army."
Holiday card (ddr-densho-359-1566)
img Holiday card (ddr-densho-359-1566)
A Christmas card from the Que Chins. Que Chin was a professional photographer in Seattle; his wife, Natsuko, was a nurse who joined the Bainbridge Island Nisei in Seattle on their train to Manzanar
Four portraits of Hatsuyo Ozeki (ddr-ajah-6-796)
img Four portraits of Hatsuyo Ozeki (ddr-ajah-6-796)
Caption below photo: Nisei Hatsuyo Ozeki poses for her father, professional photographer Mataichi Ozeki. From the Ozeki family albums. Hatsuyo was born in 1907, making this set of photos circa 1910-1911. Alameda, CA.
Gila News-Courier Vol. I No. 32 (December 24, 1942) (ddr-densho-141-32)
doc Gila News-Courier Vol. I No. 32 (December 24, 1942) (ddr-densho-141-32)
Selected article titles: "New Plan Gets Net Workers Increased" (p. 1), "Friendship, Sympathy Our Gift This" (p. 2), "Shortages Hit Photographer" (p. 3), "Internees Can Ask Rehearing" (p. 3), "Farm to Have Strawberries" (p. 4).
A field of rice shocks (ddr-densho-299-16)
img A field of rice shocks (ddr-densho-299-16)
Caption on reverse: "WPA-46-69185. 25 Nov 46 / Field of rice shocks: / This field of rice shocks around / Yoshida-mura, Yamakashi, Japan, is / a typical farm scene of Japan in / the fall. / Photographer - Wheeler."
Correspondence to Yuri Domoto from Margorie Sherman of Bradford Bachrach (ddr-densho-356-268)
doc Correspondence to Yuri Domoto from Margorie Sherman of Bradford Bachrach (ddr-densho-356-268)
Letter, flyer, and sample booklet from Marjorie Sherman and Bradford Bachrach photography advertising Bradford Bachrach photography to be the wedding photographer for Yuriko Domoto Tsukada wedding to Richard Tsukada. (The sample photographs were not scanned)
Tosh J. and Yo K. (ddr-densho-468-376)
img Tosh J. and Yo K. (ddr-densho-468-376)
Black and white photo of two men sitting on the deck of a ship looking over their shoulder at photographer. Caption on album page: "'Oh Yeah?' Tosh J. and Yo K." written in white pencil.
Portrait of wedding couple (ddr-ajah-6-186)
img Portrait of wedding couple (ddr-ajah-6-186)
Caption below photo: Goro Sato marries Kimiko Nakayama in Alameda, CA., on November 22, 1936. The background in this portrait matches others from an Alameda photo studio, but it is unknown who the photographer was.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 77, No. 24, (December 14, 1973) (ddr-pc-45-49)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 77, No. 24, (December 14, 1973) (ddr-pc-45-49)
Select article titles: "Back House Inquiry into Impeachment" (p.1); "EDC Raising $10,000 for Room for Public Info in New JACL Bldg." (p.1); "People Around the World Favorite for United Methodist Board Photographer" (p.3).
Japanese fruit store in Tokyo (ddr-densho-299-64)
img Japanese fruit store in Tokyo (ddr-densho-299-64)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-2012. 30 March 49 / NRS Construction Project: / Typical fruit shop in metropolitan / Tokyo area showing the sale of many / varieties of mikon (citrus) and / apples. / Photographer - Crowe / Photograph by U.S. Army."
A new public bath (ddr-densho-299-20)
img A new public bath (ddr-densho-299-20)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-1954. 25 March 49 / NRS Project: / Large public building constructed / entirely of wood except tile bathing / area - newly constructed public bath / in Tokyo metropolitan area. / Photographer - Crowe / Photograph by U.S. Army."
Frank Knox with naval leaders (ddr-njpa-1-773)
img Frank Knox with naval leaders (ddr-njpa-1-773)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Navy Secretary Knox in Pearl Harbor. (from right) Rear Admiral Bloch, local naval commander, Secretary of the Navy Knox, United States Fleet Commander Admiral Richardson. (photographed by Navy photographer Tai Shin Lu [?])"
Representative at a negotiation session (ddr-densho-179-150)
img Representative at a negotiation session (ddr-densho-179-150)
Captain Shige Murao, Navy, a Representative of Lieutenant General Toshiro Nomi, Japanese Commander of the Sakishima Group, making preliminary negotiations for the surrender of the Ryukyus Islands to the Commanding General of Tenth Army. Photographer: Lieutenant Strauch.
Wedding Procession (ddr-one-2-21)
img Wedding Procession (ddr-one-2-21)
Black and white photographic print of three women in traditional dress walking down the side of the road to a wedding, with older woman facing photographer, and building in background. Inscribed on back: "KAMA 3 MAR 49."
Japanese men and women working in front of a shack (ddr-densho-299-50)
img Japanese men and women working in front of a shack (ddr-densho-299-50)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-1947. 25 March 49 / NRS Project: / Home industry -- Typical home industry / carried on in front of wooden shack / in metropolitan Tokyo. Wooden chips / used as fuel. / Photographer - Orzio / Photograph by U.S. Army"
Japanese glassworker making a bowl (ddr-densho-299-65)
img Japanese glassworker making a bowl (ddr-densho-299-65)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-2855. 23 April 49 / Manufacturing of glassware in Japan: / With painstaking care a Japanese employee / at the Hoya Glass Factory, Tokyo, Japan, / fashions a glass bowl. / Photographer - Girard / Photograph by U.S. Army."
Tsukada brothers (ddr-densho-443-77)
img Tsukada brothers (ddr-densho-443-77)
Photograph of the three Tsukada brothers posing for a photographer. Richard "Rickie" Kenji Tsukada is holding Michael Tsukada with Kenneth Tsukada sitting next to them. Written along the bottom of the page is "1951" in white pencil.
Poston Chronicle Vol. XXIV No. 15 (October 2, 1945) (ddr-densho-145-673)
doc Poston Chronicle Vol. XXIV No. 15 (October 2, 1945) (ddr-densho-145-673)
Selected article titles: "Units II and III Close Before Scheduled Time" (p. 1), "Poston Ranks Third" (p. 1), "Photographer Records Closing" (p. 2), "Project Director Urges Residents to Plan" (p. 2), "Relocation Advice: Short Term Passes" (p. 3).
Historical Society of Long Beach Risinger Photograph Collection (ddr-csujad-54)
Collection Historical Society of Long Beach Risinger Photograph Collection (ddr-csujad-54)
The Risinger Photograph Collection consists of prints and negatives taken by Joseph Risinger (10/22/1913 - 03/24/2007). Risinger was a staff photographer for the Long Beach Independent and Press-Telegram papers from the 1940s through the 1970s.
Farming in bombed out areas (ddr-densho-299-12)
img Farming in bombed out areas (ddr-densho-299-12)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-1871. 18 March 49 / NRS Project: / Utilization of every available plot / of ground - use of the soil between / the foundations of bombed out areas / for growing foodstuffs. Tokyo. / Photographer - Dunn / Photograph by U.S. Army."
Crops growing in a flood plane (ddr-densho-299-24)
img Crops growing in a flood plane (ddr-densho-299-24)
Caption in reverse: "FEC-49-1868. 18 March 49 / NRS Project: / Use of land on flood plane of the / Tamagawa River, Tokyo for growing / wheat and vegetables. Quite common / now in urban districts. / Photographer - Dunn / Photograph by U.S. Army."
Farmers weeding potato fields (ddr-densho-299-10)
img Farmers weeding potato fields (ddr-densho-299-10)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-48-6063. 17 July 48 / Crop collection report: / In Japan, as is shown in this picture / taken in the Urawa area, Saitama / Prefecture, farmers weed their / potatoes by hand. / Photographer - Calmus / Photograph by U.S. Army Signal Corps."
Portrait of Hatsuyo Ozeki (ddr-ajah-6-825)
img Portrait of Hatsuyo Ozeki (ddr-ajah-6-825)
Caption below photo: Hatsuyo Ozeki, circa 1924-1925. She is the Nisei daughter of Mataichi and Akino Ozeki of Alameda, CA. Mataichi, a professional photographer, made this photo right after she came back from Japan where Hatsuyo received her education.