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9472 items
Visit to Maizuru (ddr-one-2-91)
img Visit to Maizuru (ddr-one-2-91)
Black and white photographic print of Kay Fujikado standing on a dock holding a fishing pole. Inscribed on back: "OCT 49/MAIZURU."
Visit to Miyajima Island (ddr-one-2-608)
img Visit to Miyajima Island (ddr-one-2-608)
Black and white photographic print of Harue Toyoji standing in background with four unidentified Kawaguchi children in foreground at ferry landing.
Visiting Nara (ddr-one-2-468)
img Visiting Nara (ddr-one-2-468)
Black and white photographic print of temple exterior in Nara.
Visit to Oshima-Gun (ddr-one-2-625)
img Visit to Oshima-Gun (ddr-one-2-625)
Black and white photographic print of Heidi Okihara standing with six unidentified adult relatives and an unidentified child held by standing man, with Heidi second from left in the back row.
Visit to Sacramento (ddr-one-2-712)
img Visit to Sacramento (ddr-one-2-712)
Black and white photographic print of Shiuko Sakai with Ferris wheels in background at the state fair in Sacramento. A woman in dark dress is walking to Shiuko’s left. Inscribed on the back:"4 SEPT 49/SACRAMENTO STATE FAIR."
Fishing at Miyazu Village (ddr-one-2-74)
img Fishing at Miyazu Village (ddr-one-2-74)
Black and white photographic print of unidentified men standing on a beach and pulling in fishing nets at Miyazu, near Maizuru, Japan. Inscribed on back: "29 MAY 49/MIYAZU (NEAR MAIZURU)."
Visit to Lake Chuzenji (ddr-one-2-501)
img Visit to Lake Chuzenji (ddr-one-2-501)
Black and white photographic print of view from Lake Chuzenji looking down on the valley, with building in view below.
Guesthouse in Maizuru (ddr-one-2-87)
img Guesthouse in Maizuru (ddr-one-2-87)
Black and white photographic print of a road with a guesthouse, where the Donor stayed while in Maizuru. Inscribed on back: "OCT 49/MAIZURU."
Visit to Karuizawa (ddr-one-2-175)
img Visit to Karuizawa (ddr-one-2-175)
Black and white photographic print of Aya Taketomi standing outside wearing a scarf with her back to the camera. Inscribed on back: "OCT 49/KARUIZAWA."
Visit to Lake Chuzenji (ddr-one-2-499)
img Visit to Lake Chuzenji (ddr-one-2-499)
Black and white photographic print of Lake Chuzenji with torii (gate) in right foreground and hill in background.
Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-658)
img Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-658)
Black and white photographic print of Shiuko Sakai’s paternal aunt, with light shirt and dark skirt, standing under tree.
Atami Hotel (ddr-one-2-418)
img Atami Hotel (ddr-one-2-418)
Black and white photographic print of (from left) Yo Tagiri, Tami Okamura, and May Ideta at the Atami Hotel. Atami is a resort for R&R south of Yokohama and was commandeered by US military during the occupation. Inscribed on the back: "4-12 47/MAY TAMI YO/ATAMI."
Visit to Matsushima Island (ddr-one-2-520)
img Visit to Matsushima Island (ddr-one-2-520)
Black and white photographic print of the island of Matsushima, with trees in foreground. Inscribed on the back: "3 Aug 47/Matsushima."
Visit to Okayama (ddr-one-2-670)
img Visit to Okayama (ddr-one-2-670)
Black and white photographic print of Kageyama family in Okayama: five unidentified adults and two children standing to pose for picture.
Hibiya Park (ddr-one-2-403)
img Hibiya Park (ddr-one-2-403)
Black and white photographic print of Tami Okamura in dark coat and headscarf standing under a tree at Hibiya Park in front of Imperial Palace Moat.
Visiting Hozu River (ddr-one-2-491)
img Visiting Hozu River (ddr-one-2-491)
Black and white photographic print of the Hozu River with a boat on the right of the image.
Outside the Imperial Palace Moat (ddr-one-2-336)
img Outside the Imperial Palace Moat (ddr-one-2-336)
Black and white photographic print of Yo Tajiri, wearing glasses, beneath a tree by moat at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.
Hotel Osaka (ddr-one-2-131)
img Hotel Osaka (ddr-one-2-131)
Black and white photographic print street and Hotel Osaka (far left), where Tami Okamura and Shiuko Sakai, the donor, were billeted in 1951. Tami and Shiuko were friends while living and working in Japan.
Temple Gardens in Kyoto (ddr-one-2-32)
img Temple Gardens in Kyoto (ddr-one-2-32)
Black and white photographic print of temple garden’s landscaped ponds in Kyoto with temple building’s eaves visible in upper right of image. Inscribed on back: "KYOTO/17 APRIL 49."
Visiting Todai-Ji Temple in Nara (ddr-one-2-448)
img Visiting Todai-Ji Temple in Nara (ddr-one-2-448)
Black and white photographic print of an unidentified man taking a photograph of an unidentified woman standing on steps at Todai-Ji temple in Nara.
ATIS Parade Outside NYK Building (ddr-one-2-393)
img ATIS Parade Outside NYK Building (ddr-one-2-393)
Black and white photographic print of unidentified persons in formation in distant background with the back of two heads of unidentified men visible in the foreground, during ATIS (army translation intelligence service) parade near NYK building in Tokyo.
Skiing (ddr-one-2-721)
img Skiing (ddr-one-2-721)
Black and white photographic print of Dick H. standing on skis in front of a house in Japan. Inscribed on the back: "My ski trip/DICK H."
Ajinomoto Building (ddr-one-2-356)
img Ajinomoto Building (ddr-one-2-356)
Black and white photographic print of Ajinomoto building with an unidentified man and bicycle in foreground and a military truck in the middle ground. Male military personnel were billeted here. The building was called “Continental Hotel” by occupation forces. Inscribed on the back: "AJINOMOTO BLDG/NOW CALLED/CONTINENTAL HOTEL/A BILLET FOR MEN."
Inside the NYK Building
img Inside the NYK Building "While the Boss is Away" (ddr-one-2-317)
Black and white photographic print of an unidentified woman wearing a striped shirt seated at a desk inside Tokyo's NYK Building.
Acadia Leaving Port of Seattle (ddr-one-2-280)
img Acadia Leaving Port of Seattle (ddr-one-2-280)
Black and white photographic print of voyage on ship Acadia from Seattle, Washington, to Japan, leaving Seattle harbor with ship in right foreground.